Flow and a main water filter: types, models, installation

Filtering the water coming from the tap, it is now regarded as the first necessity. Two types of filters are used to clean it: transmission and flow. they differ in that the first cut into the tap pipe at the entrance to the house or outside the house, that is, on the whole water main. The second set under separate plumbing fixtures or at their drains to a nozzle, for example, under the kitchen sink. But in any case, the filter main flow and the water performs the same function - cleaning.

Read article

  • 1 What better flow of filters or main - debriefing
  • 2 Types trunk water filters
    • 2.1 Filter mechanical treatment
    • 2.2 Ion-exchange device
    • 2.3 magnetic devices
    • 2.4 Reverse Osmosis Filter
  • 3 Types of purity
    • 3.1 Filters for coarse water purification
      • 3.1.1 disc filters
    • 3.2 Trunk fine filters for water
      • 3.2.1 sorption
  • 4 Pros and cons of the main filter
  • 5 How to install the main filter
    • 5.1 Installation of sediment filter
    • 5.2 Installation of the filter cartridge
    • 5.3 Installation obratnoosmosticheskogo filter
  • 6 Replacement cartridges for the main filter
  • 7 Most main filter for cold water, reviews
  • 8 Top-line filters in the hot water reviews
  • 9 In-line filters, where to buy, prices

The degree of purification in the two species are different, moreover, they can filter the different amounts of liquid, so consumers often wonder what kind of filter is best for water: flow or trunk.

Flow-through and main water filter
Flow nozzle

If you need to clean the water in the apartment, it is better to use the flow model. If arranged in a country house water treatment, water that is provided by a local autonomous system from the borehole or well, the backbone used. That is, the question is, in principle, placed incorrectly. Each species of its capabilities, its productivity. For example, in-line filter may be the best model to filter 10,000 liters, the trunk is the low-power 15,000.

When this flow is set only in water with cold water mains in this respect are of two types - the cold and hot water. In fact, it turns out that the first variety is used to make the water potable status, the second produces a large-scale purification of highly contaminated water.

Attention! In-line filters can be installed in flats at the entrance, if it is located in an old tenement house, which has long used steel pipes. They are worn out, so the water is present in large concentrations (above normal) various impurities: rust, scale and other.

In-line filters in the apartment
In-line filters in the apartment

There are several water treatment technologies, which are almost all incorporated into today's filters. There are standard purification techniques using mesh or fiber materials have unique technology in which the degree of purification is adjusted to almost 100%. Therefore, we consider the main types of main water filters that are currently used in water purification systems of private homes.

Filter mechanical treatment

From the name itself it is clear that this device holds only mechanical impurities, ie, insoluble in water. These include sand, large slurry salts as precipitates, particles of rust and scale, and other grains. This is the simplest models, which are cheap, and the effectiveness of their treatment determined by deterrence only water-insoluble substances.

These filters are divided into two subgroups:

  • meshIn which the main stand deterrent barrier net (metal or plastic). In this subgroup of two varieties: wash and nepromyvnye. First - this is the structure in which the housing is mounted below the tap connected to the sewerage hose. When you open the faucet flushing takes place grid. The second - a hermetically sealed structure that is used for 1-2 years, and then changed to a new one. Add that these filtration devices range 20-100 microns.
Net wash
Net wash
  • Cartridge. This apparatus, in which a filiform or foamed polymers are used as filter element. They are inserted into the housing, dividing it into two parts. Passing through them, the water is purified. Cartridges are replaceable elements, so after a full term of their exploitation should simply be replaced. Washing the filter cartridge does not exist. The range of their filter 20-50 microns.
Cartridge filter device
Cartridge filter device

Importantly, the filters mechanical treatment and divided by the degree of heating fluid. There are filters for hot and cold water separately. All devices with metal housing can be used on two water mains without any problems. Reticulated plastic enclosures - for cold water. Cartridge with plastic housings may be used in cold and hot water, as reported by the manufacturer in the data sheet.

Filter the hot water in the case of red color
Filter the hot water in the case of red color

Ion-exchange device

These devices are often referred to as softeners. Water passing through them becomes softer due to changes in the composition of the salts present therein. That is, there is a replacement of hard calcium and magnesium salts, which are typically deposited on the walls of the household appliances in the form of scalingFor softer substance - sodium and potassium salts. The process takes place at the level of ion exchange, hence, in principle, the name of the technology.

As the softening agent in the filter, a special resin, saturated sodium and potassium salts. It is in the form of granules is filled into a cartridge device. In intensive filtration resin loses its quality, so it is periodically treated with common salt, which restores the balance of salts required.

The operating principle of the ion-exchange unit
The operating principle of the ion-exchange unit

magnetic devices

Technology Magnetic water treatment is based on the conversion of calcium carbonate, also known as calcite, in another modification thereof that is known as aragonite. Two positions differ in that the first high-temperature fluid is deposited on the walls of the heating elements, gradually bringing them unusable. The second does not react to temperature, so harmless in terms of education scaling.

There is a change of the chemical state of calcite is exposed to a magnetic field which is generated inside the magnetic filter. In scientific language, this process is called the restructuring of the substance or phase transition of the second level. magnetic action filter manufacturers claim that their devices are not only clean the water but also break old salt deposits within conduits and heaters that are connected to tap network.

The filter itself is a cylindrically shaped device which cuts into the tap pipe by threaded ebbs. The main requirement to the mounting process - the purity of the pipe itself at the connection to the filter, to avoid salt deposits therein. Therefore, before setting its internal surface is trimmed.

magnetic filter
magnetic filter

Reverse Osmosis Filter

This is the most efficient installation, through which the water is purified to 100%. However, there is nothing in its composition, neither harmful nor beneficial micronutrients. The basis of the device laid membrane filter which divides into two parts. In the membrane very small holes, whose diameter - 0.0001 microns. Through them can pass only water molecules and oxygen gases, a liquid filling. All other impurities remain on the surface of the diaphragm, which are removed together with salty water sewage systemThat is to say, the reverse osmosis filter is connected directly to the two engineering systems: water supply and sanitation.

Obratnoosmostichekaya slow purification technology, for example, appliances of this type can be filtered per day 150-300 liters of water. Therefore, the filter itself is completed additional filtration unit and storage tank volume of 4.12 liters. Water from the drive goes to the domestic needs, the filter automatically starts cleaning, filling the volume of consumption of clean water.

Set the filter reverse osmosis
Set the filter reverse osmosis

Attention! Filtration unit can only operate in the event that the pressure in the water supply system is 2.8 atm. Therefore, reverse osmosis manufacturers offer in addition to the low-power pump unit, which will increase the pressure vodydo desired value. Conversely, if the pressure in the water a lot, it is proposed to install the gearbox, lowering it.

The duration of the membrane mainly depends on the water quality. What it is lower, the faster the membrane fails. To extend the life of the filter element in the complete set of devices are added, by means of which produced pre-cleaning fluid. Usually it is a cartridge-type filter.

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Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsOne of the main advantages of autonomous objects is the ability to create improved living conditions. To implement the relevant plans set water filters in a private house. This article will help you choose the right equipment without errors.

water filtration technology to independence in everyday life or industrial is divided into two stages:

  • Purification of coarse impurities, which have a particle size not smaller than 1 micron.
  • Purification of fine insoluble impurities.

Therefore, the main water filters are installed in homes and buildings are divided into two groups: coarse and fine.

Filters for coarse water purification

For rough water purification filters are all models from the category of mechanical filtration. But there is also a separate group of mesh species that are only used in water supply systems, water source wells which are or wells.

  • This cylindrical mesh form that is put on the end of the water intake hose lowered deeper into the well or well water.
  • This grid is of the same shape, which is fixed to the water intake nozzles pumps. many manufacturers pumping equipment supply their products to the already installed filter.
  • This shut-off valve in the form of tubes a pipe into which a mesh filter element. Nozzle may be positioned at a right angle to the base pipe or at an angle, the filter mesh may be cylindrical or conical. Typically, the device is set to pump or a water meter. AT heating networks These filters have a place to be established - before a circulating pump. Incidentally, among the professionals they are called sedimentary. The grid can be easily removed for further cleaning.
Filter shut-off valve
Filter shut-off valve

disc filters

Separately, it must be said about the varieties of water filter installed in a private home. This instrument uses disc filter elements made of plastic. They must be mounted on the axle and tightly pressed against each other.

At the ends of discs around their perimeter grooves are made, their size varies in the range 20-240 microns. That is, depending on the furrows will be determined by the degree of fluid treatment.

The principle of operation is that the filter element is installed in a sealed plastic casing which is connected to the main pipe unit. The aqueous stream in a water network is first fed into the housing, wherein arranged discs, it passes under pressure through grooves into the space, where it comes to the second part of the tube filter, and then to consumer.

It turns out that all dirt is deposited on the outer plane of the disk. It clogs the grooves, and this pressure of falling water on the outlet connection. That is, if the water pressure at the tap dropped, then it is time to wash the filter element. To do this, open the casing of the device, pull out the wheels and rinse them back to the place setting.

Disc filter devices
Disc filter devices

Trunk fine filters for water

Coarse cleaning restrains undissolved impurities. But to the state of drinking water is still far away, because it contains dissolved salts and various microorganisms. To remove them, and are used in water mains fine filters for water.

Immediately specify that water softeners and magnetic devices of action and reverse osmosis are in this category filters. But there is in it, and other modifications, working on other technologies.


This is a unique filtering apparatus, by which to restrain and undissolved impurities and dissolved, and bacteria, as well as to enrich the water useful for human substances. In fact, this type of universal filter. Only add that they can contain the undissolved impurities size of 20-40 microns. That is, the main filters are not designed to contain large particles, which quickly clog the pores of the filter material. Therefore, before one of them is established varieties coarse filters.

water treatment system with a sorption filter
water treatment system with a sorption filter

absorption technology is based on two substances used - activated charcoal and silica-alumina. Or one or the other. The first - known absorber, which absorbs almost all substances. Namely, chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides, dyes, oil, and other radioactive elements. Accordingly, coal is possible to reduce the water hardness.

Aluminosilicate mainly absorbs the heavy metals and organic impurities. Besides using this material recovered acid-base balance of water flow.

sorption installation
sorption installation

Today, manufacturers offer various forms of sorption filters - it is a variety of jars and containers that can be used in everyday life. This line filters installed in the water treatment system of autonomous water supply systems. Effective version of the cleaning, but very expensive. Add that devices of this type have the ability to regenerate the filtering materials by the reverse current of liquid.

Of course, it is necessary to analyze each kind of main filter, indicating their advantages and disadvantages. But generally speaking, it should be attributed to the benefits of this type of devices:

  • water purification from rough impurities which clog not only the water pipes, but also sanitary devices;
  • protection of the metal parts and the water supply network nodes from corrosion;
  • water purification by odors, bacteria;
  • bring water to a degree of "drinking".

As for the disadvantages, not all backbone filters for hot or cold water that are installed in homes and buildings, afford consumers. Therefore, most often, especially in apartments can be found just a flow-type filters. While in private homes, which are supplied with water from wells or wells, can not do without an integrated approach to cleaning. Therefore it is recommended to install on the highway and devices coarse and fine. That is, it is costly event.

By cons it is necessary to add and difficult installation. This particularly applies to fine filter.

Filters coarse and fine purification on highways cold and hot water
Filters coarse and fine purification on highways cold and hot water

Consider the installation of three kinds of filters. In principle, their installation is almost the same, just there are some nuances for which it is necessary to pay attention to.

Installation of sediment filter

These devices by the method of attachment and are divided into the coupling flange. To first prepare have threaded connections in the form ebbs. For second at the ends of the pipe sections to which the filter is mounted, flange. The latter should be the same size with flanges on the filter. This applies particularly to the mounting holes. In flanged joints used rubber or asbestos fabric gaskets.

Mounting sediment filter coupling type
Mounting sediment filter coupling type

Installing these devices can be on horizontal or vertical pipes. In the latter case taking into account the movement of water - from the top down. In this case, the installation is done so that the lid Audit holes looked down.

The device is flange-mounted
The device is flange-mounted

Installation of the filter cartridge

This bulb, in which the housing has two pipe threaded (inner or outer). Accordingly the pipe unit is attached or through sleeves or through coupling of the American type.

The most important thing - just pick one another thread size, meaning the filter and piping, as well as to calculate the distance between the ends of the sections of the water supply network, which will be inserted filter installation. Usually itself flask is attached to the wall on dowels and screws to fix the device firmly.

Installing the filter cartridge in the American
Installing the filter cartridge in the American

Installation obratnoosmosticheskogo filter

This is the easiest installation, because the device is connected to the water supply, sewage and tap with flexible hoses by means of coupling nuts with spacers. Therefore, the exact installation site is chosen for ease of use. Most often, low-power filter is installed under wash in the kitchen. To this faucet is installed separate from which drinking water flows.

Reverse osmosis filter after installation
Reverse osmosis filter after installation

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Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelswater filter under the sink. Which is better for a house, an apartment, and what can be, is not very effective, let's find out in this review. After all, this question is quite important - our health depends on the quality of tap water. A particularly relevant water quality, if a family has young children.

Manufacturers of water filters for apartments and houses, installed on water supply, offer cartridge type in which replaceable filter elements are made of different materials. It:

  • polypropylene fiber or cord which is woven in the bobbin;
  • cellulose, which are impregnated with polyester;
  • Nylon in the form of woven cord.

There was widespread cartridges inside of which is laid polypropylene. This is a cheap polymer that does not collapse under the influence of chemical substances and organic compounds, hence its continuous operation.

A variety of cartridges
A variety of cartridges

As I mentioned above, to determine which line filters you selected: for cold water or hot, you should read carefully the passport, which indicates the temperature of the movable liquid. As for the reviews, here are some of them.

Review Rrog, City North: Bulk Water Filter Prio «New Water".

Advantages: low cost, good purifies water

Disadvantages: at first hard to change the cartridge

Even this fall, we have decided to completely upgrade all had our engineering services in the apartment, after the purchase to repair hands did not reach, but when they arrived, they decided to do everything thoroughly and capitally. Therefore, the plumbing was also included in our plans, and we have changed not only the risers, but also completely redesigned the water distribution scheme, as well as preoccupied by filtration, and to the "sump" is not stopped, a main filter and connected to the cold water Prio «New water".

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_4491142.html

Review Izhoga, Ukraine: Filter trunk AtlasFiltri for cold water - a good thing, but it is necessary - a question.

Advantages: good catches dirt cheap ink cartridges, beautiful bulb

Disadvantages: where more or less clean water, and you can do

A main filter is not intended for production of drinking water. He does not purify the water to such a state to drink it. It filters very quickly, and filters out larger particles. Although almost the same filter is in the first stage of purification in reverse osmosis filters. But even 2 and the membrane follows. It is rather a technical filter.

More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4466899.html

Bulk filter for hot water has a metal body or an opaque plastic. When this plastic should be heat resistant, easily withstanding the temperature to + 90C. This is sure the manufacturer indicates in the passport.

Reviewed by Taron, Minsk Bulk filter for hot water USTM WF-HOT-10 - Protects plumbing and appliances, prolong their lifespan.

Advantages: Heat-resistant robust housing, effectively removes sand, rust and other impurities, protecting the plumbing.

Disadvantages: heavy body does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Its main functions are: to remove large impurities, such as sand, rust, small stones, organic residues; reduce turbidity; protect plumbing and appliances, prolong their service life.

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_395656.html

Review Belchonok, St. Petersburg: Bulk filter "Geiser" body 10 "SLx1 / 2" - My home is now protected by rusty water

Advantages: You do not have so much to wash the bath and sink from rust film

Minuses: no

Hot water we use mainly for taking a shower or bath, or wash the dishes by hand (who do not have dishwashers) .Sostoyanie piping in some of our homes terrible, and no one knows when they will be replaced, as long as it did not have to take care of themselves independently.

More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1764297.html

The modern market is full flow-through and line filters for water, which is mounted on the dachas, In country cottages private houses and urban apartments. Here are a few well-known brands and brands with their approximate cost:

Photo MarkSpecificationsThe average price (as of December 2017), rub.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsAquaphor Gross
  • Operating pressure up to 6.2 bar.
  • Water temperature: 5-40S.
  • Displacement filter 76 l / min.
  • Body material - glass-reinforced plastic.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsAquaphor Viking
  • The operating pressure of 6.5 atm.
  • Displacement filtration - 25 l / min.
  • Resource - 100000 l.
  • The case - stainless steel.
  • Used for cold and hot water.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsGeyser Typhoon 10 SL
  • Performance of 15 l / min.
  • Water temperature: 4-95S.
  • Working pressure - 4 bar.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsBarrier Profi BB Standard
  • Operating pressure to 7 atm.
  • Productivity - 10 l / min.
  • Water temperature - to + 35C.
  • Resource - 65000 l.
  • The three-stage filtration.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsAquaphor Osmo 050-5
  • Performance 0.13 l min.
  • water pressure - 3.5-6.5 atm.
  • The volume of the storage tank - 10 liters.
Flow and a main filter for water: the types and modelsITA FILTER 36 BB
  • Performance of 60 l / min.
  • Water temperature - 40C.
  • Pressure - up to 8 atm.
  • The housing is transparent.

And this is just a small part of what manufacturers offer. After each brand have models differing performance materials stacking and filtration method. Therefore, each user under itself selects the device, which will primarily be used to answer the degree of purification of water, which will have to do its analysis. Of course, one can not discount the price component, as one of the main selection criteria. Good luck in choosing!