Mural - multifunctional design method. They are able to visually expand the space, transform a room and make a new note into the familiar interior. Or destroy environment, irritating households diversity and size of the picture. How to choose wallpapers and avoid errors when using? This article - the answer to all the questions, plus dozens of photos.

To create a unique and unique design will help wallpapers in the interior of the house.
Types: Picture informed choice
- Types: Picture informed choice
- Errors when using interior wall photos
- Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpapers in the interior
- In which rooms can accommodate wallpapers
- Mural in the living room
- Wallpapers for the kitchen and bathroom
- Mural in the nursery
- Mural in the bedroom and other rooms
- Which style of the apartments are well combined Mural
- The most popular images on the Mural
- Use Cases photowall expanding space
- VIDEO: Photo wallpapers in the interior rooms - photo collection.
- 50 photowall design options in the interior apartments:
Thanks to modern printing methods and materials of the latest wallpapers have become a stylish design element of apartments and offices. Images can be standard or copyright, from landscapes - to abstraction. The main selection criterion - quality. Like conventional wallpaper, decoration differs in composition.

Technologies to deliver a completely any image of the desired size.
- Paper wallpapers. Budget option, are short-lived, do not wash, easy to scratch. Figure printed by offset method, which leads to an image imperfection.
- Vinyl. As a part of - paper impregnated with a special compound. Durable, easy to clean with a damp cloth. The range - different textures simulating velvet, plaster, burlap, etc. Color quality - high. Foamed vinyl masks flaws walls. Resilient vinyl happy gloss.
- Fleece. Wallpaper durable, suitable for wet cleaning. They can be coated with a glossy or matte film. High quality printing. Hygroscopic, thanks to them the wall "breathes". More expensive than the previous versions.
- Fabric. Durable and eco-friendly, stylish. Decent image quality. Poor wash and accumulate dust.

Thus, wallpapers can decorate like a small area, and the entire perimeter of the room.
Mural in the apartment should be not only durable, but also pleasant to the touch. The variations are so many that it is better to evaluate each sample.

Proper handling of photo wallpapers advantageously affect the overall result.
Texture options:
- The smooth reflective surface. On the wallpaper is applied to a clear picture with more detail.
- Plaster. The rough texture of vinyl or non-woven backing. Traditional for the old cities of images.
- Sand. Small grains, tangible at hand can hide the irregularities of the walls. Suitable for abstract drawings.
- Linen. In the simulation of natural tissue is applied to color image or scenery.
- Canvas. It simulates cloth paintings. Used for images of masterpieces.

The selected pattern is to maintain the overall interior style.
Note! Manufacturer ordered photowall you can add an additional protective layer: a film or lamination. This will significantly increase the service life of the product.

One of the most common ways to trim photo wallpapers - this is taping one of the walls, so it focuses on the attention.
There are other, less popular options. For example, imitation tile, concrete, masonry or wood surface. To overdo it with unusual textures, it is not necessary, as long as the cloth was durable and suitable for the interior.

Image with simulated stone, wood or brick can replace natural materials, thus helping to save space in the interior.
Errors when using interior wall photos
Wallpapers will decorate any room, bring flavor to the interior, but they need to be able to pick up.

In a small room it is desirable to use a lighter palette.
Basic mistakes of photo wallpapers:
- Inconsistency room style. The mural depicting the town on the Mediterranean Sea not suitable for minimalism. Grove image under the setting sun, like in the store, it may look out of place in a classic interior, but will be a great boon for the eco-style.
- Location photowall two or three walls. This technique does not decorate, and will spam room. One image accent in the room is sufficient. Exception - panoramic views.
- Mismatch of colors. Colors photowall should be combined with finishes of walls and ceilings.
- Error in scale. Giant flowers, magnified ten times, looked far from harmonious.
- Illiterate zoning. If you want to visually separate the two zones is not necessary to have the images on their borders. Correct option - pasted wallpapers deep in each zone.
- Ill-conceived lighting. For a photo pictures will not do the dark places and the walls with glare from bright lighting. But they look great, if on the side edges or the bottom edge to position spotlights.
- The combination of fabrics with a decor or large furniture. On the photo pictures should not hang a mirror in a beautiful frame. You can not combine it with shelves, TV or large furniture. But the sofa or a table next to the wall decoration will be appropriate.

Enhancing effect will have wallpapers with a perspective view.
Another important point that should be guided in choosing - the appropriateness of the image. Cloth with the busy city streets is not suitable for the bedroom, but it will look good in the gym.

Vertical canvas visually pull the room, and extends horizontally.
Advantages and disadvantages of photo wallpapers in the interior
Photo pictures pleasing to the eye and perform certain functions. Skillfully using the image, you can change the interior beyond recognition, and do without the extra investment in repairs.

Prints can have a total color palette with the rest of the trim or contrast with the general background.
Benefits photowall use in the interior of the apartment:
- The variety of species, colors, patterns and designs allows to implement original ideas.
- Illustrations to visually change the space. Vertical pattern visually make the room above. Horizontal - wider.
- Fotoprint distracting themselves and hide the shortcomings of planning.
- Zoning is an effective tool, which is important for studios and living room with kitchen.
- Masks the error walls.

With partial finishing photo wallpapers walls can divide the room into zones.
The only drawback may be called the complexity of gluing. Glue-art facility with a better assistant, you must follow the instructions and carefully follow the docking fragments.

Bold interior solution for home decorating.
In which rooms can accommodate wallpapers
Photo wallpapers in the interior of the apartment Photo Sakura or sea, receding into the distance, filling the space with warmth and comfort. Depending on the functional purpose of the premises prints may vary.

The best option will be bright wallpapers with a light image.
Mural in the living room
Art object should be the center of the living room, the brightest part of the room. He sets the tone setting, so it is advisable to place a poster in front of the entrance. Use the 3D image, natural motifs, portraits of celebrities or ornament.

Decorating photo wallpapers will be an elegant solution, the interior will receive the necessary "flavor", while preserving space.
Important! If you are not sure that the selected option will fit under the interior, use a computer program, which can be modeled like interior.
Designers do not recommend to put the furniture next to photo wallpapers. But it is allowed if the room is 10-15 sqm You just need to place the picture at a distance of 70-80 cm. from the floor to the sofa, chair or cabinet not overlap the image.

Wallpapers will be a real work of art in the interior of the house.
Wallpapers for the kitchen and bathroom
In the kitchen, a special microclimate, so wallpapers should be moisture and vapor barrier with a surface amenable to wet cleaning. Accent wall with food - a great way to bring the room unique. Suitable natural motifs or false box.

This can be a large panel or modular pattern constituting one image.
Note! Mural on waterproof should be marked with three wavy dashes.
Bathroom - more stringent requirements for moisture resistance, which increases the cost of the web. But properly selected art facility will significantly increase the space.

Mural in the bathroom can create an association with the portal, opening the way to another location.
Mural in the nursery
Mural should be placed in the game of the room to separate it from the rest area. Girls would be appropriate to the image of fairytale characters, castles and princesses, or a combination of the magical images of his own drawings. Boys suit racing cars, favorite cartoon characters, airplanes, etc.

Such a method will give the interior a personality.
The bright art object will transform the nursery into a magical land, a world of dinosaurs or garage Funny Cars.
Mural in the bedroom and other rooms
For the rest rooms best suited subjects, having to rest: flowers, architecture or nature images. The main thing that the art object was pastel colors that gives a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere.

The canvas is glued over the bed or in an area with a dressing table.
Important! It is advisable to paste photo wallpapers only the upper part of the hall, the bottom is quickly spoiled.
Art objects can be used in any room. Map and view of the starry sky is suitable for the office. A poster with a road receding into the distance visually extend the hallway.

Expand the space of the high mountains or the river fleeing away.
Which style of the apartments are well combined Mural
Mural used in all existing styles, it is important that the image subject corresponded style orientation:
- Classics: castles, towers, ancient architecture, painting.
- Provence: rustic scenes, landscapes, and different patterns.
- High-tech: posters with geometric shapes, abstract and drawings in black and white.
- Eco-style: images of waterfalls, rivers, lakes, forests, fields, or color;
- Nouveau: photos of famous actors and singers, landscapes.

The living room is the place where you can maximize implement any ideas.
The stylish design of the apartment with photo wallpapers will please owners, and surprise guests.
The most popular images on the Mural
The most common options - natural motifs and their variations. Gaining popularity cityscapes, such as night city with skyscrapers illuminated with lights. Or Mediterranean town street, stretching into the distance.

Photo wallpapers are finished with the wall in the living room can be designated rest area.
Success enjoyed and architectural structures of various countries, for example, the Eiffel Tower. Impressive image machines, motorcycles and aircraft. These wallpapers are perfect for a teen room.

Thus, the interior will get its own "flavor" while preserving space.
Posters with geometric shapes, flying spheres or labyrinth is increasingly used in high-tech style, the living room or bedroom.
Use Cases photowall expanding space
Designers are advised to expand the space in the following ways.
- Vertical stripes or elongated objects (trees, mountains), will increase the height of the room, and the sea and the clouds will extend the room.
- Glossy reflective surface photowall make the room airy and filled with light.
- Warm colors reduce the space and the cold increases. Blue and blue "move apart a wall."

Mural above the headboard will help to identify the sleep zone, visually separating it from the rest of the space.
With well-chosen photo wallpapers your interior will be transformed!