Most chainsaws Husqvarna 2019: ratings, reviews

Extensive grounds recently bought our holiday home overgrown with old trees, bushes. From the outset it was clear that we all have to work hard to ennoble the territory, gather firewood. The most important task was the acquisition of a chainsaw for us, without which it is impossible to deal with these matters. A neighbor to testify advised us chainsaws Husqvarna. We decided to look at the different models of this brand and now tell you about the results in our top 5 chainsaws Husqvarna.


  • 1 Chainsaws Husqvarna: general information
  • 2 Top 5 Husqvarna chainsaws
  • 3 Popular issues
  • 4 conclusions

Chainsaws Husqvarna: general information

Chainsaws Husqvarna - the best-selling product in the world of its kind. They are adapted to Russian conditions, can be used in professional and consumer sectors. Produce devices in Sweden with quality control at all stages of production.

The following characteristics are recognized chainsaws common features:

  • Smart Start technology is provided for quick start;
  • autotuning for the correct type of fuel;
  • high-speed motors with a capacity of 4.9 kW;
  • handbrake, automatic stop mechanism of the chain;
  • comfortable grip. Coverage handles reliable and comfortable;
  • rare replacement filter. This helps to reduce maintenance costs;
  • afterburning of the exhaust gases to lower the toxicity of the exhaust gases;
  • vibration damping system designed to take the weight off of hands;
  • a two-stage air filter.

Depending on the scope of use of the manufacturer offers several model lines.

Conventional saws (series 100-200) are designed for simple work on the plot. They are distinguished by an easy start, simple operation, low exhaust emissions.

Universal chainsaws (400 series) are characterized by ease of maneuvering and starting, low weight. They also, like the previous model, have X-TORQ engine with reduced emission of gases and low fuel consumption rate. The range of equipment includes switch with Auto Return button for fast switching, fuel pump.

Professional saws (series 300, 500) have a high performance, designed for continuous operation. In this they differ light weight, compact, have useful features that improve work efficiency.

Particularly powerful and reliable chainsaw XP series are robust, designed for operation under severe stress for a long time. Have the sump of an aluminum alloy with magnesium, a large fuel tank, handles heating function.

Light chain saws for tree, shrub (T series). Have a balanced body, light weight, so you can work with them, even when they are on the tree.

Of particular interest are some models that are in demand among buyers. Let us examine them in detail.

Top 5 Husqvarna chainsaws

1. husqvarna 365-18

Chain saw for professional use. It is used for deforestation, sawing large logs, has been applied in the rescue work. Its power to 3400 watts combined with pobeditovymi chains enough for cutting concrete, metal parts. Such versatility justifies the cost of the product, starting from the 40 th. rubles.

The special features of the model include:

  • crankcase of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium which can withstand operation at particularly high speeds;
  • centrifugal air cleaning system intended to reduce wear and tear;
  • oil pump, allowing fine-tune the regulation of the amount of supplied lubricant;
  • side chain tension;
  • three revolutions speed.

Advantages: chainsaw easy to maintain, it has great resources of power and reliability.

Disadvantages: in winter the plant is not immediately, after four or five runs.

Price: ₽ 39 990

husqvarna 365-18

2. husqvarna 450e

Universal chainsaw cost only 20 thousand. rubles. Designed primarily for use in a domestic environment. The main features of the model include:

  • X-Torq engine. motor characteristics ensure fuel economy. A reduced amount of emissions allows to comply with the requirements of environmental protection;
  • quick air filter;
  • hinged lid of the fuel tank;
  • Start Smart existence of a mechanism designed for easy starting.

Advantages: comfortable and ergonomic design, good performance of all functions declared by the manufacturer.

Disadvantages: from under the removable cover can drip oil. In place of the supply of oil during operation quickly assembled debris.

Price: ₽ 19 990

husqvarna 450e

3. Husqvarna 135

It falls into the category of consumer devices. Can be used for cutting bushes, medium-sized trees, as well as for firewood, lumber manufacture for cabins, baths. Despite the budgetary cost (14 thousand. rubles), has almost the same components and features as the expensive models. Among them:

  • two-stroke engine X-Torq, which provides lower fuel consumption;
  • double purification of air, reducing to a minimum the emission of exhaust gases;
  • quick air filter;
  • side chain tension;
  • counting direction rolls;
  • combined control stop engine / throttle

Advantages: chainsaw taxing to maintain, has low quality gasoline easily run at any temperature air.

Disadvantages: for cutting coarse material is not enough power.

Price: ₽ 13 990

Husqvarna 135

4. Husqvarna 240

Household chainsaw is suitable for sawing firewood, pruning and other similar works. At a cost of 11 thousand. rubles is properly thought-out design. The main features of the model:

  • anti-vibration system that frees the hands of the load;
  • motor type X-Torq. This technology allows to save fuel, reduce exhaust volume;
  • Fuel pump designed to facilitate the start-up;
  • the chain brake is actuated by inertial forces.

Advantages: simple design, working principle. This chainsaw - the best option for those who are used to such a device into the hands did not take.

Disadvantages: power is only enough for medium-sized sawing materials.

Price: ₽ 10 782

Husqvarna 240

5. Husqvarna 120 Mark II-14

Chainsaw is designed to work on the garden plots. The main characteristics of the model are:

  • engine developed by X-Torq technology. Its use makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption, the volume of the exhaust gases;
  • air treatment system Air Injection. The use of the system makes it possible to increase the service life of the saw;
  • fuel pump;
  • system that reduces vibration.

Advantages: despite the budgetary cost (11 thousand. rubles), it has a high build quality. The model is interesting as the fact that adapted to domestic gasoline.

Disadvantages: power is only enough for the cutting of small parts.

Price: ₽ 10 990

Husqvarna 120 Mark II-14

Popular issues

The Husqvarna chainsaw differ from the products of other manufacturers?
From chainsaws from other manufacturers Husqvarna products are economical fuel consumption. Husqvarna model fuel consume 20% less. The amount of exhaust emissions from Husqvarna models to 70% less in relation to the products of other manufacturers. It allows you to work in a more comfortable environment, not pollute the air.

Husqvarna chainsaws are easy to operate and maintain design protection against vibration and inertial brake the rebound instantly stopping circuit. Thought air cleaning systems, as well as mechanisms to facilitate start under difficult conditions.


Summarizing, we can say that the products are practical and ergonomic, with their design takes into account environmental requirements. the characteristics of the appeal and has led to the popularity of the Husqvarna chain saws.