The hallway in any apartment is a very specific room: this is the place where we get directly from the street, and everything should be provided for placing clothes and shoes in it. Another feature is the modest square footage. How to choose furniture to make the hallway functional and comfortable?

A curbstone in the hallway is a universal storage that allows you to keep all the necessary items and things in order and away from prying eyes.
- Appointment
- Varieties
- Cabinet with seat
- Corner
- Narrow
- Modular
- Materials (edit)
- VIDEO: MDF curbstone in the hallway with a soft seat.
- 50 modern design options for hallway cabinets:
Often, designers call the face of an apartment not the living room or the kitchen, but the hallway. This can be explained simply: the first impression of the owners and their homes is formed here. Therefore, style, comfort and practicality play a very important role.

Curbstones are indispensable in order to make the most of even a small hallway.
What you need to consider when choosing a cabinet for the hallway?
- It should have enough space for storing shoes;
- It is desirable to have a seat to make shoes comfortable;
- Its dimensions should be proportional to the parameters of the hallway;
- Should match the style and complete the overall design concept;
- Be reliable and sustainable;
- Have additional drawers or shelves for small items.

They allow you to conveniently store clothes and shoes, and are also a noticeable addition to the interior.
Before heading to the store for the hallway table, be clear about the functions that it will perform. For example, the size depends on the number of people living in the apartment. It also matters how much extra space you need for little things. Perhaps in your hallway there is already a housekeeper or a shelf, then the curbstone will serve exclusively as a "keeper" of shoes. Or maybe you decide that the curbstone in the corridor must be "accompanied" by a large mirror as well. And such models are offered.

The undoubted advantage will be the presence of a mirror next to or opposite to put yourself in order.
In general, the assortment of pedestals is divided into floor and wall models. As the name suggests, the former are placed on the floor, while the latter are attached to the wall. Floor structures are more stable and durable, their service life is usually measured in years. Such models can have luxurious twisted legs (ideal for a classic interior) or just a solid stand that emphasizes the laconicism of the loft or modern style.

Hanging pedestals will help to save limited square meters and make the interior more interesting.
There is also a gradation for closed and open models. By the way, the closed doors can be located in different ways: vertically, horizontally, or be compartment doors. More often, preference is given to closed ones, since they make the appearance of the hallway neat and dust does not get inside. But open cabinets are appreciated for the ability to quickly access shoes.

To use the space more ergonomically, it is best to place the cabinet in the corridor next to the entrance, complementing it with an ottoman or stool.
Depending on the design, the pedestals are:
- With seat;
- Corner;
- Narrow;
- Modular.
Let's consider each option.
Cabinet with seat
This model will be appreciated by lovers of comfort. Once in the hallway, guests and hosts do not have to look for a stool or chair to put on their shoes. You also don't have to do miracle exercises trying to pull the boot over your leg while standing. A curbstone with a seat is both practical and comfortable. It has enough room for shoes, there is a seat and often such models have additional drawers for small items or a stand for a landline phone.

Modern cabinets with a seat in the hallway are used not only for storing shoes.
Main advantages:
- Comfortable use;
- The ability to choose upholstery to match the color of the interior;
- There are both open and closed designs;
- The upholstery can be all over the seat or only part of it.

Advanced models handle several tasks at the same time.
A similar model is also considered indispensable for a family with small children. Agree, it is much more convenient to put on shoes and dress babies when there is an opportunity to put them on a chair or a curbstone. Finally, the elderly cannot do without it. If in the store you did not find a ready-made version for your hallway, today it is possible to order the manufacture of a curbstone according to individual parameters.

The depth of the cabinet is determined based on the parameters of the hallway, the amount of additional space - based on personal preferences.
Or another option: if you really wanted to buy a model with a soft seat, and only a curbstone with a hard surface is available, it is quite possible to "soften" the structure yourself. Sometimes it is enough to just put suitable pillows on top, but you can also make full-fledged upholstery.

On a curbstone with a soft seat, you can sit and put on your shoes in a comfortable position.
A corner cabinet in the hallway is always an interesting solution. Modern designers offer both radius and straight models. Radials are considered even more economical in terms of placement. But the second option is more common. Therefore, if you do not consider yourself one of the lovers of all kinds of know-how, most likely the direct option will suit you better.

It is better to choose models that are easy to wash and ventilate, especially if they are used for storing shoes.
Corner models are available in the following designs:
- Classic. Such a curbstone is made of laminated chipboard, and the facades are made of MDF. Strict forms, lack of luxurious decor make the model suitable for any style.

The model can be supplemented with drawers and shelves for storing accessories and some small things.
- Open side shelves. In this case, the shoe rack itself is closed, and the additional shelves are open. Someone thinks the model is inappropriate because of the accumulation of dust on the shelves, while someone is happy that the necessary little things are always at hand and there is no need to make unnecessary gestures to get to them. In general, it's up to you to choose.

The prices of the pedestals vary depending on the size, materials and decor, as well as the manufacturer.
- Model for luxury interiors. It is clear that neither the Baroque nor the Empire style can be imagined without gilding, twisted legs and graceful handles. In a dark version, they look more advantageous. Of course, such pieces of furniture are very expensive, but this is justified by their exquisite appearance, long service life and ease of maintenance.

As a rule, such cabinets are made from natural wood, better than oak.
Of course, the above options are not a complete list of possible models, but rather the most common designs. When choosing a corner cabinet for your hallway, be sure to pay attention to its functionality, it should be roomy enough and convenient for your use.

Floor models stand on the floor with legs or on a solid bottom. This is the most common type of bollards and is best suited for storing shoes.
Here it is, an option for all time! For small rooms, which, as experience shows, are still the majority, this is the most suitable model. As a rule, such bedside tables are taller, and depending on the design of the shelves, they are divided into:
- Drawers with horizontal shelves;
- Models with slim shelves.
Horizontal shelves do not require additional description, but what are slim shelves? These are shelves located in a narrow cabinet at an angle. The fronts of the curbstones are closed, and when opened, the shelf extends 45 degrees. This is a kind of drawer without a pull-out mechanism.

The curbstones may differ from each other in terms of the degree of equipment. The minimum build is models with shelves or closed sections.
This option appeared a couple of decades ago and immediately gained universal popularity. The thing is that modular furniture is created from separate components and it is possible to assemble according to your own preferences. You would like to create a model that looks more like a classic version - please, or you prefer modern modern and minimalism - no problem either. But the main advantage is functionality. The internal space is occupied by shelves and sometimes they are formed by adjacent modules.

Often, modular designs surpass even full-fledged hallway complexes in terms of spaciousness and convenience.
Another indisputable advantage is the ability to change the shape of the cabinet in the hallway by removing or adding modules. So, such models will certainly become indispensable for those who love change and are not used to living in the same interior for many years.

These structures can be either straight or stand in a corner.
Well, in order to make it convenient in the hallway not only to dress and put on shoes, but also to somehow miss each other (especially this question relevant in the case when the family is large), plan the arrangement of interior items so that there is room for the movement of several Human.

Sideboards are sometimes complete with holders for umbrellas, drawers with compartments for jewelry and small items.
Materials (edit)
The curbstone in the corridor must meet the requirements: be practical, moisture-resistant, shock-resistant. Most often, modern models are made from the following materials:
- Natural wood. Ideal material in all respects. Plus, it is environmentally friendly, that is, you are not in danger of allergies or just an unpleasant smell from furniture. Such interior items look luxurious, especially if they are decorated with forged elements. But curbstones made of natural wood are very expensive. However, if you calculate how much you have to pay by changing cheap pedestals over the years, it becomes clear that everything is relative.
The wood is tinted, which gives it a deeper and more beautiful shade.
- Chipboard. This material differs from the usual chipboard boards since Soviet times in the laminated surface. Today, this is the most demanded material; laminated chipboard cabinets are found in almost every apartment.
The material is resistant to humid environments and has a long service life.
- MDF. This material is more often used for finishing the facades of bedside tables. It is presented in a sufficient range of colors, so that there is an opportunity to make the right choice for any interior.
Laminated surfaces are easy to clean, resistant to the external environment and chemical processing.
- Plastic. The main advantage is the price. Plastic does not differ in durability or spectacular appearance. But if you use it as a finish, you get interesting options.
Such cabinets are laconic and minimalistic.
- Metal. The advantage of metal structures is strength. There is no need to calculate in advance how much weight the structure will withstand. However, the serious weight and bulkiness do not allow the use of metal cabinets in any interior. But the loft or minimalism will gladly "accept" such a model.
Metal cabinets are less common than wooden ones, but they are indispensable for styles such as Gothic and Loft.
And yet, decorating the hallway and choosing furniture, put your own preferences and wishes at the forefront. Let the cabinet in the corridor match the color and style with the general concept, and everything else is a matter of your comfort.

The entrance hall is an integral part of the interior, where the distinctive features of the style that is present throughout the apartment should be manifested.
VIDEO: MDF curbstone in the hallway with a soft seat.
50 modern design options for hallway cabinets: