Working with gas equipment seems to be one of the most risky situation in home repair. Often people do not even consider it necessary to look into the safety regulations or standards for activities. But these standards exist, and they strictly regulate who, how and when has the right to cut or move the gas pipe in the kitchen.
Insufficiently serious approach to this case could lead to disastrous consequences. The high probability of gas leakage. A large amount of gas in the room can not only exert a toxic effect on humans, but also cause a large explosion. So if in doubt, carry out an independent cutting is not necessary. Better wait staff.
But here, no harm will follow the work of the master, and the observance of all norms. The following highlight the main information about the works and the basic rules of working with gas pipes. They must be observed, even if all actions are carried out not the owner, and specifically caused by gasman.
Reasons for trimming the gas pipe in apartment

Cut off the gas pipe in the apartment can be for several reasons. The most common is to carry out repair work associated with changes in plate position or other gas equipment. There may need to truncate the initial size of the gas pipe.
The reasons for the transfer of gas pipes can be covered in the request of the management company to make metering device into the open so that you can easily see the performance.
Employees of gas service may draw the attention of the owners of the need to change communications in connection with the recently enacted rules of operation. Updates are not uncommon in these rules, and the apartment owners are often not notified of them in advance.
Requirements of the law to the customer and the executor

High responsibility when working with equipment forced the management companies to put forward clear requirements for all of the action. The law stipulates who may apply for the execution of works and who has the right to carry them out.
Who should apply
Previously, the duty to monitor the serviceability of gas communications was run by the local gas services. But over time, the authorities saw that the monitor so all the apartments is not possible. And this responsibility conferred on the residents themselves. And the main responsible person is the owner.
Important! Rule written in Regulation № 410 from 14.05.2013. In 2017, he made the more certain amendments clarifying the rights and obligations of participants in action.
In accordance with this resolution a statement of working on the gas equipment must apply the owner or tenant of the room. In the second case, definitely need an officially certified document on the lease.
Who has the right to perform the work

the artist works requirements spelled out in the decision quite clearly. The Contractor shall be a representative of the company that carries out maintenance of gas pipes under the agreement with the management company. The works can be carried out by representatives of the company resource provider.
The organization, which will carry out the work, must meet a number of mandatory requirements:
- The employees must have a certificate of attestation to related works;
- Specialized education of employees;
- Document confirming the holding of the manufacturing instruction at regular intervals;
- Availability of specialized measuring equipment and working tools.
All used tools must be in good working order and calibrated from time to time in order to achieve maximum accuracy.
Thus, to the executor of strict requirements, which are usually a user usually does not correspond. Only Master knows how to cut off the gas pipe without damage to the overall communication system. Therefore, carrying out their own cropping is illegal.
The preparatory stage - a permit

Before carrying out any work, make sure that the implement ideas succeed. For more specific information, you can contact the expert organization.
The owner wrote a statement on his own behalf, which indicates the need for expert evaluation of the pipeline condition and requests permission for certain works. The application form is free, addressed to the head of the organization.
After the owner will receive an application, service staff have a specific time to arrive at the place of work. The specialist will examine gas pipes and equipment, and then issue an opinion on the possibility or impossibility of carrying out the planned activities. If a particular plan will not be realized, then the experts will try to offer an alternative.
Once the decision is made, who went Specialist will create a pipeline scheme after trimming. Then, according to this scheme a gas organization will give official permission to carry out works and provide an estimate with an indication of the cost of each action. They will be separately accounted for the cost of the work and the cost of the required materials.
gas pipeline installation regulations
The owner of the apartment before the arrival of the master recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for the location of gas pipes and equipment. This will save a significant amount of time during the work and supervise the activities of the master. Basic information on the subject listed in the document of SNIP 2.04.08-87.
The requirements for gas pipe arrangement

The document clearly stated requirements for the final location of the gas pipe:
- It is necessary to keep a free access to the gas pipe, and being in the visible area of measuring and sensitive instruments.
- The location must be accessible valves, gas shut-off access to the apartment. They are in any case impossible to mask or leave behind large closets. At any time, the overlap of gas must be available.
- In accordance with requirements, any gas pipe must necessarily be at least 200 cm from the floor.
- The horizontal part of the gas feeding to the apartment must always remain intact. It is prohibited to shorten the way, and the more completely clean. But even here there are exceptions: on the upper floors of apartment buildings with some of this tube manipulation can be performed.
Important! For residents of the top floors provided some indulgence in the form of a finding of a crane at a height of 75 cm from the floor. This allows you to simplify the process of organizing the kitchen space without violating safety regulations.
The choice of material and method for performing work

After cutting of the tube is sometimes necessary to combine with each other again. For this welding is used. When connecting different gas equipment. Cranes and regulators provides for the use of detachable joints.
During the work on the gas pipes necessary for a while to stop the flow of life around the riser to avoid leaks. To do this, called special services, which are considered representatives of the gas companies. Independently shut off the flow of gas is not permitted.
The hoses can be used as materials. But their use is permitted only for installation of gas equipment and various measuring instruments. The maximum length of the hose should not exceed 300 cm. Hoses made from rubber sleeves that braided metal sheath.
The other elements of the pipeline have to be made of metal of suitable quality.
The main stages of the work

In order to avoid inconvenience during the operation, it is recommended to define very clearly the date and time of repair. All this must be agreed with the supplier in advance.
Since all the time, until the pipe is cut off, the gas must be closed around the riser, must notify all tenants about it. Alerting employees engaged in public utilities. They will give the announcement of the restoration of the gas supply.
As soon as the specialist will arrive to the apartment, he will have to turn off gas, as well as to provide adequate ventilation in the room.
Work on the gas pipe cutting include the following steps:
- Direct removal of excess piece of pipe in accordance with the set-up.
- Setting caps on the edge of the pipe.
- Performing the necessary welding and connecting elements (if necessary).
- Installation of valves previously in place causing the sealing compound ribbon.
- Checking the gas pipeline in the absence of holes and microcracks.
Since no gas in the apartment, the integrity check is performed using a soap solution, which is applied to the joints. If bubbles appear, it immediately becomes a signal to the master.
After work, the master must draw up a special act, which will include all the actions that he committed to the pipeline. Act is signed by the expert and the owner.
Important! After the completion of all the manipulations master notifies the client of the operating rules of the pipeline and give advice on painting pipes.
Selection of a tool for trimming the gas pipe in the kitchen

Cutting and transport of gas pipes in the apartment is a specific procedure for the implementation of which will require special tools. Masters can use different devices, each of which has its own pros and cons.
Basic tools to cut the pipe:
- Hacksaw. A great tool for high-quality and accurate cutting of pipes. But the use of a hacksaw require the master of a large amount of time and effort.
- Cutter. It allows you to get a quality cut perpendicular to the relatively short period of time. However, use of the pipe cutter can be difficult cramped conditions.

- Bulgarian. Efficient and very quick way of cutting gas pipes. At work there are sparks, so it is necessary to take care for protection.
- Welding machine. Suitable in case of failure to use large tools. Quality cuts the pipe, leaving no trace. But fire hazard method often pushes it to the back rows.
The choice of instrument lies entirely within the framework of a master who will do the job. It depends on many factors, among which are: the volume of space, the layout of pipes, and other materials.
The houses made of wood should not be used grinder or welder. It can lead to fire and fire exposed surfaces. If we have to work with these tools, you need to take care of the protection of the entire surrounding area. Gas cutting pipe sections require further protect the hands and face of the master himself.