An external battery is sometimes really irreplaceable - there is not always electricity nearby
- 1 Why do you need a "power bank" for a phone, tablet, and what is it?
- 2 Which PowerBank is better to buy: editorial advice
- 3 Rules for using an external battery: what the owner should know
- 4 Which external battery is better for a phone, tablet, laptop: user reviews
- 5 Finally
Why do you need a "power bank" for a phone, tablet, and what is it?
Literally translated, PowerBank is a store of energy. The device is an autonomous charger, with which you can charge your gadget without having access to the mains. In fact, this is an additional battery for a smartphone, tablet or laptop. This external power supply is pre-charged and retains its charge until the user connects it through the USB (or Mini-USB) port of the tablet or laptop. After connecting, the "power bank" begins to give charge to the device.
You just need to connect the gadget to an external battery, and charging is already in progress
External batteries may vary in weight, size, capacity, but their device is the same - in lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries of standard size are hidden in a plastic or metal case 18650. But the capacity of "power banks" may differ. This difference plays a very important role. For example, a PowerBank with a capacity of 5000 mAh (mAh) will charge the phone freely, but its charge will not be enough for a tablet, here you need a device with a capacity of more than 5000 mAh.
Which PowerBank is better to buy: editorial advice
Such devices differ in many ways. And if the appearance, color, dimensions and weight are features that do not affect the operation of the "power bank", and the choice according to these parameters completely depends from the buyer's preferences, then you should pay close attention to other characteristics before choosing an external battery for smartphone or tablet. Among them, there are differences in the following parameters:
- Battery Type;
- Battery capacity;
- output current;
- number of ports.
Let's look at each of the points in more detail.
The figure clearly shows the capacity of this external battery - 5200 mAh
External battery type: which is better to buy
The "poverbanks" are equipped with lithium-ion or lithium-polymer batteries. For many, the difference between them is imperceptible, but it is present. First, let's take a look at the device. Lithium-ion batteries used gelled electrolytes, which are unsafe. In case of mechanical damage, such a battery swells up, and sometimes even ignites. In lithium-polymer batteries, this problem is solved - the gel electrolytes are replaced by a polymer (a special film up to 1 mm thick). Therefore, they are safe in terms of ignition. Plus, lithium polymer batteries are cheaper, though not much. However, it was not without its drawbacks - lithium-polymer batteries are more susceptible to aging. With intensive use, such power sources are sufficient for fewer charges compared to lithium-ion ones. If the "power bank" is not used on lithium-polymer cells, then after 2-3 years it can be thrown out - it gets old regardless of whether the device is in use or not.
The larger the capacity of the "power bank", the larger the dimensions and weight
External battery capacity: what it affects and how to choose the right PowerBank
On the battery of any gadget, the manufacturer indicates its capacity in mAh. On average, for a smartphone it is 2000-3000 mAh. Based on this, you should choose the capacity of the external battery. However, it is worth remembering that no battery is able to fully release the charge in it. This means that with a PowerBank capacity of 10,000 mAh, you will not be able to charge a smartphone with a 2000 mAh battery 5 times. Always leave margin for losses. Moreover, in order not to be mistaken, it is better to take the maximum losses, amounting to 30-35%. This means that if the "power bank" has a capacity of 10,000 mA / h, then in reality it can be considered as 7,000 mA / h.
Such "kids" can only charge a small push-button phone - their capacity will obviously not be enough for a good smartphone.
Today the manufacturer offers external batteries with a capacity of several tens of thousands of mAh, however it should be understood that such a PowerBank will cost decent money, have large dimensions and weight.
Interesting models with solar panels, which are suitable for lovers of long hikes. By attaching the battery to your clothing, you don't have to think about it running out. Energy will be taken from the sun.
Charging current is an important parameter of an external battery
PowerBank is capable of delivering charging current in the range of 0.5 to 2A, depending on the model and its specifications. Modern external batteries with 2 USB sockets give 1A for the first (intended for a smartphone) and 2A for the second (intended for a tablet). However, there is one interesting fact.
The higher the output current, the faster the connected device will charge
INTERESTING TO KNOW!(click to find out)
If you simultaneously turn on 2 smartphones for charging in both slots, the current in both slots will be 1A.
When purchasing PowerBank, you should give preference to models with a higher output current. With them, the charging process will be much faster.
The number of external battery ports and their configuration
The most common budget models of "power banks" with one charging port. A little more expensive can be purchased devices with two ports. However, it should be understood that the device will not deliver more current than it was designed for, regardless of what is written near the port. For example, if one port is capable of delivering 1A, and the second 2A, but at the same time PowerBank is designed for 2.5A, when connected to both ports, there is no way to get a current of 3A. Therefore, before you buy an external battery, study the characteristics of the devices that will be charged from it.
Single port device. The second socket is Mini-USB for charging the PowerBank itself
Rules for using an external battery: what the owner should know
It is very easy to charge your gadget via PowerBank. It's even more convenient than a cord-tied charger tied to the mains - no need to turn off the power every time you call. We connect the standard wire to the phone, and its other side to the external battery. Charging should go automatically. If this does not happen, you just need to press the ON / OFF button. The indicators on the device will tell you how much charge is left in the "power bank". When the phone is fully charged, the power bank will turn off automatically.
From this indication, you can see how much charge is left in the external battery.
The PowerBank itself is also very easy to charge. We include it in the charger from phone with the same standard wire. The full charge can be seen on the indicator. When fully charged, PowerBank will stop accepting the load, while the indication will be visible. It turns off as soon as you unplug the charger.
Which external battery is better for a phone, tablet, laptop: user reviews
It has long been known that not every ad can be trusted. This means that you can understand which external battery is better for a particular gadget only by collecting information about it on the Internet, based on user reviews. However, there are many pitfalls here as well. Some manufacturers themselves create fake praise for their products. Editorial staff analyzed a huge number of user reviews, and the ones on which we are based in our today's review are definitely real.
The shape of the external power supply can be completely varied.
It is clear that PowerBank, which is suitable for a phone, is unlikely to be suitable for charging a laptop, which means that our the review should be divided into 3 sections: devices for mobile phones (smartphones), tablets and laptops. In the fourth section, external batteries with a solar battery will be presented.
External battery for the phone: an overview of models and reviews about them
For phone or smartphone PowerBank can be purchased with a capacity of up to 5000 mAh, although a larger capacity will not hurt. Consider several models that are suitable in terms of parameters, along the way, having read user reviews about them. Perhaps this will help our dear reader make the right choice.
XiaomiMi is a fairly well-known manufacturer of similar devices
This manufacturer has long earned a good reputation. Products and services Xiaomi Mi is known for its quality, the buyer trusts this manufacturer. Let's consider one of his models.
This is what Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 5000 looks like - a pretty cute device
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 5000 | 5000 | 2,1 | Li-Polymer | 3,5 |
Quite good indicators - quite acceptable for a phone. And the cost of an external battery Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 5000 is small - such an acquisition will not break a hole in the family budget. And here is what users say about this device.
Review of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 5000.
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Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 5000
Not so famous, but no less high quality Hiper
Slightly more capacitive PowerBank. Interestingly, the increased capacity does not affect the cost - the device is inexpensive and affordable for everyone. Let's consider its characteristics.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
HIPER EP6600 | 6600 | 2,1 | Li-Polymer | 3,3 |
Here it is, HIPER EP6600 - reviews about it are mostly positive
Surprisingly, with a higher capacity, this device charges faster than the previous version. What about the reviews?
Review of HIPER EP6600.
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The fact that he could not charge the tablet is not surprising, the capacity is too small. But in general, a very good device.
Canyon - performance slightly improved
This PowerBank will charge the phone a little faster due to the increased output current. In order not to be unfounded, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main parameters.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Canyon CNS-TPBP5 | 5000 | 2,2 | Li-Polymer | 3 |
Canyon CNS-TPBP5 - a stylish accessory
As you can see from the table, it charges faster itself. Here's what they say about this model.
Review of Canyon CNS-TPBP5
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Canyon CNS-TPBP5
The weakest and cheapest of the presented - defenderLavita
A very cheap model that will work with simple phones. The device captivates with its low cost, but is it worth saving when buying such equipment? Let's consider the device in more detail.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Defender Lavita 5000 | 5000 | 1 | Li-ion | n / a |
Defender Lavita 5000 is a rather weak toy
This is the simplest device based on a lithium-ion battery. But what will the owners say about this model?
Review of Defender Lavita 5000
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Defender Lavita 5000
It was a fly in the ointment, specially added by the editors of for comparison. Now it's time to move on to external power supplies for tablets.
External battery for a tablet: interesting models and their characteristics
A tablet will need a little more PowerBank capacity than a phone, and therefore now we will consider PowerBank devices up to 20000mAh. Let's start, as in the previous group, with a "poverbank" Xiaomi Mi.
Xiaomi Mi 10000 Power Bank for tablet computer: features and reviews about the model
As always with this manufacturer - the quality is high, the cost is low. Let's look at the parameters.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 10000 | 10000 | 2,1 | Li-Ion | 5,5 |
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 10000
As you can see, it charges quite quickly, but this model is more interesting in the second generation.
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 - what's the difference
Many do not pay attention to the number 2 in the name, considering the devices to be identical, but this is not the case. Now the dear reader will be convinced of this.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000 | 10000 | 2,4 | Li-Polymer | 5 |
Xiaomi Mi PowerBank 2 10000 - the second generation is more interesting
Quite a solid increase in the output current. And charging is faster. The most interesting thing is that this practically did not affect the price, and some stores sell this model even cheaper. Here's what people are saying about this device.
Review of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000
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Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 10000
Canyon - what a review without this manufacturer
For tablets, this brand has created a good device, which we will now consider.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Canyon CNE-CPB156 | 15600 | 2 | Li-ion | 10 |
Canyon CNE-CPB156 takes too long to charge
Of course, the charging time is quite impressive, but the capacity is rather big. The only thing that confuses is the low output current. Charging such a PowerBank will be slower than the previous options. Here's what netizens think of the model.
Review of Canyon CNE-CPB156
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Canyon CNE-CPB156
Another assistant for charging tablets - ASUS ZenPower
The PowerBank of this model is interesting in its similarity with Xiaomi Mi Power Bank of the second generation. The only difference is in the charging time, but this is particular. Let's consider this option.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005 | 10050 | 2,4 | Li-ion | 7 |
Interesting performance ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005 in pink
Not a bad device considering the quality of the company's products ASUS. Owner reviews confirm this.
Review of ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005
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ASUS ZenPower 10050 mAh ABTU005
Now it's time to talk about laptop power banks.
External battery for laptop: device models with high capacity
The laptop requires more capacitive external power supplies. You can use the average values (for this often look for "Xiaomimipowerbank 1600"), but such an external battery will not fully charge the laptop even once. Better for laptop to purchase such a device, the charge of which will be enough even for more than one complete supply of the gadget with energy. These are exactly what we will now consider.
Remax Proda is a good option on a trip
Quite a capacitive, inexpensive device. If used for a simple tablet, then the charge will last for 6-7 cycles. For laptopless, of course. Let's consider the model in detail.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Remax Proda 30000 | 30000 | 2,1 | Li-ion | 7 |
Remax Proda 30000 - laptop will charge slowly
The output current is rather weak, but in general it is quite acceptable for this price. And they speak well of this device.
Review of Remax Proda 30,000
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Remax Proda 30000
Rombica NEO - a device with a good output current
Not to say that a cheap external battery, but worth it. There are many different switching cables included. Let's look at the characteristics.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Rombica NEO PRO 280 | 28000 | 3,2 | Li-Polymer | 6,5 |
The 3.2A output current on the Rombica NEO PRO 280 is impressive
A decent 3.2A output current is split between the two ports. The device supports 12, 16, 19V. We couldn't find any positive or negative reviews.
Review of Rombica NEO PRO 280
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Rombica NEO PRO 280
Batteries PowerBank: reviews about RAVPower
An interesting model that does not share the maximum current between ports. It can separately issue 2.4A for one port, 3A for the second.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
RAVPower RP-PB054 21000 | 21000 | 3 | Li-Polymer | 4 |
RAVPower RP-PB054 21000
RAVPower RP-PB054 21000 is a good "power bank" with fast charging
Another representative of the family of laptop chargers - Vinsic
This model, of course, will not achieve the title of "the best external battery" for a phone, tablet or laptop, but its indicators are not bad. Let's analyze the characteristics of the battery.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
Vinsic VSPB401 Warrior P5 | 30000 | 2,4 | Li-ion | 6,5 |
Reviews of the Vinsic VSPB401 Warrior P5 are, to put it mildly, not perfect
A solid mid-range in terms of performance, capable of charging the laptop without problems, although not as quickly as we would like. However, judging by the reviews, everything is not so rosy.
Review of Vinsic VSPB401 Warrior P5
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Vinsic VSPB401 Warrior P5
And now let's move on to the most interesting - models with the ability to recharge from sunlight.
Solar Powered Power Bank: Convenience on Long Hikes
Many go hiking or rafting for quite a long time. In this case, the charge in the "power bank" may not be enough. In this case, an external solar battery will help out. Now we will consider several models of such devices.
DCAE Solar Charger Power Bank - takes charge even in cloudy weather
Many renowned manufacturers offer solar powered external power supplies of various capacities. Let's consider one of them.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
DCAE SolarPowerbank 10000 | 10000 | 2 | Li-ion | — |
These models are not afraid of the rain
We will not put down the charging time in this group, because it depends on the degree of illumination. Not to say that the reviews are perfect, but not entirely bad either. To warn our dear readers, I would like to give a review on the topic of forgery. Be careful!
Review of DCAE Solar Charger Power Bank 10000
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DCAE Solar Charger Power Bank 10000
SITITEK Sun-Battery - conflicting product reviews
How many people - so many opinions. Some praise, others scold. Moreover, the second is the majority. Consider the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
SITITEK Sun-Battery SC-09 | 5000 | 2 | Li-Polymer | — |
Inexpensive device that can charge your phone
Of course, the capacity is small, but the cost of the device is appropriate. Reviews vary, but overall the impression is good.
Review of SITITEK Sun-Battery SC-09
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ITITEK Sun-Battery SC-09
The latest model for today is ALLPOWERS
The model does not cause complaints from users. In cloudy weather, of course, you can't charge a powerful gadget, but it works great in the sun.
brand, model | Capacity, mA / h | Output current, A | Battery Type | Charging time, h |
ALLPOWERS AP-PB-002 | 12000 | 2,1 | Li-Polymer | — |
Average capacity, average work... some average PowerBank
And here is the feedback from the user.
Review of ALLPOWERS AP-PB-002
Summing up today's conversation, I would like to note that no matter how good the reputation of the manufacturer of external power supplies is, there can always be someone who will counterfeit the product. Needless to say, a fake will obviously not be better than the original. Therefore, the editors Т advises: do not pursue cheapness. If a product is 30-40% lower than the average market price, this should be alarming. When purchasing such devices in stores, do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate, study the packaging and the device itself - a fake product cannot be perfect. Be careful and do not let yourself be fooled, so as not to write negative reviews later.
We hope that the information presented in today's article was useful to our dear reader and will help him make the right choice if necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the discussions below. Editorial team will try to answer them as quickly and completely as possible. We also ask you to share your experience, if any - it will be useful to other readers. Write, ask, communicate. And finally, we suggest watching a rather fascinating video on today's topic.