Swimming pool at their summer cottage - this, of course, is great! In the heat, you can plunge into without leaving the site, and the kids can have fun all day under the constant supervision of adults. If the size of the site allows, then a swimming path can be built. But here's the trouble: in such a home pool there is stagnant water, which means that plants and sometimes animals appear in it. And the owners have a question: what to add to the pool so that the water does not bloom in it? And also to make it cheap and safe, especially for little bathers.
Read in the article
- 1 Types of country pools
- 2 Pool maintenance
- 3 Conclusion
Types of country pools
Country pools are classified according to the solidity of the structure and design features. They are stationary, frame and inflatable. Of course, you can still take into account many other features, but we have named the main, defining ones.
The most solid structure is the stationary pool. For him, they first dig a foundation pit, perform waterproofing in it, then mount a concrete or plastic bowl. The labor intensity of manufacture and financial costs for the construction of such a pool are very significant, therefore, it is calculated for many years of operation. And a large area is needed for it.
Such a pool is equipped with a water purification system, pumps for pumping water, air and underwater lighting, hydromassage and other joys for bathers are installed. The water in such a pool will not bloom. But such a structure requires continuous maintenance, and such structures are not erected on six acres, therefore, its place is in a cottage village.

The option with a frame pool looks much more democratic. The structure is based on a frame made of steel pipes. A bowl made of PVC or polypropylene sheets is mounted on it. Bowls can be rectangular, round, oval. A set of parts for a pool of any size is chosen by the buyer.
The limiting dimensions of the sides are up to 1.5 m, the diameter of the round pool is up to 7 m, the dimensions of the rectangular pool are up to 7 x 5 m. The technology of assembling and disassembling the pool is extremely simple, any process takes no more than an hour. And during storage, the kit does not require much space - this is the most suburban option. Special pumps circulate water, and filters are installed to purify it.

Even easier is the installation of an inflatable pool. This option is intended for bathing small children. The bowl is formed as a result of the pump inflating a blank made of PVC, polyethylene or rubber. Inflates just like a soccer ball. The height of the sides is up to 90 cm. It must be installed on a very flat surface. The sales package includes a pump for inflation.
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Pool maintenance
The pool is pleasant to use when the water is clear. Clean pool and will last a long time. But leaves, twigs, insects and other debris are constantly falling into it, so there is a need to purify water. This can be done with nets, nets, skimmers. The latter term refers to devices that take water from the pool surface and send it for filtration. They are made of stainless steel. Garbage is removed manually with nets and nets. But with all this, the water in the pool must be changed several times a season.
Blooming water is the appearance in it of small algae-plankton plants, which get their color from blue-green bacteria, which, in turn, are the result of the illumination of water by the sun light. Some fish and other living things eat plankton, but they are not found in the swimming pool. Therefore, chemical agents are used to disinfect and combat water bloom.
There are many different methods to eliminate the flowering process. It is possible to plant trees with dense crowns around the pool to create shady areas on the water. Plankton loves sunlight, and the shadow will be destructive for him. If the pool is decorative, you can put blue-green water lilies into it (they will survive plankton) or some species of fish (for which plankton is a delicacy and main food).

A list of the best remedies for combating pool water bloom, recommended by experts:
- MAK 4 - it is most convenient to use;
- Biofors Aqua Balance - is considered the best biological agent;
- Markopul Algitinn - Recommended as an excellent option for cleaning children's pools;
- МАК Kids 5 - 10433 - has an optimal ratio of price and quality;
- Algicide - a professional anti-algae agent.
Folk remedies for combating water bloom are also widely used: brilliant green, copper sulphate, the Whiteness remedy. They are inexpensive, easy to buy at any hardware store, and are harmless to health when concentrated properly. The disadvantages include the short-term effect of the action and the need to closely monitor the concentration. Folk remedies work well in small inflatable and frame pools, and chemical remedies work well with large bowls.
Related article:
Pools for summer cottages: selection of the optimal model, existing varieties, advantages and disadvantages of different types, an overview of leading manufacturers, popular models, features of operation, maintenance and care.
The pool is good, but the clean pool is even better. After all, no one wants to swim in a dirty pool, and it is categorically impossible to let children go there. In fact, keeping the pool clean is not that difficult, you just need to do it regularly and carefully.
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