Electric grill for the house TOP 5 best models: types, characteristics

On elektrogrile can cook meat and fish, vegetables and seafood


  • 1 What are the advantages of the availability of the kitchen appliance
  • 2 The main types of electric grills for home
  • 3 The main technical characteristics of electric household grills
  • 4 How to choose an electric grill at home - advice edition
  • 5 Electrical grill which company is better to choose from the available slot
  • 6 Which is better - electrical grill or pan-grill: expert opinions
  • 7 What better electrical grill, top 5 popular models of customer reviews
  • 8 Where it is profitable to buy an electric grill for the house, the prices of popular models
  • 9 Video: how to choose a home electric grill

What are the advantages of the availability of the kitchen appliance

Electric Grill - is a multifunctional device, with which you can cook a lot of dishes from different recipes. Using electrical grill, you can roast, bake a variety of foods. Availability regulators providing heated heat sources, allows to prepare dishes with different degrees of roasting, which is especially important in the preparation of steaks. By design, electric grills are stationary and portable, which determines the possibility of their use. By the method of exposure to food electric grills are classified as follows:

  • contact type - when foods are placed on a spit or basket and rotate around the heating elements disposed on the sides of the device;
  • contact type - the products are placed directly on the heated surface, they are unilateral, bilateral and combined.

Electric grill combined contact type

The main advantage of using the grill is that the dishes prepared using it, are health foods, because in the cooking process does not use fats and oils. In addition, the electric grill - is a multifunctional device, with which you can prepare hot sandwiches and snacks, pancakes and cakes, as well as many different recipes using meat, fish and seafood.

The main types of electric grills for home

Kind of electric grill depends on its construction, and, as has been described above, it may be a stationary or a mobile device with a different type of arrangement of the heating elements and the effect on the treated food. In addition, the contact type electric grills are classified by the type of fastening of the heating elements, with removable and fixedly arranged heating panels. Model-contact type classified by the method of placement of food: planetary, vertical, rotary and shampurnye.

Models with non-removable panels are low cost

A distinctive feature of the grills of all types is a corrugated surface on which the cooking.

Electrical grill with non-removable panels

The essence of this design is that heating panels are fixed permanently on the fixture. This low cost model may be unilateral or bilateral type periodic use. The advantages of this design are:

  • small geometric dimensions;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages of the models of this type are:

  • inconvenient service;
  • the fat remains on the panels, even with careful handling.

Electrical grill with removable panels

A distinctive feature of this group of devices is the ability to remove the heating panels, which greatly facilitates their purification after cooking. With removable panels manufactured unilateral, bilateral and combined models.

The advantages of this type of equipment are:

  • functionality;
  • ease of use and maintenance.

The disadvantage is considered to be a higher value than that of counterparts with non-removable panels.

The presence of various forms of removable panels substantially enhances the functionality of the domestic appliance

Electric grill pan

Pan-grill has a corrugated bottom and that this is similar to the grill, whether that is the source of thermal energy (electricity, gas, solid fuel). If we consider the option elektrogrile contact-type one-way heated, then it was he who is most similar to the functionality and the types of services to pan-grill. However, there are pans models, equipped with heating and double-sided, which significantly expands the options for their use. The advantages of electric grill pans, in comparison with conventional counterparts are:

  • ease of use and maintenance;
  • control of the heating temperature during cooking;
  • functionality.

The disadvantage, as compared with conventional pans, is the necessity of having an electrical energy source.

Electric grill pan with unilateral heating

The main technical characteristics of electric household grills

For any household appliance specifications are the main factors affecting the choice of a particular model. For home electric grills basic specifications include the following parameters:

  1. Electric powerMeasured in kW.
  2. The geometrical dimensions grill and shape of the heating elements.
  3. device components (Fixed, portable, desktop).
  4. materialsUsed in the manufacture of the housing and the working surfaces.
  5. The presence of Automation, Control and protection.

When you select a specific model, in addition to technical specifications, important factors influencing choice are the cost and the availability of additional functions.

The presence display and settings greatly simplifies the use of the device

Additional features, which are equipped with various models of appliances of this type are the following:

  • indicators of the presence ofInforming about the process of preparation and ready meals;
  • temperature adjustment heating elements of heatingAnd the possibility of separate adjustment for the top and bottom heating surface;
  • the presence of the timer and the ability to automatically disable the device from the mains;
  • temperature maintenance cooked dishes for a predetermined time;
  • delayed start - it allows you to start cooking in a certain period of time;
  • pensMade of insulating materials, ensure the safety of use of the domestic appliance.

Removable panels made of non-stick materials are convenient for maintenance

How to choose an electric grill at home - advice edition

How to select electrical grill for the house - this is the question that rises to a potential customer in the moment of decision about its purchase. editors, experts recommend pay attention to the following points:

  • electric power the device determines the speed of cooking: the larger it is, the faster will be cooking;
  • working surface area It should be commensurate with the volume of prepared foods, so the area of ​​the heating panel of 500 cm2, will be quite adequate for a family of 5 persons;
  • two-sided model more functional and cooking process with their use less extensive;
  • the presence of adjustments location of the top panel simplifies cooking, and the possibility of adjusting the rear feet can accommodate grill at a certain angle from the horizontal plane, which provides drainage of grease generated during cooking;
  • materialsUsed at manufacturing of working surfaces, should have a non-stick coating;
  • housing Grill should be durable and easy to be subjected to purification;
  • the presence of additional functions significantly expands the functionality of the device.

The shape of the suitcase is convenient for desktop and mobile embodiment using

Electrical grill which company is better to choose from the available slot

In the market of household electrical appliances running a large number of companies from around the technologically advanced countries in the world. This fully applies to devices intended for use in the kitchen. In the segment of low-cost electric grills are best known model «Tefal» company, «Maxwell» and «Philips».

«Tefal» (France)

«Tefal» - an international company specializing in the manufacture of utensils and appliances. In the line of electric grills are more than 10 models with different technical characteristics, functionality and value. The most popular, according to feedback from users, are in the budget segment: «GC205012» and «GC306012».

Electrical grill for desktop use

«Maxwell» (China)

«Maxwell» is a home appliance manufacturer in the low-end models. Company products are variety of models and good quality. In the category of electric grills popular device «MW 1960 ST».

«Philips» (Germany)

The world-famous brand, engaged in the production of electric hand tools, appliances for the home and kitchen. In the category "Kitchen appliances» in electric grills most popular model in the segment of low-cost is the «HD 6360/20».

Which is better - electrical grill or pan-grill: expert opinions

In order to decide which is better - electrical grill pan or a similar type, it is necessary to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type of kitchen equipment and draw appropriate conclusions.

What to choose - electrical grill or pan-grill, each user decides purely individual

According to experts edition to the advantages include:

Electric grill:

  • a variety of designs, shapes and geometry;
  • functionality;
  • can cook several dishes at the same time;
  • cooking can execute a given program in an automatic mode;
  • ease of use in a variety of operating conditions.

Grill pan:

  • ease of maintenance and use;
  • reasonable price.

The disadvantages of these appliances include:

Electric grill:

  • stationary models are heavy and large geometric dimensions;
  • models with non-removable panels are difficult to maintain;
  • the cost is higher than that of the pan-grilled.

Grill pan:

  • less functionality than the elektrogrile;
  • models of conventional design - it is impossible to prepare food in the automatic mode.

Unilateral trains similar to the grill and grill pan functionality and uses

Which is better - electrical grill or pan-grill, each user decides for itself, based on the personal preferences, living conditions and tips provided by experienced users and experts.

What better electrical grill, top 5 popular models of customer reviews

The popularity ratings of various household appliances manufacturers are companies, trade organizations and various Internet resources on the basis of the number of sales, customer demand and feedback from experienced users.

Feedback from customers in the segment of low-cost models of electric grills were the most popular:

«GFgril GF-080" rating 9,4/10.

The model is equipped with an electronically controlled and quite functional.

Compact size and light weight, which allows its use as a mobile device. The presence of the display and the timer facilitates the use of the model.

Model «GFgril GF-080"

Reviews of the model:

user - baffena:"Decent grill. Lightweight, high-quality and easy to use. Advantages: preparing tasty, easy, convenient operation. Minuses: no fixing panels, it is inconvenient to wash. "

In details:http://irecommend.ru/content/khoroshii-gril-foto-vkusnykh-kolbasok

user - IRINAMZLO: "Good! Advantages: preparing tasty, easy, inexpensive.

Disadvantages: weak presses. "

In details:http://irecommend.ru/content/khorosho-861

«Maxwell MW 1960 ST», rating 9,5/10.

The model has sufficient electric power (2 kW), allowing to quickly prepare food, ideal for sandwiches and vegetables.

The working surface is covered with non-stick coating and convenient for maintenance.

Elektrogrile refers to bilateral models

Model «Maxwell MW 1960 ST»

Reviews of the device:

user - Polya555, city St. Petersburg:"A very useful thing! Advantages: corrugated plate, clear controls, fast cooking. Disadvantages: not found. "

More on Otzovik:http://otzovik.com/review_3712762.html

user - Katy-iva, of Nizhnevartovsk:"Delicious steaks and not only - very quickly. Advantages: The products are prepared quickly. Disadvantages: difficult to wash. "

More on Otzovik:http://otzovik.com/review_2952376.html

«Tefal GC205012», rating 9,7/10.

Model equipped with removable heating panels manufactured with non-stick coating. Power unit 1.6 kW, which is sufficient for the preparation of various dishes. The model has three heat settings and can be stored in an upright position, which is convenient for its storage.

«Tefal GC205012» Model

Reviews of the device:

user - Kaushechka, city Moscow:"Really like. Advantages: easy to rinse. Disadvantages: takes place in the kitchen. "

More on Otzovik:https://otzovik.com/review_4477483.html

user - Wolga22, city Ruza:"It's easy to cook. Advantages: fast. Minuses: no container for collecting fat. "

More on Otzovik:https://otzovik.com/review_4290946.html

«Philips HD 6360/20», rating 9,8/10.

The model has an electric power of 2 kW and a mechanical control type.

Removable panels have a non-stick coating.

Reviews of the model:

user - Meline, was Yaroslavl:"If you want to lose weight - it will not! I really need it! Advantages: Tasty food, quickly and effortlessly. Easy to wash. Disadvantages: no. "

More on Otzovik:http://otzovik.com/review_482101.html

user - Mayram, city Smolensk"When you want kebabs, without leaving home. Advantages: tasty, juicy, healthy, low-fat food. Lots of possibilities for kitchen experiments. Flavored skewers, without leaving the house, a large variety of recipes book. Disadvantages: small height for the preparation of major products. The difficulty in the manual cleaning ".

More on Otzovik:http://otzovik.com/review_3093489.html

Model «Philips HD 6360/20»

«Tefal GC306012», rating 9,9/10.

The model has a three-position removable panels: grill, barbecue and oven, as well as three heat settings. The panels have a non-stick coating and convenient to use.

Reviews about the device:

user - ameli1987, city Ufa:"When the PP is not only useful, but pleasing to the eye and delicious! Advantages: tasty and fast. Disadvantages: not very clean and the cabinet does not add up. "

More on Otzovik:https://otzovik.com/review_5074397.html

user - lohmatik, city Voronezh:"Convenient, reliable grill. Plus, a recipe of "black burger." Advantages: space for culinary fantasies. Minuses: no cookbook. "

More on Otzovik:https://otzovik.com/review_4425590.html

«Tefal GC306012» Model

Where it is profitable to buy an electric grill for the house, the prices of popular models

Buy an electric grill for the house can be in shops and retail chains specializing in the implementation of home appliances and equipment for kitchen. In addition, the wide range of models is presented on Internet resources where you can study the feedback from users who are already using a particular model elektrogrile, as well as talk to them on the forums.

The cost of the most popular models discussed in this article, refer to the following table, in the implementation of their trade organizations.

PictureModeldevice typeCost, rubles
«GFgril GF-080"With non-removable heating panels.4 500
«Maxwell MW 1960 ST»4 000
«Philips HD 6360/20»3 500
«Tefal GC205012»With removable heating panels.4 600
«Tefal GC306012»7 000

The large number of models allows you to select an electric grill for home use in accordance with the selection criteria and personal preferences.

Video: how to choose a home electric grill