How to live without a chandelier? It's very simple!

It is difficult to imagine a room in an apartment or house without a central ceiling decoration: chandeliers. Usually, even those who saved a lot on repairs do not spare money to buy a chandelier. And so there are hulks with crystal pendants that scratch your tops. Meanwhile, in modern design it is quite possible to do without this attribute. How? Let's see some examples.

Read in the article

  • 1 Spot lighting devices
  • 2 Luminaires and LED panels
  • 3 LED strips
  • 4 How to choose lighting for the type of ceiling
  • 5 What additional light sources to use in a room without a chandelier

Spot lighting devices

These devices provide directional lighting, and you can adjust the angle and radius of their operation yourself.

Such lamps will help to emphasize accents in the interior, for example - panel or paintings, or become the main source of light in the room, if you choose lamps with a large dispersion angle. The most productive in this regard are incandescent lamps - they give 360 ​​°.

How to make full lighting in a room
Spotlights fit organically into any interior - from prim classics to ultra-modern hi-tech

This is a logical choice if you have low ceilings or need to constantly rearrange furniture.

Luminaires and LED panels

This is a relatively new type of lighting fixtures, in which they install LEDs. In terms of thickness, such lamps take only a couple of centimeters. Now on sale there are also models, the thickness of which is no more than 7 mm.

Despite such minimal dimensions, the power of these devices is impressive, and there is almost no heating. This means that LED luminaires are suitable for stretch ceilings.
Despite such minimal dimensions, the power of these devices is impressive, and there is almost no heating. This means that LED luminaires are suitable for stretch ceilings.

The people call these lamps "pills". They have only one drawback - they cannot be repaired and will have to be completely replaced in the event of a breakdown.

LED strips

Another modern type of lighting is LED strip. The thickness of the strip on which the LEDs are mounted is only 1 mm. This tape is mounted in baguettes to create diffused light. This type of lighting is fireproof and easy to install. If desired, you can choose a warm or cold shade of light, or even use tapes that can switch in a wide color spectrum.

With the help of LED strips, craftsmen create real portals on the ceilings, combining lighting with naturalistic patternsPHOTO:
With the help of LED strips, craftsmen create real portals on the ceilings, combining lighting with naturalistic patterns

The tape is also suitable for illuminating work surfaces or as an interior decoration.

How to choose lighting for the type of ceiling

If you have concrete ceilings and a modest finishes budget, overhead fixtures are the best choice. You can lay an LED strip around the perimeter of the room.

Concrete is not afraid of incandescent lamps - in this regard, such ceilings are universalPHOTO:
Concrete is not afraid of incandescent lamps - in this regard, such ceilings are universal

For stretch ceilings, everything is not so simple. If you want recessed luminaires, then mortgages will be required for them, and this is an additional cost. Incandescent lamps are contraindicated in this case, but halogen and LED lamps are possible.

Suspended plasterboard ceilings suitable for tie-in, since there is a space between them and the base in which you can hide both the wiring and the base of the lamps. The only limitation is the weight of the fixtures.

Drywall will not withstand too massive and heavy modelsPHOTO:
Drywall will not withstand too massive and heavy models

What additional light sources to use in a room without a chandelier

A variety of lighting scenarios are a convenient addition to a modern interior. You can use additional light sources to create a romantic, festive or work environment. And the chandelier is completely unnecessary here. In addition to the ceiling light, multiple wall lights can be installed. They can spotlight paintings or a chair where you used to read before bed.

A floor lamp will be appropriate in the bedroom and living room. It gives diffused soft light, with which it is very comfortablePHOTO:
A floor lamp will be appropriate in the bedroom and living room. It gives diffused soft light, with which it is very comfortable

Interesting options can be achieved by using lighting above the floor. Here you will find floating furniture, illuminated stairs and many other interesting solutions.

If you design a work area, then without a convenient table lamp there is no way to do it.

In short, it is very possible to live without a chandelier. A few more examples of ceiling design without a chandelier in this video:

Can you imagine an interior without a chandelier or do you think that it is necessary? Share your opinion in the comments!


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