Tablets for the pool for disinfection of water: causes, tablets, manufacturers, algae, turbidity, chlorine, cleaning, reviews

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By purchasing artificial reservoir, each owner should take care of its cleaning and disinfection. With poor care, after a few days under the open sun, the liquid will become cloudy, an unpleasant fetid odor will emanate from it. Therefore, in order not to swim in the swamp, in the HouseChief review we will tell you which pool tablets can and should be used to disinfect / purify water.

Read in the article

  • 1 Why pool water becomes cloudy and of poor quality
  • 2 What you need to know when choosing a chemistry
  • 3 Which manufacturers produce high-quality and safe tablets for cleaning / disinfection of swimming pools
    • 3.1 "Longafor" - an effective tablet preparation for the pool
    • 3.2 "Aquablanc" with active oxygen
    • 3.3 Slow-dissolving preparation "5/1 Minitab Action"
  • 4 Chemistry for disinfection of pool water
    • 4.1 The water in the pool is blooming - use special tablets for disinfection
    • 4.2 Bleach tablets for comprehensive pool care
    • 4.3 An effective means for disinfecting pool water: tableted chemistry without chlorine
    • 4.4 5-in-1 tablets: optimal complex effect on the pool
  • 5 How to properly use chemicals for disinfection / purification of pool water: step by step instructions
  • 6 Customer reviews of tablets for disinfection / purification of water in the pool
  • 7 Summary

Why pool water becomes cloudy and of poor quality

Everyone knows that even in a closed container, the quality of water gets worse after a while. And under the influence of sunlight, these processes are accelerated at times. It's all about accelerating the growth of bacteria in a warm liquid. This is evidenced by the turbidity of the reservoir and, as a result, the appearance of fetid aromas.

Pool water disinfection tablets
Swimming in such a body of water is unsafe.

What you need to know when choosing a chemistry

Today, the retail network offers two types of tablets for water with different types of effects on microorganisms, including those with disinfecting properties:

  • preventive. Their great advantage is their prolonged action;
  • formulations for emergency use. This is an ambulance for a cloudy reservoir.
It is important to check the acidity level before using chemistry.
It is important to check the acidity level before using chemistry.

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Which manufacturers produce high-quality and safe tablets for cleaning / disinfection of swimming pools

Today, many companies have developed chemicals for disinfecting water bodies.

Of the most popular brands, we highlight the following:

  • Intex;
  • "AquaDoctor";
  • Markopool Chemicals;
  • Barchemicals;
  • Arch Water Products.

And this is not a complete list of manufacturers producing quality products.

"Longafor" - an effective tablet preparation for the pool

The company produces effective sustained-release products. The manufacturer recommends using them, depending on the condition of the water, once every one or two weeks. Estimated volume: seven grams for each cubic meter of liquid. The dosage can be increased to shock the pool.

The price of tablets on YandexMarket as of June 2020 next:

  • 1,000 g - 550 rubles;
  • 5,000 g - 2,350 rubles;
  • 30 kg - 12 300 rubles.
There is no calcium in the composition of the chemistry, which affects the hardness of the waterPHOTO:
There is no calcium in the composition of the chemistry, which affects the hardness of the water

"Aquablanc" with active oxygen

Chemistry can be used both for the primary treatment of reservoirs, and once a week. An instant drug is diluted in a ratio of ten grams for each cubic meter of liquid.

June 2020 on YandexMarket, the drug was offered at the following cost:

  • 1,000 g - 1,601 rubles;
  • 5,000 g - 5,928 rubles;
  • 10 kg - 12,219 rubles.
Tablets are suitable for cleaning inflatable poolsPHOTO:
Tablets are suitable for cleaning inflatable pools

Slow-dissolving preparation "5/1 Minitab Action"

The tablets are protected from ultraviolet radiation. The manufacturer recommends adding the drug to the pool daily in a ratio of twenty grams per one or two cubic meters of liquid.

On YandexMarket as of June 2020 the drug is offered at the following cost:

  • 1,000 g - 1,980 rubles;
  • 5,000 g - 5,376 rubles.
The chlorine content in the preparation is over 86%PHOTO:
The chlorine content in the preparation is over 86%

Chemistry for disinfection of pool water

For each type of water problem, you can choose the most effective chemistry.

Preventive use of the drug guarantees the purity of the reservoirPHOTO:
Preventive use of the drug guarantees the purity of the reservoir

The water in the pool is blooming - use special tablets for disinfection

From the bloom of water, special coagulants are released from aluminum oxide, which include molecules with a positive charge. The principle of operation of pool tablets is based on physics: bacteria almost always have a negative charge and are attracted to molecules.

It is necessary to install several filters with dissolved preparations in the reservoir for a balanced distribution of the product. It is better to collect the residues after cleaning with a special vacuum cleaner.

It is enough to dissolve coagulants against flowering.PHOTO:
It is enough to dissolve coagulants against flowering.

Bleach tablets for comprehensive pool care

Bleach is a well-known disinfectant. The price of the tablets is low, the drug is quite effective and solves almost all issues with the reservoir.

Advice! Before cleaning, it is necessary to equalize the acidity of the liquid in the pool. In addition, carefully study on the packaging how many chlorine tablets to add to the reservoir.

Depending on the type of problem, you can use a quick release chlorine with a loading primary dose or a long-acting drug that will effectively kill bacteria for 14 days.

If the tester has shown a change in acidity, it is recommended to use the Equi Plus and Equi Minus preparations.PHOTO:
If the tester has shown a change in acidity, it is recommended to use the Equi Plus and Equi Minus preparations.
The chemistry of shock therapy " AquaDoctor C-60" is also suitable for disinfectionPHOTO:
The chemistry of shock therapy "AquaDoctor C-60" is also suitable for disinfection

An effective means for disinfecting pool water: tableted chemistry without chlorine

If you have a chlorine intolerance, use bromine tablets after leveling the acidity level in the pool. Another great alternative is chemistry with active oxygen, which perfectly disinfects water and destroys microorganisms.

You can buy a complex drugPHOTO:
You can buy a complex drug

5-in-1 tablets: optimal complex effect on the pool

Each tablet contains useful substances that effectively fight any type of water contamination in the pool, including preventing the formation of algae.

For perfect disinfection, filters must be cleaned daily and fresh water added to the poolPHOTO:
For perfect disinfection, filters must be cleaned daily and fresh water added to the pool

It is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage, load the drug into the float and connect filters to evenly distribute the composition and accelerate the impact.

The drug gradually comes out of the container and purifies the waterPHOTO:
The drug gradually comes out of the container and purifies the water

Related article:

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purificationPools for summer cottages: selection of the optimal model, existing varieties, advantages and disadvantages of different types, an overview of leading manufacturers, popular models, features of operation, maintenance and care.

How to properly use chemicals for disinfection / purification of pool water: step by step instructions

Water purification consists of several stages:

  1. First, all debris is removed from the surface with a special net.
  2. At the second stage, the filtration system is connected.
  3. After mechanical cleaning, the acidity of the water is measured, if necessary, it must be leveled with special preparations.
  4. Next, proceed to chemical cleaning according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the selected product.

Important! The instructions on the package with chlorine-containing tablets say when you can swim in the pool.

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purificationPHOTO:

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purificationPHOTO:

Customer reviews of tablets for disinfection / purification of water in the pool

Only real customer reviews will help you find out all the nuances of the chemical treatment of reservoirs.

Review of "Longafor":

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purification
Read more on otzovik:

Review of "Chloriklar":

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purification
Read more on otzovik:

Review of "Longafor":

Pool ambulance: tablets for disinfection / water purification
Read more on otzovik:


Remember to disinfect regularly during the summer. Prepare a variety of chemistry in advance and ensure yourself a comfortable stay.

Which method have you already experienced? Are you satisfied with the result?

In the video, you can learn more about the features of disinfection:
