beautiful poof — trendy piece of furniture and interior decoration worthy — It can be made independently. Tie the bag for padded stools crochet, knitting, or stitch it out of scrap materials. For example, an old sweater. It's simple!

So, to create a padded stools you will need ...

Filler. Select the one that you like. Fillers are natural:
- cedar and pine sawdust (this material has a healing effect. Although it needs periodic replacement);
- most air material - fluff;
- buckwheat husk (currently very popular).
The main advantage of natural filler - no hazardous chemical substances.

Synthetic fillers:
- polystyrene (advantage of this material - ease. Small balls create good volume);
- hollofayber - easy option synthetic filler used to make upholstered furniture;
- foam polyurethane foam - gippoallergenny material.

In the role of a filler can serve the old garments, cushion, which is no longer needed or blanket, cereals, dried grass, cotton.

knitted pouf
Related Case for ottoman, made with his own hands - an excellent solution that decorate the interior of any style. This piece of furniture is unlikely to be any different from store samples.

How to link an ottoman?
Tie 6 squares using the hook.
- yarn (approximately 5 coils);
- needles for tapestry;
- crochet hook (not less than 6 millimeters);
- filler;
- Additional materials: plastic bags, special fibers, foam.

- seaming squares using double thick thread;
- sure, whether in the product order form (you can check on the box);
- dopmaterialy need to ensure that the product was stronger.
Since the fine aggregate will leak outside, use an appropriate cover such as pillowcases.

Sew all sides. Voila!
Use the product as directed.

If you do not know how to knit or want to make an ottoman fast — you can make a soft piece of furniture from the already unnecessary knitted products. For example, a sweater.

- trim at the collar sweater inside out;
- cut the sleeves, after which the resulting holes sew strong filaments;
- unscrew the sweater inside out;
- rounded bottom;
- invest in ottoman polyester lining. Then cut the cup 2, connect all the elements.
Take the selected filler and fill them to the product.

When the ottoman is filled - to sew up the hole.
A great piece of furniture can serve as a place for relaxing, reading, playing games. Besides, it's just beautiful!