Labor psychology (also the psychology of labor and organization, psychology and handicrafts) deals with the study of the human behavior in aspects of life related to production, self-creation, distribution and use services. Psychology measures job satisfaction and evaluates the stress and impact of the organizational climate on the performance of companies and organizations.

Labor psychology has developed narrower areas of activity:
- Personnel psychology is interested in adapting the employee to the requirements of the job or work situation. These include career guidance, selection of candidates, induction, motivation.
- Interpersonal psychology views the employee as a member of a group. Her areas of study are communication, individual group influence, leadership.
- Engineering psychology of transactions with a person - a relationship machine. He tries to solve the problems of information, energy, biophysical connection between man, machine and the environment.

The role of needlework in psychology.
Needlework — this is a rather painstaking and monotonous work that contributes to the immersion in a trance state. In this state, our brain begins to work at different frequencies, which leads to calmness and peace. The trance state is recognized as a healing state of consciousness, in which a person gets about twice as much rest as during sleep. Relaxing, he plunges into his own unconscious world filled with resources, inspiration and colors. When a person is completely immersed in the process of creation, everything flows from the subconscious and is embodied in reality under the guidance of intuition.
In addition to specific areas of work, work and research work psychologists include, but are not limited to, job analysis, recruitment, management, psychometrics, training, development and assessment of personnel, work motivation, job satisfaction, dedication, health and safety at work, work-personal balance life.
Time, the human factor in decision-making, organizational culture and climate, leadership, ethics, human resources, workplace technology, teams, team performance and so on Further.
Areas of activity
The main areas of work in the field of psychology and work organization are industry, institutions, consulting companies, universities and research organizations. In industry, the work psychologist develops recruitment procedures, analyzes and evaluates work, and develops systems pay, develops incentive programs, teaches management leadership, evaluates training programs, and identifies worker characteristics process.
In the field of counseling, the psychologist uses the same knowledge as in the field of production, but acts only as a consultant for individuals and management. The work of a psychologist and educational organization consists of teaching, field research and counseling. In research organizations, the work of a psychologist consists of developing broader programs (for example, police selection) and researching more complex problems of modern society.
Psychologist Is a specialist in psychological counseling. Counseling is often confused with psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic help. Psychological counseling should be distinguished from medical, legal or psychiatric counseling, where a specialist also provides counseling, but of a different nature.
Counseling psychology proceeds from the idea that through a specially organized process the interaction of the person who asked for help and the consultant, additional psychological forces and capabilities. Professional in his field will help to find new ways and means of getting out of a difficult life situation.

History of Psychology.
Scientific interest in the role of man in work arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The pioneers of labor psychology were primarily concerned with candidate selection, promotions and sales, industrial accidents, and worker appraisal.
An important step in the application of psychological knowledge and methods in the field of work, tests developed by the American army during the First World War. These tests were used to classify and assign tasks to soldiers. Work psychology also developed during World War II, where it again helped to classify soldiers and volunteers. The composition of psychological tests took place - many of them were subsequently adapted for use in industry.