How to straighten HDPE pipe, how to straighten HDPE pipes with their own hands

Plastic tubes generally carried cut to size billets or round bays, a twisted ring. In the second case to bring to normal (straightening) due to their need to pull out the twisted, deforming the compacted material. In sharp straightening at normal temperatures they are often damaged in the crease area. Therefore it is important to deal with how the IPA can straighten the pipe without breaking the structure of the material.

Bay assembly

properties of polymers

These attractive properties of polyethylene products their strength and resiliency occur only under conditions of normal temperature. With its increase to approximately + 80 degrees and the soft polymer becomes viscous, whereby the tubular blank can be freely bent.

Note! This possibility is based on the production technology of HDPE pipes, manufactured from the starting material pellets are melted at a temperature of + 130 degrees.

From this it follows that to straighten the pipe HDPE classes (without destruction bases structure) acceptable by heating them to slightly lower temperatures. It is important to understand that its further increase can lead to irreversible consequences (the complete destruction of the molecular bonds).

Proposed methods for straightening HDPE blanks based on the properties and allow you to avoid the undesirable consequences described above.

Methods bending (straightening)

There are several ways to straighten suite in the Bay of tubulars. Some of them are very simple, but are allowed only in certain climates. To implement other options necessary tools and materials to ensure their gradual straightening. In the list below, these methods are listed in order of increasing complexity:

  • Heating pipes of the bay under the sun in hot weather (30 degrees) when the rings are softened so that their unwinding manually manage and without preconditioning.
  • Application for their softening and straightening the hair dryer building.
  • Warming products with hot water due to their structure which acquires plasticity and amenable to deformation.
  • Using a special forming tool in the form of a stand with guiding rubber rollers, allowing to level the hood out of the bay.

Consider each of these methods in more detail.

Straightening under heat

The first of these methods is restricted ideally suitable weather conditions and used very rarely. When using it, you should be very cautious and pulling the tube without undue haste, so as not to damage the fold space.

In the case when used for this purpose building dryer - to work well with it should be carefully, being careful not to exceed the maximum permissible temperature of the jet (80 degrees). When heating a hairdryer should keep it from the bay at some distance and move slowly along the fold.

Warming hairdryer

HDPE products for heating hot water must first prepare hot water, and then pour it into the inner cavity of the bay. When you fill it to cool to about 70-80-year degrees and normally warm up the seat folds.

Using the bench devices

IPA can straighten the pipe and by mechanisms specially prepared for these purposes.

Stand for extension

Note! By this arrangement the method sought in its pipeline of considerable length rolled up into a bay and a small diameter pipe bend.

Existing rotating rolls thereon while heating allow workpieces to smooth sharp folds neatly over short distances. For convenience, the device is placed on a trolley with rubberized wheels.

"People" method

At home, not having at hand or a hair dryer or hot water pipes, manufactured at a low pressure to straighten possible by placing them in heated bulk material.

To implement this method need to do the following:

  • First prepared sand or salt mixture of the desired condition.
  • Then it is poured into the cloth bag and placed in an oven with temperature control (it should not exceed 100 degrees).
  • After heating the mixture was poured into the bending tube stock and retained there for a while, after which it is possible to start straightening.

Additional Information! In cottage oven can instead take any suitable pan, used for cooking on an open fire.

For hot filling mixture is recommended to use a special ceramic ladle with metal funnel, providing convenience for all operations.

Loading of bulk material

Finally, we note that in selecting suitable pipe aligning method IPA preferred embodiment, in which the impact on the structure of the material is minimal. This approach is very important for the work, as these products have a long operation in the composition of the collected own hands pipeline.