Despite the variety of orthopedic systems used in the production mattresses, special attention should be paid to the selection of the base for the bed. The reason is that the mattress is not a supporting structure, but only redistributes body weight. It is the orthopedic base for the bed that is responsible for the stiffness of the bed, and also affects the duration of the mattress. In this article, we will tell you what types of orthopedic bases are, their designs, selection criteria, we will give a brief overview of the leading manufacturers.
Read in the article
1 Varieties of orthopedic bed bases
1.1 Collapsible, non-collapsible
1.2 Adjustment options
1.2.1 Adjusting the stiffness of the lamellas
1.2.2 Adjusting the position of individual segments
1.3 Varieties of lifting mechanisms
1.3.1 Hinged hand lifter
1.3.2 Spring hoist
1.3.3 Lift on gas shock absorbers
1.3.4 Electric lift
2 Type and materials of manufacture of lamellas
2.1 Metallic
2.2 Wooden
3 Leading manufacturers
4 Criterias of choice
5 Popular models and reviews about them
6 Summing up
Varieties of orthopedic bed bases
Orthopedic bases are distinguished by a fairly wide variety of designs. They are classified according to the method of joining the elements, the material of the frame and lamellas, the type of lifting mechanisms and a number of other factors.
PHOTO: divanguru.comBasic design of a bed with an orthopedic base
Collapsible, non-collapsible
Collapsible bases are made of both metal and wood. They represent a frame in which grooves are made for fastening the lamellas. The main advantages of a collapsible design:
the ability to easily and quickly change the lamellas in case of breakage or the need to replace them with more or less rigid, which allows you to adjust the elasticity of the berth for individual requirements;
the wooden frame is also collapsible, which greatly simplifies transportation. The assembly and disassembly process itself takes up to an hour and does not require special tools and skills.
Among the shortcomings, it should be noted:
wooden frames of orthopedic bases are conditionally collapsible. The reason is that the places of bolted joints and fastenings on screws fail (a large backlash appears) after several assembly-disassembly cycles;
the joints of the frame must be periodically tightened.
PHOTO: cdn.dream-home-ideas.comCollapsible design of the metal bed base
Non-demountable bases are made of profiled pipes. The elements are connected by welding. Lamellas are usually installed at the factory assembly stage. If the design does not provide for fixing mechanisms for lamellas or dampers, then it is rather difficult to replace them.
high reliability;
the duration of operation increases;
there is no need to tighten the nodal connections.
transportation of one and a half and double models is possible only by freight;
many products do not provide for the possibility of replacing lamellas.
The use of completely non-separable orthopedic bases is recommended for people with a large body weight - more than 120 kg.
PHOTO: static.onlinetrade.ruThe non-dismountable orthopedic base with legs can functionally replace the bed
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Adjustment options
Adjustable orthopedic bed bases will cost the buyer a little more, but they are much more convenient to use. The products provide a higher level of comfort and are indispensable for people with musculoskeletal problems or sleep disorders. There are several types of such bases on the market:
Adjusting the stiffness of the lamellas
The standard bending radius of the lamellas is 4500 mm. And the stiffness factor is designed for a healthy person. However, people who are prone to diseases of the spine need additional adjustment. For this, special double slats are used, which allow you to change the stiffness parameters, adjusting it both for the entire berth and its individual sections.
PHOTO: soffas.ruCouplings are used to adjust the stiffness of the lamellas. By sliding them, the user decreases the value of this parameter, and sliding them increases
Adjusting the position of individual segments
The premium orthopedic bases are adjustable from two to seven separate segments, depending on the model. They are used both to accommodate bedridden patients requiring special care and to create especially comfortable sleeping conditions.
PHOTO: duson.ruSingle adjustable four-position base, model "Tetraflex UT"
Devices for adjusting segments can be implemented both as mechanical - manual devices, as well as equipped with electric drives.
PHOTO: bed with seven adjustment levels. Recommended for people with chronic back diseases, leg edema, etc.
Varieties of lifting mechanisms
For ergonomic reasons, many bed models are supplied with a variety of lifting mechanisms. Their use allows you to get a large amount of usable space, which is usually used for storing bedding. The comfort of its operation depends on the type of mechanism.
The method of lifting the orthopedic base itself may also differ:
horizontal - the base rises to a small height in a plane parallel to the main plane of the bed. As a rule, it is used for replacing single and one and a half berths. Not very convenient to use, as it gives limited access to linen drawers;
vertical - only one side of the orthopedic base rises, on the other a lifting mechanism is installed, usually equipped with compensator devices: gas shock absorbers or springs.
PHOTO: mebel-sovet.ruHorizontal and vertical way of lifting the orthopedic bed base
At the moment, the following types of lifting mechanisms are most often used:
on springs;
on gas shock absorbers;
with electric drives.
Hinged hand lifter
Due to its simplicity, the most affordable, the most reliable and durable in operation. In its design, there are no auxiliary elements that facilitate the lifting of the orthopedic bed base. It takes a lot of effort to gain access to the linen drawer, which is why it is most often used for single-bed furnishings.
PHOTO: divanguru.comThe design of the manual mechanism for lifting the berth
Spring hoist
Coiled springs are often used as aids to facilitate lifting. The cost of such a device is not much higher than that of manual models, however, the presence of a spring makes it possible to lift double beds without much effort. A significant disadvantage of the spring mechanism is its low durability. With daily use, the springs stretch for 3-5 years.
PHOTO: i.ytimg.comThe spring mechanism for lifting the bed needs periodic replacement of the power elements
Lift on gas shock absorbers
Gas shock absorbers almost completely eliminate the need for physical effort to lift the orthopedic bed base. This design is absolutely safe for children, therefore it is recommended to install it on baby cots and sofas. The average service life of European-made gas shock absorbers is 10 years. Chinese models are usually made from cheaper materials. Instead of metal, plastic is often used for the gas chamber housing. Therefore, their service life, depending on the intensity of operation, is 3-5 years.
PHOTO: links-stroy.ruWhen choosing a bed with an orthopedic base on gas shock absorbers, special attention should be paid to the manufacturer of the strength elements
Electric lift
The transformation mechanism with an electric drive has the following principle of operation. A small diameter gear is attached to the drive pulley. It drives a gear with a larger diameter, decreasing rotation speed and increasing forces. In turn, the large gear engages the teeth of the lead screw located in the tube. Thus, even a low-power motor can lift the orthopedic bed base together with the mattress. Such devices are used not only in premium-class beds, but also in wardrobes (bedside tables), which are completely retracted into wall niches or furniture walls. The transformation is controlled from a remote control, usually wired, or by buttons built directly into the bed frame.
The photo below shows options for mechanisms with an electric drive on the frame of an orthopedic base and some bed models equipped with it.
In the video you can see the types of lifting mechanisms for the bed base:
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Type and materials of manufacture of lamellas
Slats (slats, battens, latoflexes) are the main element of the orthopedic bed base. If no special requirements are imposed on the material of the frame, except for strength, then the material for the manufacture of lamellas is selected according to a number of parameters.
Not a very common variant of a conditionally "orthopedic" bed base, despite its lower cost than its wooden counterparts. Profiled square pipes are used as lamellas.
a significant period of operation - 25 years or more;
affordable price;
the stiffness parameters of the lamellas practically do not change over time;
the material does not rot and does not burn.
high rigidity of the structure, which is not adjustable;
significant weight - as a rule, such models are stationary. They are not equipped with lifting mechanisms;
the structure is non-separable, practically not repaired (except with the use of electric welding).
PHOTO: stroy-podskazka.ruMetal frame and "lamellas" are used in budget type bases
Most often, curved wooden models are made from beech. This is the best option for this product in terms of price and quality ratio. Lamellas made of more expensive oak practically do not differ in their resilience characteristics from beech ones. Acceptable quality at an affordable cost for lamellas made of birch or poplar. Laths made of pine or spruce, according to experts, are not particularly durable and resilient.
By their shape, wooden lamellas are classified as follows:
straight, can be used under orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks;
curved, up to 3 cm wide - recommended for mattresses with a common spring block;
curved, from 3 to 7 cm wide - used for springless mattresses.
high orthopedic effect and ease of use;
low weight of the structure;
the possibility of self-replacement in the event of a breakdown.
high price;
susceptibility to decay and fungi.
The photo shows the varieties of wooden slats for the bed base.
The video shows the types of river bases:
Leading manufacturers
European and Russian manufacturers are very popular in the market of orthopedic bases. The products of Chinese companies, as a rule, are much cheaper, but they are much inferior in terms of durability and workmanship.
ComCor manufactures transformation mechanisms for upholstered furniture, metal frame products and orthopedic bases. The main production facilities are located in the city of Ivanteevka, Moscow Region.
Forward furniture. Metalware plant located in the city of Glazov, Republic of Udmurtia. It specializes in the production of metal structures and transformation mechanisms for sofas and beds, as well as tables.
Lineaflex. An Italian manufacturer of orthopedic bases and transformation mechanisms, positioning its products in the budget and medium price range;
Vegas - a manufacturer from Belarus (Minsk city), producing a wide range of furniture, orthopedic mattresses and bases. The products are of high quality and reasonable cost.
Ormatek Is an international company with 7 production sites, mainly located in China. The product quality is satisfactory, the price is quite reasonable, it has a wide range of standard sizes and materials.
The photo shows the products of branded manufacturers of orthopedic bases.
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Criterias of choice
When choosing an orthopedic bed base, a number of parameters must be taken into account:
type of mattress. The width of the lamellas, as well as the inter-lath gap, depends on this. If a mattress with spring blocks is used, the maximum permissible distance between the slats should not exceed 50 mm. For a springless product, it is recommended to use bases with gaps between the slats of no more than 3 cm. Even so, the mattress must be turned over at least once a month;
load. The higher the mechanical stress (total weight), the more often the lamellas should be located. But it should be remembered that with an increase in their number, the rigidity of the base proportionally increases. Therefore, with significant loads and the need to obtain a soft base, it is recommended to use wide lamellas with adjustable stiffness. To save money, you can use adjustable parts only in places of greatest load impact;
dimensions. The size of the base and mattress must be exactly the same. Otherwise, the mattress may deform, which will negatively affect the comfort of sleep;
maintainability. Experts advise to give preference to bases, the design of which provides for the fastening of the lamellas with the help of special dampers. These parts additionally increase the elasticity, and in the event of a lamella breakage, they allow you to quickly replace it, without the need for a complete disassembly of the frame;
restrictions on use. Mattresses with latex or coconut coir in their outer layers require a solid or very thick base.
Various types of dampers:
Popular models and reviews about them
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Summing up
Experts recommend using mattresses, including orthopedic mattresses, exclusively in conjunction with an orthopedic base. This combination will not only give a more pronounced effect, but also provide a longer service life. In this case, the orthopedic base is purchased, as a rule, from the same manufacturer as the mattress, or in accordance with its recommendations.
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