Landscaping and landscaping of the territory is a good opportunity to create a semblance of housing in the fresh air. People try to surround themselves with comfort. Now it is not enough to plant greenery on a suburban area.

Improving the area around the house is a task no less important than arranging the interior of the home
Landscaping provides for various communications:
- Drainage system.
- Electrical wiring for arranging decorative lighting.
- Auto irrigation system.
It is difficult to imagine a modern site without laying paths, recreation areas, relief planning, original artistic compositions. The improvement of a suburban area is comparable in importance with the creation of the interior interiors of a dwelling.
Modern trends in beautification
- Modern trends in beautification
- Design of complex improvement of the local area
- Drainage, irrigation and lighting systems
- Selection and planting of plants
- Photos of examples of correct landscaping of the territory
- Video: Landscaping with taste on 6 ares
- Photo ideas for landscaping a suburban area
Many scientific treatises are devoted to the improvement and landscaping of the territory, this is a set of activities carried out for improvement of environmental and aesthetic conditions on the site in compliance with sanitary standards and the creation of the necessary household conditions.

Every square meter of land should be beneficial and contribute to the harmonious design of the site.
Landscaping, in essence, is the formation of a comfortable and cozy environment for a pleasant pastime, active recreation, and a hobby. Green areas are necessarily functional. The area of a suburban area is pre-planned, divided into zones, illuminated, and ennobled.
Decorative landscaping and landscaping require a creative approach. Fashion trends in landscape design are focused on technological equipment. Heated tracks saves from icing in the winter. The fogging system is replaced by irrigation.

Before laying a garden, you should decide on the style of the site
Another trend is the combination of functional and decorative lighting. The light is selected in a single concept with the garden.
Automatic configuration of utilities "smart garden" reduces the time spent on caring for plants.
Along with traditional natural materials, plastic began to appear more often in the decor. Manufacturers create amazing imitations of wood, natural stone, non-ferrous alloys. Corten is popular - an alloy steel that is resistant to atmospheric precipitation. Furniture, openwork arches, sultans, trellises, gazebos are made of metal.
Design of complex improvement of the local area
It is useful for owners of suburban areas to know how to equip a site near a private house, where to start drawing up projects. First, the existing and planned buildings are drawn on the plan.

Site planning consists of two stages. First, the general arrangement of the zones is determined, then the objects are distributed in each functional zone.
It is necessary to provide for the zoning of the territory into parts:
- external - the space at the borders of the land plot, here they form green hedges or decorate the fences;
- inner - surrounds the back and side walls of the house;
- intermediate - front, at the entrance doors, visible from the windows of the hall.
Then they think over landscaping, taking into account the wind rose, the cardinal points. For each site, plants are selected individually for the chosen style.

An example of the layout of a suburban area of 10 acres
Don't forget about the functionality of trees:
- green spaces should save the playground from the scorching sun;
- in the barbecue area to create a pleasant coolness in the evening.
So that you can freely get to any corner of the site, they make paths, paths. Laying of tiles and other coatings is carried out on a gravel-sand bed or compacted ground. In an area with a high groundwater table, in flooded areas, drainage is being planned. Water disposal is necessary for the full growth of plants, the safety of equipped pedestrian and road areas.

The path from the gate to the house is the main one on the site. It is necessary to use the highest quality material for it, as far as money allows

Internal paths provide comfortable movement around the site and play an important decorative role
It is advisable to preserve the existing coniferous, deciduous trees, tall shrubs so that the site does not seem empty while ornamental plants are growing.
Drainage, irrigation and lighting systems
Engineering communications intended for green areas imply a water supply system. Initially, a drainage system is laid with a water collector, which is often used as a decorative reservoir.

Drainage system around a residential building
An open drain is a network of canals for water drainage. Closed - underground laying of perforated pipes. Water conduits are laid according to the same principle. Ground systems for seasonal use, dismantled for the winter, water is drained from pipes and hoses. Pipes deepened to the depth of freezing are not afraid of frosts.

The drainage system is laid before planting trees and shrubs, laying out flower beds and a vegetable garden
The automatic watering system with a timer regulates the irrigation of the plot in the absence of the inhabitants of the house. An artificial reservoir requires a water conduit. When the level sensor is installed, the reservoir is replenished automatically.

An automatic irrigation system significantly increases the standard of living in a summer cottage or a backyard plot
Network lighting is laid only along the central paths. In remote corners of the garden, they use fluorescent lanterns with automatic recharging, lamps with photocells. Highlight decorative elements, the facade of the house. An alarm system with motion sensors is made around the perimeter.

The area lighting is divided into functional and decorative

Functional lighting is needed on the approach to the house, on central paths and garden stairs

In places where there is no particular need for movement at night, decorative lighting will be sufficient
Selection and planting of plants
The arrangement of the garden of a private house has its own "chips". Having shown imagination, you can create a fashionable and stylish landscape design on several hundred square meters, alternating planting of vegetable crops with flower arrangements. All green spaces will make up the overall composition if the territory is planned correctly.

The most illuminated place on the site is allocated for garden beds
After landscaping and landscaping, the site is transformed, it becomes convenient, practical, cozy. A place where it is pleasant and comfortable to work and relax. Floral and decorative compositions are created for decoration. Landscaping work includes a whole range of activities:
- planting of fruit, coniferous and ornamental trees, shrubs;
- the creation of hedges is the formation of green protection from prying eyes, street dust;
- landscaping of buildings, small architectural forms, gazebos, arched structures.

Among conifers, blue spruce stands out with a special decorative effect, which looks luxurious at any time of the year.
When decorating a plot, plants are selected taking into account the main biological characteristics:
- the need for light (sun-loving shade-tolerant plants must be present on the site);
- survival rate (the aesthetics of planting depends on this);
- cold and drought resistance;
- the need for regular care (delicate plants are planted in the middle zone, on the edges of the site - unpretentious species).
When selecting planting material, preference is given to zoned species and wild plants. Meadow and forest plants fit well into the overall garden design.
In each region there are nurseries cultivating varieties that thrive in local climatic conditions.
A few words about fashion trends in crop production. In recent years, coniferous shrubs have become popular. Ornamental trees are replacing fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, cherry; acclimatized varieties of sakura are in special demand.

Almost at every site you can find the thuja western - overseas beauty, which has successfully taken root in our climatic conditions

For the zoning of the site, beautifully flowering shrubs and herbaceous plants are planted
Flowers became simpler, park and parquet lawns appeared. Green paths and paths displace asphalt. The decorative areas are designed in a modern style.
For rockeries they select:
- perennials of the aster family;
- daylilies;
- bulbous crops.
The compositions are complemented by plantings of remontant strawberries with red and yellow fruits.

To save space, strawberries are planted in multi-tiered beds.
At the height of fashion are hydrangeas, chamomile-shaped flowers, groundcover flowering shrubs that hide the unevenness of the relief. Simple plants from the nearby wilderness fill the site with romance and warmth.

Luxurious hydrangea buds are able to decorate the site for a good half of the warm season
Fragrant shrubs must be planted. An excellent choice is lilac, mock orange, weigela and other abundantly flowering bushes. In the middle zone of the site near the house, rose gardens are created, combining standard and medium-sized species. The exterior is complemented by berry bushes used as hedges, border plantings. They create home comfort, delight with the harvest of berries.

For vertical gardening, clematis and maiden grapes are most often planted.
Vines occupy a special place. With the modern abundance of climbing plants, you can decorate outbuildings, fences, abandoned areas of the garden. They create living sheds, gazebos - openwork "sultans" are planted with branchy lianas, which give a good growth.
Green spaces should not interfere with the functionality of important elements of the improvement.
Photos of examples of correct landscaping of the territory
The successful landscaping of a country house site will inspire you to create your own project, photo projects reflect fashionable trends in design. Layered landscaping of the site near the house - an intermediate territory visible from the windows of the house, will help to hide unsightly outbuildings. Coniferous trees and shrubs look favorably against the background of the lawn. The beauty of the paths is emphasized by the border plantings.

A white fence with an arch is a good idea for decorating a front garden
A cozy seating area with a barbecue is a place for receiving guests. It's nice when the view of the rock garden or rockery opens from the platform. Curly flower beds, arches entwined with climbing roses or shrubs with decorative foliage will be useful.

The shade from tall trees will cover the resting area from the scorching summer sun
Landscaping of the summer cottage will look like a single composition with a garden in a regular style.
Curly beds compete with flower beds in beauty. A suburban oasis turns into a cozy, comfortable corner, besides, it pleases with the harvest. A French-style garden with clear symmetry is complemented by a fountain, wrought-iron lanterns and garden furniture.

Symmetry and order are the hallmarks of a French garden
Zoning the site with burgundy barberry is a variant of the rustic style. Color will add a plot center with wooden decor, rough textiles. A small area will become colorful and unforgettable.

Unpretentious barberry is great for creating hedges of various heights
The Mediterranean is created by patios, pergolas, gentle blue clouds of flowering bushes. Stony steps, an openwork gazebo with fluttering curtains evoke the feeling of the proximity of the sea.

Mediterranean style ideal for a small garden with an enclosed space
The most interesting ideas are realized in modern landscape design. You can make your garden plot elegant and functional at the same time. An individual style solution in the light of the latest trends will emphasize the delicate taste and status of the owners of suburban real estate.
Video: Landscaping with taste on 6 ares
Photo ideas for landscaping a suburban area