In Russian conditions, the purchase of a starting-charger for most motorists becomes only a matter of time. Anyone who at least once tried to revive a frozen engine with a dead battery on a winter morning understands me. But even among experienced drivers, not everyone knows how to choose the right charger for a car. In this material I will give detailed instructions on this matter and at the same time I will offer my own selection of the most successful starting and charging devices.
- 1 What do you need to know when buying a charger?
- 2 Top 6 chargers
- 3 FAQ
What do you need to know when buying a charger?
Types of chargers. There are a huge number of devices on the market with similar, but not the same functionality. Simple chargers can only charge the battery, because they do not know how to deliver a starting current of sufficient strength to start the engine. Jumpers are made just for the latter - but not for charging the battery. Finally, the best option is universal starters and chargers, which are capable of operating in two modes: charging or cold start.
Types of chargers. By design, there are two types of chargers: transformer and pulse. The first are classic devices that we all went through in school physics lessons. They convert alternating current from the mains to direct current and produce electricity of constant strength at dynamic voltage. The latter are capable of creating short pulses and operating in different modes: with constant voltage and alternating current, with constant current and dynamic voltage, and combined. Pulse devices are smaller, lighter and generally more modern than transformer ones. They can charge batteries in a more gentle and efficient automatic mode, which is important for anyone who wants to extend battery life.
Charging methods. Modern chargers are sophisticated electronic devices, many of which are equipped with an intelligent automatic charging mode. This can be convenient for a beginner, but for a driver who has at least the slightest idea what kind of battery is charging, it is preferable to use manual mode. Manual adjustment can be discrete or smooth - and it is desirable that the ROM provides exactly the second option.
Battery voltage. Different vehicles are equipped with batteries with different voltages. Typically mopeds and small gardening equipment use 6 volt batteries, cars with 12 volts and trucks with 24 volts. The charger must comply with this parameter, otherwise it will not work. The best option is a ROM with multiple voltage modes.
Charging current and maximum battery capacity. For careful and efficient charging, the ROM must provide a charging current, the strength of which is approximately 10% of the capacity of the battery being charged.
Starting current. To start the engine of a passenger car with a charged battery, the ROM must produce 250-300 A starting current (it all depends on the parameters of the battery itself, air temperature and other variables). Large motors can also require a large starting current, so it makes sense to purchase a charger for 600-1000 A.
Additional functionality. Some of the most useful and common charger options include:
- charging function for mobile gadgets;
- built-in flashlight;
- protection against overheating, overload, short circuit, reverse polarity;
- niches for storing complete cables;
- built-in ammeter;
- modes of automatic, gentle and fast charging.
Top 6 chargers
1. Bosch C7

Automatic charger from a famous German brand. Powered by a 220 V household power supply. Designed to work with 12 and 24 volt batteries. Supports batteries with a capacity of 14 to 230 Ah. Able to provide a minimum charge current of 1.5 A and a maximum current of up to 7 A. The maximum power consumption while charging reaches 135W. There are 6 operating modes and automatic shutdown at the end of the charging cycle. The device is protected from dust and moisture according to the IP65 standard. Supplied with wall bracket. With a price of 6,000 rubles - a worthy choice for a home garage.
Price: ₽ 5 943
Bosch C7
2. Wester CH15

Manual charger, powered by a 220 volt single-phase household network. Compatible with 12- and 24-volt batteries with a capacity of 25 to 105 Ah. The rated working power is 150W. The maximum charge current can be up to 11 amperes. Equipped with ammeter, fast charging function, overheating and polarity reversal protection. With a fairly rich functionality and serious capabilities, the device is relatively inexpensive: you can buy this ROM for only 3,400 rubles.
Price: ₽ 3 399
Wester CH15
3. Pennant 57

Domestic-grade automatic mains charger. Suitable for charging batteries in cars, boats, mopeds, motorcycles and garden equipment. Works with 6 and 12 volt batteries. The minimum charge current is 0.8 A, and the maximum reaches 20 A, so that the device is able to put in order even a battery that is in deep discharge. A built-in ammeter is provided. A convenient, functional and inexpensive device with a modest price tag of 3,000 rubles - an excellent choice for a home, garage or boat station.
Price: ₽ 2 986
Pennant 57

Charger from the famous brand under which car tires and auto accessories are produced. Goodyear products are renowned for their quality and this unit is no exception. Compatible with 6 and 12 volt batteries with a minimum capacity of 3 Ah and a maximum capacity of up to 120 Ah. The device is capable of outputting a charging current in the range of 2 to 4 amperes. There is an automatic charging cut-off function and a built-in flashlight. Prices for this compact and convenient ROM start at 3,000 rubles - and it pays off its money in full.
Price: ₽ 2 929
5. Fubag Force 620

Heavy, bulky and powerful professional-grade starter and charger from a reliable and proven German brand. Designed for 12 and 24 volt batteries. Supports batteries with a capacity of 60 to 1000 Ah. Provides charging current ranging from 15 to 60 amperes and starting current up to 540 amperes. A built-in ammeter is provided. The weight of the structure is 24.3 kg, which is not surprising given such possibilities. The price of 13,300 rubles once again emphasizes that this is a ROM - not so much for a home garage as for a small car service.
Price: ₽ 13 291
Fubag Force 620
6. Artway JS-1014

Accumulator starter-chargerequipped with a 14,000 mAh battery. Provides a voltage of 12 volts and a charging current of 2 to 3.5 amperes. The maximum starting current reaches 400 A, so this ROM can fire up even a deeply discharged battery and start a car engine in any frost. The function of charging mobile devices is provided, there is a built-in flashlight. Due to its compact dimensions, low weight of 420 grams and a price of about 4,100 rubles, it is perfect to always carry with you in the car.
Price: ₽ 4 100
Artway JS-1014
What car batteries cannot be charged from a charger?
Any batteries can be charged from the charger, except for faulty ones.
Why, after turning on the charging, does the battery start to boil and hiss?
Because it's time for him to landfill: it looks like the battery has worn out and needs to be replaced.
How to properly charge the battery?
Everything is very simple here:
- You need to choose the right charger that suits the battery in terms of amperage and voltage (I already talked about this in the article above).
- Clean the battery terminals from dirt.
- Connect the charger terminals to the battery terminals: plus to plus, minus to minus.
- Turn on the ROM: the voltage should be slightly higher than the voltage in the battery (for example, 13-14 volts are suitable for a 12-volt battery), and the current strength should be about 10% of the capacity of the battery being charged per hour.
- After the battery is charged (and this can take up to 10-12 hours, which many consider ideal "Gentle" charge mode), you can turn off the ROM, disconnect the terminals and put the battery back in automobile.