A jack is as obligatory a companion of a motorist as a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. He will help you change the wheel, carry out minor repairs, and sometimes pull the car out of the mud. How to choose a rolling jack and which 3 jacks are worthy of the title of the best, we will tell you in this material.
- 1 What can be rolling jacks
- 2 What parameters to look at when choosing a rolling jack
- 3 Top 3 best rolling jacks
- 4 FAQ
What can be rolling jacks
Depending on the principle of operation, jacks can be:
- hydraulic - a person is helped to lift a load in such devices under pressure. These jacks are distinguished by their high carrying capacity, solid price and large dimensions, so they are usually used in auto repair shops;
- pneumatic - here compressed air comes into play, which is forced by a compressor, and sometimes even the exhaust gases of a car are used. By and large, on such a jack the car rises like on an inflatable cushion. The main advantage of devices of this type is indifference to the quality of the surface on which the jack is installed.
- screw - these are compact devices that are convenient to constantly carry with you in the trunk. They lift the load by rotating a special screw rod;
- rack and pinion - such jacks use a toothed rack to lift the load. They are distinguished by a low pickup height, which is convenient if the vehicle has a low ground clearance, and a large lift height.
What parameters to look at when choosing a rolling jack
Carrying capacity. The main selection criterion, because the jack simply will not lift a load that goes beyond its capabilities. For use with a passenger car, a screw jack with a lifting capacity of 2-2.5 tons is sufficient. If the tool is supposed to be used in a car workshop, then it is better to choose a hydraulic apparatus with a lifting capacity of 8-9 tons. In any case, if you want the jack to serve you faithfully for many years, you need to choose a tool whose carrying capacity exceeds the usual lifted weight by at least 300-500 kilograms. Working to the limit will quickly destroy the jack.
Lifting height. If the jack is not able to raise the load to the required height, then there is no particular sense in it. Therefore, you should always choose a tool with a small margin for this indicator. As a rule, 40-60 centimeters is more than enough for domestic use. Rack jacks usually show the most impressive results for this item.
Pickup height. This parameter, in turn, determines how low the load can be located, which the jack is able to pick up for lifting. If the vehicle's ground clearance is less than the pickup height, then the jack will not be able to work with such a machine. According to this indicator, it is advisable to select a tool with a margin of 5-10 cm, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the device.
Top 3 best rolling jacks
The best rolling jack for 5 tons
1. Kraftool 43455-5

Mobile hydraulic jack with a lifting capacity of 5 tons. Suitable for use with both cars and trucks. The lifting height of the device is 150 mm and the maximum lifting height is 560 mm. Reinforced metal construction is highly durable and reliable. The heavy weight of 95 kg, the carrying capacity and the price of more than 32,000 rubles indicate the professional purpose of the unit. Best of all, this jack will feel in a small auto repair shop - for a home garage, its capabilities will most likely be superfluous.
Price: ₽ 31 773
Kraftool 43455-5 (5 t)
The best rolling jack for 3 tons
2. Matrix 51040

A relatively inexpensive sliding hydraulic jack capable of lifting loads weighing up to 3 tons. The minimum lifting height of the device is 150 mm, and the maximum lifting height reaches 530 mm, which gives a working stroke of 380 mm. The jack is designed to work with both cars and trucks. Differs in the presence of a folding handle and an excellent combination of price and quality. For only 4500 rubles, we are offered a functional device that will fully cover any household needs. Although the tool is not designed for professional use, such a jack is convenient to have in a private garage.
Price: ₽ 4 739
Matrix 51040 (3 t)
The best rolling jack for 2 tons
3. Stels 51131

Hydraulic rolling jack with a maximum lifting capacity of 2 tons. The tool is unlikely to be able to work with trucks, but it does an excellent job with passenger cars. The lifting height of the device is 100 mm, so it is suitable even for vehicles with low ground clearance. The maximum lifting height reaches 350 mm, which gives a working stroke of 250 mm. The tool is equipped with a convenient rotary handle. This is an inexpensive, lightweight and compact jack with a price tag of only 3000 rubles, which will perfectly take root in any garage.
Price: ₽ 3 271
Stels 51131
Is it easy to crush the threshold with a rolling jack?
Easy, because the threshold is a decorative, not a load-bearing structural element. The car has special places for installing jacks.
Why doesn't the rolling jack lift or hold the vehicle?
Several options are possible. The jack may not have enough lifting capacity or lifting height. In addition, most jacks will not work properly if positioned on soft or uneven surfaces. Finally, the equipment can be elementarily defective: it is not possible to make a diagnosis in absentia here.