When the time comes for renovation, parents think over to the smallest detail the color of the walls, furniture, flooring of the children's room. The ceiling plays an equally important role. Modern technologies make it possible to bring the most daring design projects to life.

Stretch ceilings are beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, quickly assembled and serve for a long time
Features of stretch ceilings in the interior of a nursery
- Features of stretch ceilings in the interior of a nursery
- Types of materials
- Pvc
- Polyester
- Options for stretch ceilings for the nursery
- Sibling
- Two-tier
- Printed stretch ceiling
- Choosing a color palette
- Creating the necessary lighting for the nursery
- Photos of examples of the interior of a nursery with a stretch ceiling
- Video: Stretch ceiling in the interior of children's rooms
- Photo ideas for decorating a nursery with stretch canvases
More and more parents give preference to stretch ceilings. This is not surprising, because such a design has many advantages:
- Safety. This question is, perhaps, fundamental. The materials used for installation are absolutely harmless: they do not emit toxic substances, do not cause allergies, and in the event of a fire, they do not burn. The same point can be attributed to the ability to hide the wires that are of interest to many kids.
- Diversity. Modern technologies have made it possible to bring stretch ceilings to a new level. Everyone selects material by color, texture, and in the case of a complex design project, they can be combined.
- Care. Due to the antistatic effect, dust does not accumulate on the surface, and any dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
- Low cost.
The only drawback that should be taken into account when choosing a stretch ceiling for a children's room is instability to damage. PVC or fabric can be punctured or cut, but in most cases this is solved with homemade patches or decorative stickers. If the damage to the canvas is large, then it will have to be changed.

The choice of ceiling design in the children's room depends on the age, gender and personal preferences of the child.

It is unlikely that a child will like the design of a room if his unloved color is present in the decoration.
Types of materials
Stretch ceilings in a nursery are made of two types of canvases. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to take into account every moment so that upon completion the repair will only cause joy.

Glossy stretch fabric will make the room brighter and visually larger
In the manufacture of the canvas, the following are used:
- polyvinyl chloride granules;
- plasticizers;
- thermal stabilizers;
- paints.
Society has long believed that such material is harmful to health, as it is a source of evaporation of phenols and other toxic substances. This is partly true - the quality depends only on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer. If you notice an unpleasant or pungent smell, this is evidence of gross violations of production technology. Products that have received the ECO quality mark also contain chemicals. However, their concentration is so insignificant that it has no effect on health. A slight odor may be present during manufacture and installation, but it disappears completely within a couple of hours. Therefore, when choosing, you should not rely only on the price. Read more about the quality certificates.

Cloudy Sky Pattern PVC Ceiling
The customer can choose from glossy, matte or satin films. Their surface is perfectly smooth, and a wide range of colors allows you to choose the perfect shade for any room. It is also worth noting that there are canvases with interesting prints on sale, or you can order an individual drawing. They are applied by photo printing.

Blue stretch ceiling in a little boy's room
Another important advantage is the ability to withstand pressure up to 100 kg / sq. m. That is, if the neighbors flooded from above, then the film will simply stretch, but will not break. The accumulated water is drained through the hole for the chandelier, and the canvas is restored on its own.
Like every product, PVC film has its drawbacks:
- intolerance to subzero temperatures and sudden changes;
- low sound and heat insulation properties.
Cloth fabric is made from polyester thread and then treated with polyurethane. In texture, it resembles a plastered surface, which is due to the interlacing of the threads. If the buyer opts for a fabric cloth, then he should prepare for the limited choice: such ceilings are only matte, and the number of color variations is less. However, this flaw can be corrected by painting the canvas yourself. Many people say that the fabric looks more elegant and luxurious.

A matte ceiling in a pale pink shade is a suitable solution for a girl's room
The pluses also include the strength of the canvas. It is resistant to scratches and punctures, to temperature surges from -40 to +80 degrees, and also has thermal and sound insulation properties. If a teenager is fond of music, then with the help of specialized pads, you can achieve a good acoustic effect.
When flooded, water will not accumulate. The porous texture will allow it to seep outward, which will affect the appearance.
Options for stretch ceilings for the nursery
The variety of choice made it possible to bring stretch ceilings to the leading positions.

The number of options for ceiling coverings using stretch canvases is limited only by the designer's imagination
This variety is one of the simplest and most economical options. Parents can choose the appropriate color and texture. Caring for such a canvas is as simple as possible. This classic version will harmoniously fit into any space.

A single-color stretch canvas outwardly resembles an ordinary ceiling, only with a perfectly flat surface
Two-tier composition is a little more complicated. During installation, a plasterboard frame is used, on which the canvases are stretched. They come in different textures or colors. Multilevel ceilings allow you to hide defects and zone the space. Lines can have clear geometric shapes, and you can also develop an individual project. Spotlights, decorative lamps will complement it. Complex design solutions involve the installation of a "floating" structure. This effect is achieved thanks to the additional strip illumination.

The two-tone ceiling will favorably emphasize the interior of the children's room

With the help of a multi-level ceiling, you can effectively zone the space of the room
Printed stretch ceiling
Today you can put a drawing on the canvas. This may be a ready-made photo print, but if you dream of creating an individual style, then prepare the desired drawing, and the specialist will transfer it to film. Imagine how great it is to play under a bright blue sky or relax in your bedroom gazing at space and stars. Kids love stretch ceilings in a nursery with photo printing for their realism - their favorite characters look like real ones and take them into the world of fairy tales with them, developing their imagination and imagination.

The backlit tensioning insert looks interesting, creating the effect of twinkling stars

Green patterns look harmonious on a white background, matched to the tone of furniture and wallpaper
Moisture-resistant ink is used in the manufacture. They are absolutely harmless and do not fade over time. The cost depends on the size of the selected illustration.
Choosing a color palette
Do not adhere to the stereotypes that girls need a pink room, and boys need a blue or blue one. Children's room should reflect the inner world of the baby and have a beneficial effect on his psycho-emotional state. Therefore, first of all, you need to ask the child about your favorite colors and shades. At the same time, the color scheme should complement the temperament of your child. Active and energetic children are encouraged to choose calm, soothing tones. For passive and melancholic children, you can choose colors a little brighter. They will energize your child. If there are two children, then the taste and preference of each should be taken into account.

When choosing a ceiling color, first of all, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room and natural lighting.
When choosing a color, you should take into account the content of the room. Bright toys, pictures and other accessories look most advantageous against a light pastel background. Artificial lighting can change color perception. The intensity and depth of the color may vary depending on whether the main chandelier or the night light is on.

In this children's room, the stretch ceiling is successfully combined with wallpaper and curtains.
When zoning a room with a multi-level structure, it is recommended to determine in advance the location of future interior items. For the work area, it is better to choose blue, green or blue tones. They help improve performance and mental performance. Bright and juicy colors are suitable for the play area. Warm orange or yellow colors will cheer you up, but gentle pastel colors should be preferred for relaxation and sleep areas. In this case, all colors should harmoniously overlap with each other.

A separate ceiling structure can be placed above each zone
White will dilute any combination and let additional light into the room, while combining it with black or any shade of gray should be avoided. Such a combination can negatively affect the psyche and cause irritability, however, like red.

Contrasting combination of dark blue stretch inserts with a white surface of the plasterboard ceiling
When renovating, do not forget that children grow up, and their interests and tastes change. Here it is important to find a middle ground between the preferences of the baby and a competent, functional design. Otherwise, parents will soon have to make new repairs.
Creating the necessary lighting for the nursery
Good lighting is very important. Eye health depends on it, so you should plan in advance where the lighting sources will be.

When choosing luminaires for a stretch ceiling, you need to remember that the stretch canvas does not tolerate heating

LED chandelier is the optimal solution for central lighting of a room with a stretch ceiling
The play area and study area deserve special attention. For these two main areas, it is better to choose luminaires with dimmability. This will provide an opportunity to create soft lighting in the evening and at night, but at the same time, by setting the regulator to the maximum, the child will be able to comfortably spend time playing. If this is not possible, then think over the table lamps and the location of the lamps in such a way that the shadow is minimal. Additionally, you can install a floor lamp or night light.

In a room for a small child, it is better to use lamps that can be easily broken. Better to bet on recessed lighting
Photos of examples of the interior of a nursery with a stretch ceiling
Below will be presented the most popular photos of stretch ceilings in the children's room.

A stretch ceiling of a pleasant lilac shade is suitable for both a little boy and a girl
The photo shows a children's room for a boy of the youngest age group - from birth to 7-10 years old. A suspension structure is additionally fixed on the main canvas. Due to the strip lighting, the illusion of soaring clouds is created. By the way, this decor is also suitable for a girl.

Cloud ceiling made of a combination of stretch fabric with plasterboard construction
The classic version with a single-level stretch ceiling. White color makes the room visually larger and lets in more light.

Smooth white ceiling contributes to the visual expansion of the space
Combined ceiling for a nursery where children of different sexes live.

Additionally, the ceiling is decorated with beautiful lamps
A two-level composition in a children's room allows you to profitably zone the space. A canvas is stretched over the bed, reminiscent of the starry sky.

The image of the sky on the ceiling harmoniously complements the design of the children's room
Choosing this or that canvas, you need to carefully consider the design of the future room. Qualitatively performed work of professional installers will make it possible to emphasize the main accents favorably.
Video: Stretch ceiling in the interior of children's rooms
Photo ideas for decorating a nursery with stretch canvases