Foam glass - a product to create a thermal insulation layer of the building. They are durable, resistant to adverse climatic conditions and wear. With this production of foam glass - bringing big profits it is a profitable business.

The technology of manufacture of foamed glass in the home
Many owners of country cottages try as much as possible to perform work on their own and make some building materials with their own hands.
Important! Production technology of quality foam glass involves heating it to 1000 ° C, which makes it impossible to manufacture in the home.
Currently, the Russian small producers engaged in the preparation of the material. Employers can hire this niche, engage in the production of foam glass and extract good profit from this business.

Production of Powder of cullet - a popular and relatively simple method. It consists of several stages:
- grinding and mixing cullet and blowing agent;
- loading the obtained raw material into molds;
- roasting in ovens at 1000 ° C for a day;
- cooling;
- sawing;
- packaging.
Making any kind of foam glass is possible only in conditions of the factory floor. The entrepreneur will have to rent space and equipment, capable of maintaining a stable high temperature during the day. The easiest way to production - is the use of cullet. In order to equip the plant for the production of foam glass is necessary to get the equipment to do the following:
- washing the material;
- crushing;
- blending;
- baking;
- transportation of raw materials or finished products;
- packaging.
line facilities for the production of foam glass - it is not a cheap event. But with all kinds of equipment easy to find on sale. If funding becomes available equipment plant will not cause difficulties.

Using the products of modern construction materials allows you to quickly carry out installation work. Builders can select a type of insulation material with the desired characteristics. The table presents the main characteristics:
Density, kg / m3 | Thermal conductivity, W / (m * ° C) |
200 | 0,07 |
300 | 0,09 |
400 | 0,11 |
When calculating the necessary thickness of insulation taken values corresponding to operating conditions. They depend on the humidity conditions of the interior and humidity zones. The latter figure depends on the area of the object location. A large amount of moisture leads to saturation of the material with water and reduce its insulating properties.
In the production of foamed glass can be given any kind of materials. They will vary depending on the purpose, form, structure of the cells. Depending on the purpose of the form is isolated 3:
- thermal insulation;
- sound insulation;
- Special designed for road construction, waterproofing systems, the creation of architectural forms and protection from electromagnetic waves.

Materials produced in the form of loose material, blocks or slabs. There uklonoobrazuyuschie shapes and patterns. Loose divided into granular foamed glass and rubble. Products in the form of plates are used for thermal insulation and sound insulation of facades and bases, and the granules or gravel backfilled into constructions and form a good insulating layer.
Products in the form of plates easy to cut and install. But they are much more expensive than their bulk counterparts. They are used in the construction of farm buildings, low-rise buildings, the construction of walls of monolithic buildings.
In the production of foamed glass it is possible to give any kind. To do this, use the form. With this shaped products are often used for insulation of complex architectural forms.
Cells may be closed or open. In the first case decreases the percentage of water absorption of the material. It retains its insulating properties even in humid environments.

The popularity of building material due to its unique characteristics:
- Compressive strength of from 400 to 1600 kPa.
- Flexural tensile strength is 200-550 kPa.
- Under the concentrated load of 1000 N strain is 0.5-2.0 mm.
- Materials can be operated at a temperature from -260 to + 400 ° C.
- Short or long term water absorption does not exceed 0.5 kg / m2.
- Paropogloschenie is not more than 0.002 mg / m * Pa * h.
During the construction of important protection against fire. The material does not burn, so it can be used for the erection of any building. It is safe for humans, it does not emit harmful substances, even under strong heating, does not pollute the environment.
Foam glass endures the impact of different chemical environments (excluding hydrofluoric acid), is not subject to corrosive degradation, not afraid of biological effects (rodents, insects). On the surface of the mold is not formed, the material will not rot. During the construction of a building or other object is important to ease the installation of building materials. Due to the small tolerances in the manufacture of foamed glass, it has a high accuracy and dimensional stability.

The material is useful. It can be easily sawn into blocks of the desired size with a manual tool. But foamed glass is heavy even with the air bubbles. Glass products are fragile and do not tolerate violations of mounting technology. On impact the heavy plate subject to crack and become useless.
Important! Glass blocks hardly passed steam. They are not susceptible to mold, but other wall materials may become defective due to excessive moisture indoors.
Foam glass is convenient to create ventilated facades.
Manufacturers of foam glass in Russia
To produce foam glass in the home is not possible even with special equipment. To ensure the operation of the furnaces must be a special room and professional workers.
The raw material for the manufacture of a cullet. It melts, it is filled with lots of small air bubbles and is cooled gradually. Cools the mass solidifies acquires greater strength. Through the use of various forms of articles can be shaped and manufactured material for various construction purposes.

In Russia, industrial production of foamed glass has been a small number of enterprises:
- Neoporm (JSC "Company" STES-Vladimir "), Vladimir;
- Izostek (LLC "KAMMET"), Krasnoyarsk;
- ICMGlass (OOO "Kaluga AySiEm Glass"), Moscow. Only produces crushed stone;
- LLC "Saitaks", Moscow region;
- LLC "Penosital" Perm. Only produces crushed stone;
- LLC "Penostek", Moscow region;
- LLC "TIGI Kramer", Moscow;
- Rybinsk Plant, Yaroslavl region.
Most manufacturers offer a large selection of products from this material. Builders can choose the material for various construction purposes (insulation, low-rise construction, erection of walls of monolithic buildings).