A garden plot can be decorated not only with flower beds, alpine slides, pergolas and other objects, mainly using flowers. An equally attractive option is blackberries, which are not so difficult to propagate, not only for harvesting healthy berries with a pleasant sour taste, but also for gardening.

Blackberries are a delicious berry that is increasingly grown in gardens.
Reasons to use blackberries in landscaping
- Reasons to use blackberries in landscaping
- Description and photos of popular varieties - which ones to choose?
- BlackBerry Black Satin
- Blackberry Loch Tay
- Blackberry Loch Ness (Loch Ness)
- Blackberry Thornless Evergreen
- Blackberry Polar
- Blackberry Karaka Black
- Blackberry Natchez
- Planting and grooming recommendations
- Seat selection rules
- Comfortable and beautiful garter, correct pruning of the bush
- VIDEO: How to properly grow blackberries on the site.
- Photos of examples of landscaping a site with blackberries:
Why is the garden blackberry suitable for decorating the backyard area? In fact, with the help of this shrub plant, you can form:
- hedges along the entire site;
- fence in the patio area;
- gazebo design, etc.

Blackberry fruits are not only very tasty, but also have a number of unique medicinal properties.
Most varieties of this crop have strong, thorny stems. Therefore, the site will be reliably protected from intruders. Such a solution will turn out to be cheaper than building a fence made of picket or brick.

Planting and caring for garden blackberries is not at all difficult, even a beginner gardening enthusiast will cope with this task.
Blackberries look very beautiful and colorful. Moreover, they are healthy and taste good. You can make jam, compote, decoctions, pie fillings from them.
It is also attractive that almost all varieties of this plant do not cause any particular difficulties with reproduction. Blackberry is a shrub that grows well and bears fruit without careful maintenance.

Blackberries are perennial shrubs cultivated in one place for 15-20 years or more.
Description and photos of popular varieties - which ones to choose?
There are several different varieties of garden blackberries that can be used in landscaping. To understand which is the best one to choose, it is worth reading the descriptions for the most popular varieties of the culture.

On personal plots, summer cottages, garden blackberries are grown - without thorns.
BlackBerry Black Satin
The Black Satin variety will be an excellent option for decorating a summer cottage. An attractive feature of the variety is that it is formed in the form of a tall bush, on which there are no thorns at all. Therefore, it is very easy to take care of him.

It got its name from its special softness and silkiness.
Black Satin fruits are round and slightly elongated. In the upper part of the stems, the fruits are larger. Their weight can reach 7 g. But on average, the berries weigh only 4 g. All fruits are collected in a brush of 12-15 pieces. When the blackberries are fully ripe, they acquire a glossy shine and a rich black hue.

In the first years of life, this variety produces very large and juicy fruits.
Note! This variety is not devoid of some negative properties. So, the plant is not very winter-hardy and the fruiting period is too extended.
Blackberry Loch Tay
One of the key features of the variety is unpretentiousness. Loch Tay is a variety that breeders have bred from Scotland. This blackberry:
- perfectly adapts to various climatic conditions;
- has a pleasant taste;
- has a convenient ripening period.

Favorably differs from Thornfrey in earlier ripening of berries (3 weeks earlier). And also a sweeter taste.
She has no thorns. The variety is distinguished by a rich harvest, excellent storage, frost resistance, high resistance to the main types of diseases. Also, the shrub is not afraid of drought. But when growing it, it is important to periodically prune it. Otherwise, it will quickly spread throughout the site.

The berries of this variety are very transportable. It is a good industrial grade.
Blackberry Loch Ness (Loch Ness)
Loch Ness is a complex hybrid. This garden blackberry is distinguished by long lashes of 4 m or more. All bushes are abundantly covered with berries. Thanks to this variety, you can create a shady corner with lush vegetation on the site.

The berries are large and sweet. One of the most delicious varieties of garden blackberries.
Also, the variety has a high yield. From an adult bush, you can remove from 20 to 25 kg of berries.
Blackberry Thornless Evergreen
The European variety Thornless Evergreen is a thornless variant. This blackberry is very popular and is often used in landscaping.

The first berries appear from the beginning of August until the very frost.
A unique feature of the species is that it does not produce root growth at all, which takes a lot of time and effort to combat when growing other types.
Also, these bushes are very decorative. The carved leaves look incredibly beautiful.
Blackberry Polar
The hybrid variant is the Polar blackberry. The variety belongs to the industrial category. Such a berry culture gives tasty and large fruits, but at the same time it is not at all demanding in care.
The shrub is resistant to:
- diseases;
- common pests;
- low temperatures.

The berry is sweet, firm and large. Possesses a good presentation.
Important! The plant perfectly withstands conditions down to -24 degrees.
There are no thorns on the stems of the culture. This greatly facilitates the collection of berries and planting maintenance.
Of the shortcomings, there is a large thickness of the stems, due to which it is difficult to bend them to the soil in order to cover.

Gardeners appreciate the decorative properties of Polar.
On this plant, the branches are very abundantly strewn with berries. This makes the entire plant appear black.
Blackberry Karaka Black
Karaka Black is one of the most popular varieties of blackberries. This early variety is malleable and can form an excellent hedge around your garden plot. Due to the thorns, animals, garbage or uninvited guests will not be able to enter the territory through it.

Growing blackberries in the garden is not at all troublesome, the berries will become a special delicacy.
Among other advantages of Karak Black, it is worth noting the large and dense berries. The fruits look somewhat unusual, which makes the decorative properties of the bushes more valuable.
Blackberry Natchez
Natchez is an easy-to-grow and easy-care variety. Among the main advantages of the plant, it is worth noting the early ripening of the berries, the long fruiting period, the absence of thorns and the large size of the fruits.

As a result of selection, the resulting blackberry varieties have a more ordered shape, do not have thorns, therefore they are excellent even for small gardens.
But this variety is not without some drawbacks. Its branches are rather fragile, so it is difficult to form a hedge. The bushes are also characterized by poor resistance to frost and high demands on the location of the landing site. They need a lot of sunlight.

Growing blackberries in the garden is often focused on the delicious berries that appear in July.
Planting and grooming recommendations
Planting and caring for garden blackberries have some features. In order for the culture to develop actively and give a rich harvest, it is worth observing some requirements.
Seat selection rules
The basic rule is good quality land. The plant feels best on sandy loam and loamy soil. In addition, the soil must be well drained. The roots of the bushes need a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Growing garden blackberries requires finding a suitable position. Only in full sun will blackberries be sweet and tasty.
Even when choosing a good place for a blackberry, you need to take into account: bushes bear fruit optimally and give rich greens in well-lit areas. But they must be reliably protected from the wind.
Attention! It is recommended to plant a crop with a handle. The optimal time for this is spring or autumn.
Comfortable and beautiful garter, correct pruning of the bush
There are several options for the blackberry garter. But the most beautiful way is fanned. For him you will need to prepare a stake. Its average size is 2 m.The technology is quite simple:
- The stake is driven in between two adjacent bushes.
- One shoot is taken from the right bush.
- The second one is on the left side.
- Between themselves they should be placed like a fan.
This method is good because it allows you to beautifully decorate the culture and provides maximum air access.
Timeliness of trimming is equally important. This will ensure a rich harvest. Pruning is done twice a year. The first time - before winter, to shorten young shoots and remove old lashes. In spring, frozen areas are removed by pruning.

Caring for garden blackberries necessarily includes pruning, thanks to which the bushes quickly thicken and bear fruit.
Branches damaged by pests are cut out completely, as are weak green lashes. They are removed at the root. Thick and strong young shoots are cut by ΒΌ. You cannot leave stumps. You need to cut above the kidney. It is best to leave 7-8 shoots for the winter.

In the first year, pruning of garden blackberries is not necessary.
In the spring, the whips should be felt. Brown, resilient branches with a healthy shine are left. Fragile, black and rough - removed.
VIDEO: How to properly grow blackberries on the site.
Photos of examples of landscaping a site with blackberries:
How to use a blackberry bush in landscaping a plot can be seen in the photo. Based on the suggested examples, it is easy to make the area very beautiful.
As you can see, garden blackberries are an excellent solution for landscaping a site. Such a plant will give the territory a special charm and make it individual.