To your home was your impregnable fortress you need a responsible approach to the choice of the front door. It is important to take into account reliability, structural strength, the material from which it is made, and noise protection function of visual perception.

Doors are an important part of the interior of the apartment. They are able to create the right atmosphere, to correct the perception of space and decorate the room
Features of entrance doors
Features of entrance doors
- soundproofing
- visual perception
- Protection against penetration
The combination of color and style doors in the apartment with the interior
- With baseboards
- With the floor covering
- with walls
Popular colors for interior doors in an apartment
- color cappuccino
- Ivory
- Color bleached oak
- Color dark ash
- And others
- Types of materials for the doors to the apartment
- Select the type of construction of the doors in the apartment
- When should I choose the safe door
- Video: Color Selection doors to apartments
- The doors to the interior of the apartment - 50 photos
The store not everyone can find the door, suitable for all requests. In this case, you can make it to order, meeting all the requirements. All the nuances need to be clearly defined in the contract up to the smallest details.
Before you start to choose the front door to the house, it is necessary to get acquainted with its structure:
- door leaf (frame plating, stiffeners and heater);
- door frame;
- loop;
- Castle;
- seal;
- Fittings (eye, pen, etc.).

An input device of a metal door
Refine which was subjected to rolling steel, which holds the door leaf. The type of rolling depends on long-term service and its other properties.
The result of hot rolling the steel sheet is a product easily undergo rust and corrosion. They come in dark colors, but often due to the decorative coatings, the color is not visible. The price is not high. Cold-rolled steel is more expensive, but considering the fact that the atmospheric influences on it have no effect, it can last you a very long time.

For metal doors crucial thickness of steel used - the European entry door is 1 mm, Chinese - from 0.5 to 1 mm, domestic - from 1.5 to 3 mm
Entrance door can be made of metal or metal-plastic combined metal and wood.
Noise insulation doors in the apartment - an important factor. After all the noise could adversely affect the measured life of the household.

Doors with high class of structurally sound insulation can not be thin
Sound insulation material may be of:
- metal;
- become;
- tree.
Materials used as a silencer is a polyurethane foam chips, liquid foam or mineral wool.
There is a classification of sound insulation. Groups of A to E. The group A includes doors with the highest level of sound reduction. They can cope with the noise of any height decibels.
visual perception
Let's start with the fact that security is better to choose more subtle and dull. According to statistics, break-ins are subject to the apartment, the entrance to which stands out from the crowd.

Tone door panels are selected depending on the size and design of the room
Colors that are popular among customers:
- the black;
- brown;
- Navy blue;
- dark chocolate;
- Gray;
- burgundy;
- the color of natural wood.
For an additional fee, you can paint the canvas in the desired color.
The rest of the difference between the doors are mainly financial.
- Economy class. Locks in them have no special protective properties. Door blocks often are U-shaped. inexpensive materials, such as leather or a plain paint used for decoration. If, however, metallic fabric, the thickness of the sheet is unlikely to be greater 1.5 mm. Soundproofing likely made of corrugated cardboard. As a rule, they belong to the first level of Burglar.
- Prestige class. Burglar by them can be attributed to the second class. They are made of metal profiles and are endowed with ribs. metal thickness of 1.5 mm. Finishing material laminate, powder coating or any coloring PVC panel.
- Elite class. Elite doors in the apartment are made of a closed-loop design, always with ribs. Locks have increased reliability. Stalnogopolotna a thickness of 2mm. Decorating can be made of wood or veneered MDF. In terms of reliability - this is the third class.
- VIP-class. They have enhanced protection. The frame is made of rigid profiles, and embedded deep in the walls. Finish most often from the bark of oak or other valuable timber. They belong to the fourth level of Burglar. Their cost is quite high.
Protection against penetration
To protect your home from intruders need to know what aspects allow the door to be as durable and reliable.
- The framework must be intact and free of welds.
- Metal clamps in a metal box must be fixed U-shaped and have anchor bolts.
- The thickness of the steel sheet should be at least 2 mm in order to firmly withstand impacts.
- Pick up the most reliable locks, and in any case do not skimp on them. The more complex the design, the better. Install at least two locks: cylinder and lever. The optimal distance between them should be about 300-350 mm.
- Peephole choose not normal and panoramic, and still buy a webcam better.
- The door should be heavy. Weight also speaks of strength.
Please note that the seller has provided you with the warranty from the manufacturer to the master arrived and fixed the door for you in case of damage as soon as possible and free of charge.

Please note that full warranty is provided on the door only if professional installation
For burglary doors are divided into 7 subspecies:
- First grade. They are easy to crack even without physical impact. They are not used as a front door to the apartment, often used for driveways, basements and storage rooms Khrushchev, etc.
- Second class. They are a bit harder to crack, but using the tools and physical strength, do not be too hard.
- Third class. Characterized by a sophisticated design locks and special mounting of the door frame does not allow to open apartment special master keys, it can be done only by electric power tools not less 450 watts.
- Fourth grade. Quality doors, often placed in homes. High reliability. The cost is high. Door designs fabric armored.
- From the fifth to the seventh class of the doors are characterized by high protection, often they introduce electronic management and security locks. They are used in major public institutions, banks (of safe compartments) and secret facilities.
The combination of color and style doors in the apartment with the interior
In today's reality functions door is not only a protection against noise, smells and prying eyes, but also a reflection of aesthetic beauty. Door complements the overall interior of the apartment and creates harmony and a special atmosphere.

Bright door look good in classic interiors, in Provence, and country
Most often used the following colors:
- Light shades - the most popular. These include ivory, beech, ash, etc. these tones harmonize with most door interiors. Since light colors have a positive effect on the perception of room size. Effect created comfort, ease and sometimes elegance.
- Dark shades are also popular. Basically it wenge, brown, cappuccino, even etc. These doors are very attracted attention, and are distinguished by dignity and restraint. They are best used in large and spacious rooms, otherwise the room will look dark and will look closely.
- Bright colors. If the owners have the desire to make the room a unique, original and stylish, you can use flashy and unusual colors. For example, bright yellow - will fight the blues. Bright red is a perfect accompaniment to vintage interior. Bright blue harmoniously fit into the classics.

Dark door leaf perfectly accentuate the interior in high-tech style
With baseboards
Ideal - installation in the house of white plinths, they are absolutely in tune with the majority of color solutions and floor doors, as well as with any styling room. Added to the interior of solemnity and elegance.
If the plinth is light, and the doors and floors are dark, the room will be visually look airy. If the doors and moldings are bright, and the floor is dark, this option is very well suited for large rooms. Appearance is quite grand.

A good example of selection of a plinth beneath the door leaf
And another interesting combination: the plinth light, dark floor, bright door. Very original solution. All attention will be focused on the entrance. Often such a finish chosen for the kitchen interior in pop art style.
With the floor covering
The perfect solution could be the installation of doors in the color of the flooring. If the floor is dark in color, then choose the color of the door is recommended for 1-2 shades lighter. If the floor covering, tile, laminate light, the door and you need to buy a similar color. For example, something of the following colors: beech, alder, ivory, ash.

Traditional interior design involves a combination of door color flooring
And if the style of the room rather dull, then the situation will help to dilute the door with patterns or other decorative solutions. Possibly made of plastic or glass.

In the interior of any style, look great wooden doors with glass inserts
If the input is separated by a completely different style of the room, then a good option is to choose cool colors such as walnut, beech, natural oak. These colors blend with most interiors.
with walls
On the door of the color selection is also very influenced and paint the walls in the room. Well it may look like exactly the same color of the walls and doors, and contrast. There will also be conveniently look the door, characterized by only a few shades from the color of the walls.

The use of monochrome interiors interior doors, color merging with the walls
To refresh the interior doors can be installed on a few shades darker than the color of wallpaper, it will be a winning move.
Popular colors for interior doors in an apartment
The main function of interior doors - separate the two different rooms. Popularity colorings are as follows.
color cappuccino
Color is a classic cappuccino. A similar tone fits into most interior is very harmonious and ennobles it. Gamma colors cappuccino rich, so choose the right tone is not difficult. Go here such shades as Meling, milk chocolate, creme brulee, etc.

color door cappuccino in the spacious hall of modern apartment
If the room is overloaded with different colors, cappuccino-colored door can successfully balance the a riot of colors, and will go perfectly with any furnishings.
The advantage of light doors lies in the fact that it can bring together all the incoherent room attributes. This color is suitable for almost all the colors of the furniture. Such doors in the interior of the apartment is often used in the style of Provence, country and vintage and even baroque. Art Nouveau and Art Deco these doors find their harmonious reflection. This color will bring to the interior of lightness, purity and lightness.

Ivory can be found in most of the classic interiors
It should set the door ivory and absolutely accurate, the room will be visually much higher and wider.
Color bleached oak
Often on the Internet you can find photos of bleached oak doors in the interior of the apartment. This color is gaining popularity. The room will be brought a note of gentility and dignity, luxury and nobility. It goes well with such styles as Scandinavian, Provence and country, vintage, classic, and the perfect accompaniment to any modern stylistic directions.

Door "bleached oak" in tone color skirting boards
Color dark ash
Using this color in interior design adds elegance and nobility. It is often used in the design of living rooms and halls.

Door "black ash" in the room with the window frames of the same color
And others
Making doorways in the apartment such as shades of stained oak, wenge or black color is rarely done.

wenge door look very stylish, but are quite expensive
These colors are used less frequently, as the visual can reduce the room. Most of the apartments so not very large in size, so the dark doors are not very popular.
Types of materials for the doors to the apartment
Every day, the variety of materials used for finishing interior doors, replenish your list. Previously, people could only imagine the wooden openings, to date a variety unimaginable. We consider below the most popular variations:
- Wooden doors. Solid wood doors are usually characterized by high cost. As a rule, they mean by a valuable wood: hornbeam, walnut, oak, ash or teak. When it comes to premium samples, perfectly suited Karelian birch, rosewood, or different types of wood Coromandel. Bring to the interior of the weight, the advantages and cost.
One of the disadvantages of wooden doors is that often the change room humidity, they can swell and cause inconvenience when closing.
- Glass doors. Glass doors and walls in the apartment perfectly reflect light, visually increase the space, add light and airy. They have a large number of variations in appearance, and they can cause printing. The disadvantage is that slides can remain handprints. And they are highly valued.
Sliding glass doors fill the hall with light and air
- Iron doors. Iron doors are reliable. They are often used not only as inputs but also interior doors, if the room is kept anything very important. They can also be installed in the dormitories or communal apartments.
- Plastic doors. Plastic doors usually installed at the entrance to the balcony, at least at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet. They are often referred to as "warm" as it does not miss the cold street. Excellent protection against unnecessary sounds. The bathroom door is so well combined, if the ceiling will be in the color of the door rack.
Waterproof plastic door trim under the tile in the bathroom
Select the type of construction of the doors in the apartment
- Hinged doors. It is the most common option. They are found in most living areas of our country. There are single and double.
Swing door - it is the most simple and time-tested version
- Sliding doors. This option is very non-standard and original. Always look very comfortable and do not take up too much space. Perfectly fit into the dressing room.
Sliding doors do not conceal the space and make the interior more original
- Folding doors. Such doors are often called "accordion" or "book". They are used in areas where it is not possible to establish normal due to the fact that the door can fight against the furniture. Or does not have enough space for the door. It is very easily integrated into the doorway. The accordion has been used successfully as a door to the pantry in the apartment, as opening it does not take place near the entrance.
With folding designs often make out the doorways in wardrobe
- Swing doors. Swing doors have recently become popular. Their distinguishing feature - they open in both directions thanks to special sheds. There are single and double.
Swing doors can be found in offices, hospitals and other public places
- And others. There are also vibrating door systems, door swinging doors and other structures, but they are used very rarely in the apartment.
Rotating roto-door when opening stand "across" the opening that saves space in narrow aisles
When should I choose the safe door
The best protection of the apartment from intruders is to install safe doors. If your apartment is kept very important and valuable products and financial capabilities allow us to establish a safe-door, it is the best and viable option to protect themselves and property. Her crack practically no chance.

Safe-door has a high degree of reliability and Burglar
Its construction special metal pins are used, which do not lend themselves to any type of deformation and no installation work will not be able to open that door.