The most unusual female names, a list of 10 popular

The name is one of the first gifts the child receives at birth. When choosing a name, parents prefer to show all imagination and originality, thereby expressing their individualism.

To the attention of the readers are presented rare and most unusual female names, a list of 10.



Yarina opens the top ten of unusual female names. It has ancient Slavonic roots, and is associated with the pagan god Yarila. It was from him that the more familiar names Arina and Irina were formed. Owners of a rare name have an extremely heavy, strong-willed character. On the other hand, they are very energetic, cheerful and optimistic people. In all, Yarina tries to be in the first place, so she immediately feels the makings of a leader. Because of the desire to dominate it, often it is difficult in a personal relationship with a man. Yarina will seek a partner with a strong character. If a girl does not meet this, then she replaces her personal career with career growth.



Eccentric name of the rad Rada comes from the Slavic word "joy".The bearers of this name are creative natures. From an early age, they begin to be interested in music and poetry and often choose for themselves professions in this direction. These are very modest and sentimental people. Over time, the modesty of the Rada can grow into indecision, which greatly complicates the life of the girl in the future. It is very difficult for her to decide what is most important for her in life. Rada can deal with several cases at the same time, but never bring any of them to the end.

In Soviet times, the name of the Council was given a different interpretation, arguing that it was derived from the phrase "Working Democracy."Also this name is abbreviated as the owners of such rare and unusual names as Ariadna, Radmila, Radana, Radostin, Radoslavet, etc.

The daughter of the politician Rada Khrushchev is the owner of the name.



World - Ancient Slavonic name meaning "peace", "calmness".But the meaning of their name female representatives do not justify, since these are real furies. The world is very energetic and quick-tempered, loves attention to one's own person. Girls with this name are never deprived of male attention. They are very fond of flirting and flirting. From the intellectual side - this is a very smart and cunning person. As a profession, they choose those specialties that they really like, and they are well versed in them.

Worlds abbreviated as the owners of names of non-Slavic origin - Mirabella, Gulmira, Elmira, Damir. These names have a completely different etymology and have nothing to do with Mira.

Among Russian famous people the name is Russian actress Mira Karpovich.



Linar in Arabic means "fiery".The bearers of the name are outstanding personalities who possess artistic and artistic abilities. They are refined natures who aspire to everything beautiful. Lines do not like to "burn" just time and are always busy with something useful.

The Soviet nomenclature of the meaning of the name sounds like "Leninskaya ARMIA".In revolutionary times, this unusual name was given to both girls and boys( = Linar).



Kaleria has ancient Greek roots and is associated with the mythological character Kalliroya - the beautiful nymph of the rivers, mistress of the god Olympus.

The bearers of this name are hot-tempered and emotional. Kaleria never forgets her grievances and will seek revenge. A girl with this name rarely turns her friends, since she prefers not to trust the representatives of her gender. She prefers warmer relations with men. If Kaleria does not like something, she will not remain silent. Her straightforwardness often prevents her from building a career. Despite the listed features of nature, they are very educated and educated girls.

In the orthodoxy of the name of Kaleria, Valeria corresponds.

The famous ballerina Kaleria Fedicheva is among the famous people.



Iraida came to us from Ancient Greece and in Russian means "heroine".Abbreviated name sounds like Ida. Ida's girls are cocky and arrogant with a very heavy and disobedient character. As a rule, these are ambitious natures, who want to be the first in everything. They are very prudent and the fate of other people is of little interest to them, so it is difficult to evoke a feeling of pity and compassion in them. Pedantic and responsible Ida seek the same qualities in others. These people very carefully monitor their appearance and are popular with men. But to bind herself with family ties Iraida is in no hurry.

In Russian Orthodoxy, the patroness of the name is Iraida of Alexandria, a holy martyr.



Fun - Slavic name, means "joy" or simply "merry".Fun has a sunny and kind character. She devotes much time to the problems of others, which may not be very good for her own success. These are very talented and subtle natures. Career for Fun is not the most important thing in life, for it is very important to recognize close people. The girl is always surrounded by male attention and has many admirers who one by one are denied. In choosing a partner Zabava very prudent - she will marry only for a rich man with a strong character.



Unusual female name Zhelanna comes from the Slavic and means "desirable" in translation. Desirable - curious and resourceful people. Their interests are versatile, they strive to comprehend everything new and unexplored. They are slightly insolent and strive to be the first in everything, because of what the people around consider them arrogant. In relationships and friendship, they are the most loyal partners and friends.



Beautiful and rare for the female name Vitalina ( = Vitaly) came to us from Rome, and in Russian it means "vital".These are very charming and soft natures, which will be surrounded by the love of the surrounding people. They are independent individuals with courage and determination. Vitalins prefer a female company for men, where they feel more comfortable. They are born leaders who have endless energy and a business struggle. Vitaly, as a rule, gets married early, but prefers not to burden herself with domestic chores.

Famous people have a name: Russian tennis player Vitaly Dyachenko, dancer in ballroom dancing Vitalina Bunina.



Bazhena ( = Bozhena) is an Old Russian name, meaning "holy", "dear".Bazhen are lovely and very calm with a kind of person. They are very fond of working and traveling. These characters have a lively mind and are often given to fantasies. They like to spend a lot of time doing their appearance. Bazhena is never deprived of male attention. The family manifests itself as a good hostess. She has common sense and she almost never loses her head.

A rare Russian journalist and writer, Bozena Rynska, has a rare name.