Doctors have proven that excessive noise is harmful to health. But they go to the dacha to improve and strengthen their health and nerves. And how to do this if children are playing noisily behind one fence, and a neighbor is celebrating a birthday behind the other... Of course, not always and not all noise can be prohibited. Therefore, the house must be built so that it is always quiet in it. And experienced builders know what needs to be done to soundproof a frame house.
Read in the article
- 1 What is "noise"
- 2 Fighting noise
- 3 Materials (edit)
- 4 Conclusion
What is "noise"
From the point of view of physics, noise is random vibrations in any physical environment: water, gas, electromagnetic field, etc. For an ordinary person, acoustic (sound) noises are important, which arise as vibrations of the air in the frequency range from about 20 to 10,000 Hz. Sound noise, the parameters of which exceed the permissible sanitary standards, is harmful and can even be dangerous to humans. Excessive noise slows down a person's reaction, dulls attention, and increases the number of errors in work.

Noise disrupts the normal functioning of the central nervous system, alters the rate of respiration and pulse, contributes to metabolic disorders, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, stomach ulcers, hypertensive disease. Noise at high levels (more than 140 dB) can lead to rupture of the eardrum, contusion, and at even higher levels (more than 160 dB) - to death.
Acceptable sound (acoustic) noise levels harmless to human health for different conditions are standardized by state standards.

Fighting noise
The noise can be caused by external or internal sources. Outside - these are passing cars, barking dogs, cries of birds, people passing by. It is difficult to deal with external ones, only sound insulation saves from them. Sources of noise inside your own home are television and radio equipment, kitchen appliances, engineering systems: pumps for water and heat supply systems, loud conversations. Interior sound insulation can also save you from internal noise.
When building his own house, the builder must at the design stage identify critical points and lay soundproofing and sound-damping solutions in these places, using appropriate materials. Interfloor ceilings are dangerous from the point of view of noise transmission around the house, interior partitions, places of installation of pumps and fans. If possible, the joints of vertical elements and horizontal planes should be insulated. This measure will prevent the sound from spreading vertically.

Materials (edit)
There are many different materials currently available commercially that are used by builders to combat noise transmission.
First of all, it is polyurethane foam - a very light and effective synthetic material. For interfloor insulation, it is enough to spray 50 mm of polyurethane foam on the ceiling of the lower room - and the knocking of heels over your head will not be heard. To improve the quality of sound protection, another layer is sprayed on the floor of the upper room.
The same material can also make interior partitions soundproof. The walls are sound-permeable because they are thin and there are cracks left at the joints of the wall panels. So, a crate of wooden slats is fixed to the wall, and polyurethane foam is sprayed between them.

Substrate under laminate on the floor is also sound-absorbing and reduces the level of noise generated.

Porous sheets of various materials with a thickness of 10–20 mm, laid in the walls, ceiling and floor, also reduce the level of noise transmitted from room to room. And the correct joining of large parts of the frame structure, which does not allow vibration, helps to maintain silence. In addition, the fight against vibration of all kinds of mechanisms and household appliances also contributes to noise protection. If the builder takes into account all these and many other points, then the house will always be quiet and comfortable.
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