🔫 Pluggers Electric: the choice of a suitable model

If you need to break up a thick layer of concrete or carefully remove the trim, you should pay attention to the electric hammer. Opting for a particular model, you can greatly simplify the implementation of a large number of tasks. Offer to get acquainted with the features of this tool, the parameters that are worth paying attention to in the selection process, as well as the characteristics of the models are very popular.

Electric hammer - reliable assistant builder and otdelochnikaFOTO: kubaninstrument.ru
Electric hammer - reliable assistant builder and finisher
PHOTO: kubaninstrument.ru

Read article

  • 1 Areas of application of the electric hammer
  • 2 Design and Function
  • 3 Making the right choice: electric hammer with appropriate parameters
    • 3.1 Power, energy impact and weight
    • 3.2 The executive heads and additional handle
    • 3.3 Features and Benefits
      • 3.3.1 Smooth descent and Lock button
      • 3.3.2 Adjustment and maintenance of the number of strokes
      • 3.3.3 vibration protection system and replacement indicator brushes
    • 3.4 cartridge
  • 4 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 5 leading manufacturers
  • 6 Review of popular models of the electric hammer
    • 6.1 Sturm! RH2521P: Rating 5/5
    • 6.2 STAVR PTA-1300: Rating 4.8 / 5
    • 6.3 MAKITA HM1203C: Rating 4.5 / 5
    • 6.4 UNION PES-2520RB: Rating 5/5
    • 6.5 Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional: Rating 5/5

Areas of application of the electric hammer

Thanks to the functionality and design features electric hammer is used when performing a large amount of construction work. With his help:

  • unmounted finishing material, monolithic structures destroyed, as well as brick or concrete;
  • shaped window and door openings, various recesses and niches;
  • cleave facets;
  • friable the frozen ground;
  • chopped metal;
  • broken slabs, foundation.
Scope of Use enough obshirnayaFOTO: postroika.biz
Field of use quite extensive
PHOTO: postroika.biz

Design and Function

The composition of the hammer include:

  • motor;
  • rotor;
  • the striker. With it, the movement from the motor is transmitted to the functional part;
  • peak. This directly working portion for performing certain types of actions. Making movement back and forth, you can perform various jobs. It moves the item with a sufficiently high velocity.
Design carefully produmanoFOTO: blogs.3ds.com
Design carefully thought
PHOTO: blogs.3ds.com

The operating principle of the electric hammer is the formation of the impact of great strength. Formed by the impact energy allows you to perform a certain kind of action. For this operation, the energy unit generated by an electric motor, is transmitted through the rotor on the striker, who begins to make mechanical movements, that, in turn, makes the move peak.

Attention! Electric hammer may not be used in areas with high fire danger due to the possibility of generating a spark in the process.

Peak, performing the specified movements, causes the material to break away osnovaniyaFOTO: diamondtech.ru
Peak performing predetermined movement causes the chip base material
PHOTO: diamondtech.ru

Making the right choice: electric hammer with appropriate parameters

To make the right choice, it is necessary beforehand to understand the design features and technical characteristics of the electric hammer. These parameters largely determine the possible scope of use instrument.

Selection baffle electric hammer depends on specificity performed rabotFOTO: tf-pozicovnanaradia.sk
Selection baffle electric hammer depends on the specifics of work performed
PHOTO: tf-pozicovnanaradia.sk

Power, energy impact and weight

Power of the electric hammer defines the area of ​​use, since this determines what material it is able to destroy and a thickness. This parameter can vary within 0.5-2 kW. The selection can be made in favor of the power device:

  • 0.5-1.1 kW, if finishing work to be done;
  • 1.2-1.6 kW for processing stone or brick base;
  • More than 1.7 kW to break asphalt or promorzshego soil. An indispensable option when performing repairs.
Power unit determines the type of executable rabotFOTO: thxuk.com
Power device determines the type of work performed
PHOTO: thxuk.com

The impact energy, calculated in joules, is also an important characteristic of the electric hammer. It should be considered when choosing the appropriate option. The larger the value, the more features has a specific model: it can help to break the stronger materials. In light devices active component is 3-8 J., and at high-power can reach 60J.

impact energy - an important parametrFOTO: voltra.by
impact energy - an important parameter
PHOTO: voltra.by

Depending on the weight of the instrument can be divided into:

  • light having a weight of 5-6 kg. Such a device allows freedom of movement in the limited space in the corners, while working at an angle. With it, the action may be performed at a height;
  • with average weight of 5.10 kg, used in the performance of work in the vertical and horizontal direction;
  • heavy. Its weight can reach 30 kg. Able to cope well with the frozen ground, the foundation.
The greater the weight, the more vozmozhnosteyFOTO: resources.mynewsdesk.com
The greater the weight, the more opportunities
PHOTO: resources.mynewsdesk.com

The executive heads and additional handle

The configuration of the executive baits may vary substantially. It defines a list of works, which can be made specific electric jackhammer. The selection can be made in favor of:

  • peaks-crowbar. With this nozzle can be removed asphalt, to dismantle the structure of brick or concrete, to loosen the soil to form a passage in the rock;
  • Blade-peaks. With it, the base is cleaned by a facing material, it is possible to clean the surface of the concrete;
  • chisels. Opting for this nozzle is made, if it is necessary to form a hole or a gap in the wall, cut through rebar, to dig a tunnel in peremorzshey soil, dismantle the metal structure;
  • ramming. Used for soil compaction. It allows you to seal cracks and seams.

Additional side handle provides an even distribution of pressure which occurs during operation of the equipment. It can be located at any angle relative to the main abutment.

The side handle improves ergonomics modeliFOTO: proftools.ru
The side handle improves ergonomics model
PHOTO: proftools.ru

Features and Benefits

Functional tool and the possibility may differ significantly. This determines the ease of use and cost. In order not to regret their choice, it is necessary in advance to meet with all available functions.

Before choosing an appropriate model should look at some functions and vozmozhnostyamiFOTO: mullerconstructionsupply.com
Before choosing an appropriate model should look at some functions and features
PHOTO: mullerconstructionsupply.com

Smooth descent and Lock button

An important feature for novice operators is a soft-start function that allows you to gradually start the actuator. This functionality is only for electric hammers. Increases the tool life. Increases operator comfort.

Soft start improves ergonomics instrumentaFOTO: equipmentworld.com
Soft start increases ergonomics of the tool
PHOTO: equipmentworld.com

The ability to lock the power button substantially increases the usability of the electric hammer during continuous operation. There is no need to hold it constant.

Adjustment and maintenance of the number of strokes

When you select should pay attention to devices that let you adjust the number of strokes. This allows you to select exposure mode with the account of features of work performed. If the volume is large enough, the maximum number of strokes can be selected to increase the performance of the device. If the amount of work is relatively small, they can be reduced to a minimum.

Adjusting the number of strokes will select the best mode vozdeystviyaFOTO: 1001krep.ru
Adjusting the number of strokes will allow to choose the optimal mode of action
PHOTO: 1001krep.ru

Enough to date can be a function of maintaining the number of strokes. If present the number of strokes will remain unchanged, even if the load on the working nozzle is large enough. This will improve the quality of work and will increase the life of the tool and the attachments.

vibration protection system and replacement indicator brushes

In operation, the hammer of any type when making lance translational-rotational movement, followed by crushing, there is the characteristic vibration. To reduce the negative impact on operator manufacturers provide special damping and inserting a spring and fitted with the handle body and rubber pads to reduce the amplitude fluctuations. Some models provide a dynamic counterweight, whereby the vibration load is reduced by half.

Attention! vibration protection system is particularly relevant for models with high and average power.

Timely maintenance of the electric hammer provides LED replacement carbon brushes, notifying the user of the need to perform such manipulations. Carbon brushes are an important part of the collector motor. Due to their power transmission is provided with the stator to the rotor. In operation, they gradually deteriorate, reducing engine efficiency and the device as a whole. At the same time, inevitably there is a vibration, contributing to the intensification of the wear process. After replacing brushes performance jackhammer restored.

Attention! The indicator tells you when to replace the brush to prevent catastrophic device wear.

brush wear indicator notifies the need zamenyFOTO: technofavorit.com.ua
brush wear indicator notifies you to replace the
PHOTO: technofavorit.com.ua


Cartridge defines class professional device. The selection can be made in favor of the electric hammer with a cartridge:

  • keyless. It allows you to quickly replace one peak to another, than significantly improves the performance of work. Replacement is performed without the use of auxiliary tools;
  • SDS Plus. Such cartridges are mounted on light jackhammers. Kept small load;
  • SDS Max. Designed for medium and heavy devices. Able to withstand quite intensive operation;
  • allen. Substitution peak is made using a special key. Is part of a heavy version of electric strikers, completed large diameter peaks.
Cartridge type determines the speed of replacement instrumentaFOTO: img1.nowpurchase.com
Cartridge type determines the speed of the tool changing
PHOTO: img1.nowpurchase.com

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of electric hammers should include:

  • efficiency. Thanks to the thoughtful design execution, they are significantly higher than other types of analogues;
  • service available;
  • great destructive power at a relatively low weight;
  • slight vibration, which makes use of the tool comfortable for a long time.

The disadvantage is:

  • inability to work in conditions of high humidity, since in this case the electric motor condensation, which can cause a short circuit;
  • volatility. This brings some difficulties when working at a distance from the outlet. In some cases, you will have to purchase a generator to perform the necessary scope of work.
Electric hammer capable of destroying different osnovanieFOTO: strument.com.ua
Electric hammer capable of destroying different base
PHOTO: strument.com.ua

leading manufacturers

Quality products are offered by many manufacturers. However, the first position traditionally occupied by the electric hammer, sold under the trademark:

  • Makita. The Japanese company offers a wide range of hammers with various specifications. This allows you to choose the best option for the task;
  • Bosch. German products are created for use in harsh environments. All electrical breakers this manufacturer are equipped with cartridges SDS Max;
  • Hitachi. The Japanese manufacturer offers medium and heavy unit with the original design;
  • DeWalt. Products are manufactured in North America. Manufacturer focused on devices with medium and high power. Jackhammers completed rounds SDS Plus, SDS Max and hexagon;
  • Interskol. Domestic manufacturer offering devices that are not inferior in its characteristics to foreign analogues.
Qualitative models have many proizvoditeleyFOTO: zubr-tools.ru
Qualitative models have many manufacturers
PHOTO: zubr-tools.ru

Review of popular models of the electric hammer

With a large variety of devices offered by manufacturers, a number of models are in high consumer demand. We offer to meet demand electric jackhammers, earning positive reviews from customers.

Sturm! RH2521P: Rating 5/5

Qualitative model that can generate energy with a frequency of 48 J 1500 strokes per minute. The level of generated noise does not exceed 96.4 dB. Complete with hex chuck. It has a capacity of 2.1 kW. It weighs 16.3 kg. There is a vibration protection system, lock the power button, additional handle and brush. Supplied in a carrying case. Cable 2 m.

Sturm! RH2521P able to cope with different materialamiFOTO: cdn.rbt.ru
Sturm! RH2521P able to cope with different materials
PHOTO: cdn.rbt.ru

Review Sturm model! RH2521P:

Break up the concrete is simple: electric hammer to cope with the task, if you make the right choice
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.by/product—otboinyi-molotok-sturm-rh2521p/1949929126/reviews? track = tabs

Sturm! RH2521P

STAVR PTA-1300: Rating 4.8 / 5

Ergonomic model with a maximum impact energy of 16 joules. It has a capacity of 1.3 kW at a frequency of 3900 beats / min. Complete with chuck SDS Max. Weight 6.6 kg. Supports a frequency of strikes and lock the power button. It comes in a case with additional brushes. There is an additional handle. Cable length is 5 m.

STAVR PTA-1300 - elaborate execution
STAVR PTA-1300 - elaborate execution

Review model STAVR PTA-1300:

Break up the concrete is simple: electric hammer to cope with the task, if you make the right choice
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—otboinyi-molotok-stavr-moe-1300/1949929018/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213


MAKITA HM1203C: Rating 4.5 / 5

Powerful model, completed the side handle that can change position. Thanks to this performance, easy in the processing of the vertical planes. Impact energy of 25.5 J. sufficient to form a niche in the concrete and the brick base. The device weighs 9.2 kg. It has the function of vibration protection. The number of strokes is adjustable between 950-1900 beats / min.

MAKITA HM1203C - reliability in detalyahFOTO: stiproduction-a.akamaihd.net
MAKITA HM1203C - reliability in the details
PHOTO: stiproduction-a.akamaihd.net

Feedback on the model MAKITA HM1203C:

Break up the concrete is simple: electric hammer to cope with the task, if you make the right choice
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—otboinyi-molotok-makita-hm1203c/1949929119/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213


UNION PES-2520RB: Rating 5/5

Robust model 2 kW with a maximum impact energy of 49 J. Provides 1300 frequency beats / min. Supplied with the hex chuck 30 mm diameter shank. It weighs 14.5 kg. You can support the frequency of attacks. Supplied in a carrying case. There are additional brushes. There is an additional handle. Cable 3 m.

UNION PES-2520RB is stored in a special keyseFOTO: sturmtools.by
UNION PES-2520RB is stored in a special case
PHOTO: sturmtools.by

Review model UNION PES-2520RB:

Break up the concrete is simple: electric hammer to cope with the task, if you make the right choice
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—otboinyi-molotok-soiuz-pes-2520rb/1949929071/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213


Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional: Rating 5/5

Expensive powerful model with a maximum impact energy 41 J and weighing 16.5 kg. It has a capacity of 1.75 kW. The frequency is 1,300 beats / min. Complete with hex chuck. There are anti-vibration protection. Supplied in a carrying case. The level of generated noise is 93 dB.

Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional - a high-tech tool designed for professionalovFOTO: toolprokat43.ru
Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional - a high-tech tool designed for professionals
PHOTO: toolprokat43.ru

Review model Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional:

Break up the concrete is simple: electric hammer to cope with the task, if you make the right choice
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_7137047.html

Bosch GSH 16-30 Professional

Share in the comments, if you had to use fenders electric hammers? In favor of a model choice was made?