📲 How to unlock your phone if forgotten password: methods, tips and tricks

Lock - a reliable way to protect sensitive data from prying


  • 1 Smartphone Protection Methods
  • 2 How to unlock Android-smartphone
  • 3 How to Unlock iPhone

Smartphone Protection Methods

There are several basic mechanisms by which it is possible to restrict unwanted access to your phone. We will understand them.

Letters and numbers

Not the most comfortable, but the most reliable way to protect data - use a password, which will be entered every time you unlock your gadget. Actually, that is what he is uncomfortable. At each start you have to manually enter data from the keyboard smartphone. But to crack or to pick a strong password is almost impossible.


Password-based graphic images - one of the most convenient ways to lock. There are two versions of this approach: forming a pattern of multiple nodes - from 4 to 9, or finger gestures trace existing drawing. Often you can see the "nodal" graphic key - he is one of the staff protection systems to the operating system Android. Remember graphic image several times easier than a password of letters and numbers. Key resistance is provided by a large number of possible combinations.

Pattern - the simplest and most reliable way to lock

For example, when the number of engagement units 9 embodiment is slightly more than 140,000. However, not all so simple security. Similarly, it is easy to enter this key, you can spy on him. Security engineers even conducted an experiment, when the movements of the fingers, and not seeing the screen of the smartphone was able to identify up to 85% entered unlock. In addition, the use of a single key for a long time may leave subtle marks on the protective film or screen.

The fingerprint scanner

the development of technology allowed to fully implement it in a compact gadgets - smartphones and tablets. As fingerprints unique, the reliability of such a protective mechanism is at a high level. This mechanism requires only one touch of a finger, which is undoubtedly very convenient and faster than typing an alphanumeric password, or pattern. But even here there are a couple of nuances. Firstly, it is the quality of fingerprint recognition.

Fingerprint scanner reliably protect data, but may be a bit to fail over time

That is, sometimes the system can fail and not "recognize" the user's finger. Secondly, the sensor is typically placed on the rear side of the buttons or a smartphone, and hence when contact they can receive sensor damage, which subsequently reduces the quality of fingerprint. Naturally, this is not observed at all smartphones.

How to unlock Android-smartphone

Android smart phones have a built-functional, which provides reliable protection against unauthorized access. Sometimes, this protection can stand up against his master, for example, when he forgot the password or how to enter your unlock pattern.

With Smart Lock function

Smart Lock - is a system of automatic locking, which came with a version of Android 5.0. It includes several intelligent mechanisms for determining the condition and location of the phone. For example, the system can recognize the physical contact with the person.

Several options for the use of Smart Lock function

It works like this: the smartphone receives data accelerometer and if it turns out that people at this point is on foot, the device will stay unlocked, making it accessible at any time. As soon as the rhythm of the accelerometer readings change significantly or disappear altogether, the system will understand that the user or put the phone on the table, or the gadget comes not a real user, and thus block him. Quite a convenient thing. If you forget the password or pattern, set in an alternative way lock, unlock the gadget he could, making several of its conventional steps.

Fichey second interesting feature is the Smart Lock Phone lock in the "safe" place. It can be a home user, his work or any other place where you can safely unlock your phone. Determined location using geolocation access points or Wi-Fi. That is, to unlock a locked phone, you just need to bring it to a safe place.

Some models of smartphones can recognize a person or connected to it "trusted" gadget when you connect the phone itself is unlocked.

With services smartphone manufacturers

The probability of such an outcome is extremely low, but still possible. The fact that some manufacturers offer a remote gadget smartphone control via the Internet. However, for this you need to use the built-in account the manufacturer, that is register in the system.

Easiest way to find your lost phone and unlock it in any place

For example, Samsung have Find My Mobile service that allows you to find the lost device. Also it can be and to hold remote unlocking device. But you need to smartphone was logged in under the account of Samsung and is connected to the Internet.

After a Hard Reset

Resetting to factory settings - this is an extreme measure, which can be used if other methods to unlock your phone does not work. Hard Reset will reset all settings to the state "by default", removes all applications and contacts stored in the phone memory.

Here is the menu screen rekaveri

Therefore, this approach is considered to be the most extreme measure. In order to reset the settings on the telephone is locked, you have to go in rekaveri mode - a special menu Android smartphone, which just serves to improve its capacity. To start rekaveri mode smartphone must be turned off. Now we need to press one of the physical buttons combinations. Most often, it decreases the volume + Power button. Less common variants with increased volume + Power or combination added to this button "Home". The different models they need to hold a different duration from 5 to 15 seconds. If all goes well, you will see the Android logo with folded lid of an android. Then the system will boot in service menu. Management in it is carried out to increase-decrease the volume buttons, and select the desired item - Power button. We are interested in the item wipe data / factory reset. He can be either in the root menu or the Recovery menu. After clicking on it the phone will erase all data and restart. It may take some time, so it's worth a little wait. Sometimes the first start after a reset may take up to 5 minutes.

Through ADB Run utility

ADB - is a special debug bridge Android, which is used for debugging of devices based on Android OS. Under the ADB can be understood and console application for the computer, which implements and communicates with a mobile device using the commands. ADB can install along with the SDK for Android, and can separate. To be able to control your smartphone via ADB, USB debugging must be enabled on the device. Enthusiasts have created a small program that uses the mechanism of ADB - ADB Run.

Appearance utility ADB Run

It has a friendly and intuitive interface than the standard ADB console, and can do everything that is possible to implement with the help of ADB. The program has a simple installer. And after running only need to select the desired menu item. In our case it Unlock Gesture Key / Pin Key. After selecting the desired menu item, we will move to lock the setting that asks you to select a number of ways, including one that requires Root rights.

Selecting one of the ways to unlock your smartphone


Flashing - this is an extreme measure, if for some reason fail to get into rekaveri mode. Universal method of firmware exists. Depending on the device sometimes first need to get Root rights, find the firmware that is suitable for this smartphone, and perform a number of operations, often different for different models. Therefore, for each specific model is better to look for firmware and typical instructions to relevant sites, for example, 4PDA.

How to Unlock iPhone

For iPhones, there are a few other algorithms release, due to the use of very different mechanisms in the hardware and software.

With iCloud

iCloud - is a cloud service that allows you to store and synchronize data from your phone to a remote server. In addition, through the service, you can find your lost gadget, lock it remotely, or vice versa - to unlock. But for this it is necessary that the following two conditions: The unit must be connected to the network and the "Find iPhone» must be activated on it.

data entry window for access

To unlock your smartphone, you need to go to the service page https://www.icloud.com/#find. Here the user will be asked to enter the data from the account - Apple ID and password to it. At the top of the screen select "All Devices", which contains gadgets linked to this account. We need to find a device you want and click on it. In his card there is an item "delete iPhone», which will reset the settings and passwords, making the device available.

through iTunes

In order to realize this recovery option, you need to pre-create the backup. After the launch of iTunes and synchronization is complete, you need to select "Restore from backup iTunes».

Data Recovery - virtually the same as that of a factory reset

From the list of registered devices you need to select the gadget and the latest backup. It will return the iPhone in the state that corresponds to the selected date.

Reset counter incorrect attempts

When you try to remember your password, you can make a mistake and wrong to enter it. Available number of attempts - 6. The device is locked and does not give the opportunity to enter a password. But if you hope to remember the password is not quenched, it is possible to reset this counter. You will need iTunes and internet included in the gadget. If the physical device is connected via USB you need to run iTunes. After synchronization is complete, the counter is reset automatically, and you can try to continue to pick up the password.

recovery mode

This mode is similar to the reset to factory settings in Andriode. Only in the case of an iPhone it will help us again iTunes. A locked device must be connected to the computer and open the program. Then on your phone you need to hold down the power button and the "Home" and keep them for as long as the device will reboot and will not start the recovery mode. In this mode, you will be asked to either restore or update your smartphone. You must select the "Restore". The recovery process will take some time. After completion of the password will be reset and erase all settings and data.


The very process of Jailbreaking does not help. However, its presence in the smartphone allow access to third-party programs to teach for a password reset. For example, Semi-Restore. This program is installed on your computer, and with its help, connected via USB iPhone can be reset to factory defaults. In the program to erase all the data has only one SemiRestore button.