Any fence, even an expensive and skillfully made one, looks lifeless and depressing if there is no greenery nearby. From the article you will learn what to plant along the fence, which plants should be planted from the inside, and which from the outside, and a lot of other useful information.

In order to beautifully decorate the places near the fence with flowers and trees, you should know some important subtleties about the placement of various types.
Important! The number of plants, the density of their planting should be related to the size of the site and not overload it.
Why do we need plantings along the fences - advantages and disadvantages
- Why do we need plantings along the fences - advantages and disadvantages
- What types of fences need plantings
- Perennial plants for places near fences
- Plants for planting from the street
- Plants for planting from the inside
- Photo of beautiful landscape design of fences
- Conclusion
- VIDEO: What to plant along the fence in a private house.
- 50 planting options along the fence in a private house:
Basically, plants are planted along fences for the following reasons:
- Plants ennoble the space along the fence. So that it does not look empty and lifeless.
- If the fence is not deaf, through it you can see everything that happens on the site. Densely planted green spaces prevent this.
- Plants retain dust and dirt from the street side. This is especially true if the fence faces the road.
- Green spaces allow you to hide defects in both the fence and the site.
- Some plants, especially those with thorns, increase their protective functions. It is much more difficult to approach him, but if the thief still tries to get through and ends up in a thorn bush planted along the fence, the desire to commit further illegal actions he sharply will decrease.
Cons of green spaces along the fence:
- Plants near the fence have to be constantly looked after. Moreover, they are in plain sight, any defect is immediately noticeable.
- Plantings occupy a certain area. This is especially true if the suburban area is small.

To make the appearance of the summer cottage always pleasing to the eye, it is necessary to refine the area next to the fence.
What types of fences need plantings
Let's list the main ones:
- Chain-link grids. When you look at them from the side, you can't see the fence at all, some pillars stand and that's it. Trees along the fence of this type, shrubs around it visually act as a visible wall of the fence. Ornamental beans, hops, wild grapes, actinidia will do.

It is recommended to plant curly species near the fence, which will entwine the net and subsequently become a kind of green "wall".
- Forged. They look beautiful, but again, they don't protect from prying eyes. Dense planting of trees and shrubs solves this problem. Such a fence goes well with conifers.

To decorate the site, it is better to choose unpretentious frost-resistant types of crops.
- Wooden. Even the classic picket fence looks elegant thanks to the plants. Allowable planting along such fences of apple trees, cherries, plums, pears. What else can you plant near a wooden fence? For example, lilac, barberry, elderberry.

It is not recommended to decorate the fence with plants that require certain conditions for active growth.
- From corrugated board. Not only does the aesthetic appearance of such fences leave much to be desired, but they also glow in the sun. A good green disguise is essential. The best choice would be rose hips, raspberries, vines.

Do not plant close to the corrugated board, as it quickly heats up under the influence of the sun.
- Brick and concrete. Plants add a sense of softness and warmth to the general perception of such barriers. Any slender trees will not look bad.

Shrubs and actively blooming tall flowers will look good.
Important! Keep in mind that plant roots grow gradually, they can cling to each other and harm the base of the fence. Therefore, it is necessary to plant trees and shrubs with a powerful root system at a distance of at least 3 meters from the fence. This is especially true for concrete and brick barriers.
Perennial plants for places near fences
Recall that perennial plants are those that live for more than two years. Much depends on the climate and the area of ββthe country where the fence is located. Crimea and Sochi is one thing, the middle zone and farther to the north is another.

Usually shrubs are used for these purposes, which do not need regular pruning of the crown.
Mostly wild grapes, hops and ivy are planted. The latter retains its color even in winter, prefers moist soils and feels good in partial shade. Climbing roses are very beautiful. However, in care they are quite capricious, they cannot stand drafts, they require fertile soils, timely watering and care.

To reduce the number of curious glances at your estate, you need to build a green wall.
Many are interested in what to plant from perennials along the fence in the country on the shady side of the garden. Hosta, lily of the valley, meadowsweet and ferns will do.

They are unpretentious in care, they are able to close the territory near a private house from prying eyes.
Plants for planting from the street
As a rule, the main goal of the owners in this case is to shield as much as possible from prying eyes what is happening on the site. In this case, the plants should be more or less beautiful and not too whimsical to care for. You can plant trees such as undersized pine, spruce, birch, mountain ash, common or small-leaved elm. If you want a lush crown, then plant chestnuts and acacia.

Free up a space for planting trees at a distance of 3 m from the fence so that they grow normally.
Of the shrubs along the fence, lilacs are most often planted. Plants will have to be trimmed periodically. Otherwise, a lot of time is not required to take care of them. If the tree is used as a support, then choose rocks with even trunks.
Plants for planting from the inside
Often, apple, cherry and peach trees are planted near the fence, often rowan and birch trees. Don't neglect conifers. Of the shrubs, you can recommend lilac, barberry, hydrangea. From fruit bushes, in addition to barberry, red currants, raspberries and viburnum are suitable.

Bushes can, after planting in a flower garden near the fence, grow high by the fall, are able to close the site from prying eyes.
Important! If your goal is to create a specific pattern from plants, avoid species that grow rapidly. For a couple of years or even earlier, they can ruin everything or you will have to spend a lot of time on leaving.

When choosing plantings for decorating the space along the fence in the country, it is important to evaluate and skillfully use the positive aspects.
Photo of beautiful landscape design of fences
Mixborders are very popular. This is when several plants bloom at the same time. If you do everything right, you can achieve a unique combination of colors.

Do not unnecessarily overload the site with tall and large plantings, this can visually reduce the internal space.
Ivy retains its color even in winter, and against the background of a stone wall or on a metal fence it looks quite unique, besides, this plant feels great in the shade.

Plant shade-tolerant plants that don't need a lot of direct sunlight behind a tall, solid fence.
In front of a low fence, a floral mix will look gorgeous.

If the site is sunny, then you can plant lilacs on it. In spring and summer, it will bloom, in autumn and winter, it is better to cover lilac bushes.
Roses planted near the fence are a classic. Given the variety of species and colors, these flowers can be adapted to any features of the landscape design along the fence.

If regular and thorough care is planned, you can choose decorative plantings that require increased attention.
Do not neglect conifers, they will delight you not only in summer. On New Year's holidays, they are often dressed up.

If you do not have enough free time, opt for unpretentious specimens.
Important! Be sure to consider shaded and open to sunlight areas of the garden. Photophilous plants with a lack of sun will wither very quickly.
Now you know what trees to plant on the site along the fence, about the bushes and flowers suitable for these purposes, and also what can be planted between the country house and the fence, but this is not enough. When creating compositions from living plants, you should always take into account how they will look in a year, two, three. Don't forget about the latter.

It is better to give preference to high types of different colors for such a flower bed, as they look more harmonious.
VIDEO: What to plant along the fence in a private house.
50 planting options along the fence in a private house: