Now it is difficult to give a clear definition of what a studio apartment. The name itself comes from America, where the lack of internal partitions It is considered the most popular type of layout of premises. In this review, we'll look at the reason for the popularity of studios, and photo design interiors help to better understand this.

Read article
- 1 Studio apartment - what is it
- 2 Pros and cons of a studio apartment
- 3 That can be used for walls in a studio apartment
- 4 Planning and construction of functional zones
- 4.1 Arrangement kitchen and dining area
- 4.2 living area
- 4.3 Bedroom and work area in the studio apartment
- 5 Types of flooring for studio apartments
- 6 The ceilings in the interior of the studio
- 7 Decorating the walls of studio apartments
- 8 The ideas of interior design studio apartments: photos
- 8.1 Interior color scheme studio
- 8.2 Construction of lighting for studio apartments
- 8.3 The style of the interiors of apartments-studios
- 8.3.1 Loft
- 8.3.2 High tech
- 8.3.3 Classic
- 8.3.4 Pop Art
- 8.3.5 Provence
- 8.3.6 Modern style
- 8.4 Furniture in the interior of the studio
- 9 Good ideas are planning studio apartments
- 9.1 The studio of 20 sq.m.
- 9.2 Layout of the apartment-studio 25 sq.m. with fotoprimerami
- 9.3 Photo layouts studio apartments of 30 sq.m.
- 10 conclusion
Studio apartment - what is it
The main feature studio apartments is the almost complete absence of internal partitions and interior doors. This type of plan was especially popular among the American "gold" young people and bohemians. Later, studios began to demand among other segments of the population, and even moved into the category of elite housing in Russia. Accommodation with a similar layout, tend to choose single people or childless couples who do not plan to acquire offspring in the coming years.
Such a demand is caused by the desire to move away from conventional standards and live in an apartment, fully fitted in accordance with their wishes. The lack of interior walls visually expands the space and allows full freedom when creating interiors. The role of the partitions performs the separation space into different functional areas.
Pros and cons of a studio apartment
This accommodation is a studio apartment, perfect for today's youth are not burdened by everyday concerns and loving to organize noisy parties and mass. Also, such a layout of the premises is popular among music lovers because of good acoustic characteristics, and sculptors and artists.

In this respect does not come to an end, and it is worth noting the following among the obvious advantages:
- space and a good illumination;
- apartment at any time be converted by performing a wide variety of functions;
- area increases due to the lack of internal partitions, and furniture It can be used to separate apartments on different functional zones;
- reducing the distance between the different areas;
- room can be virtually undeveloped in any styleThat gives great opportunities to the designer.

However, as with all in this world, from studio apartments have their own shortcomings, which forced to abandon this plan. Alteration of property requires a significant investment. The disadvantages also include:
- like layout of the apartment is only suitable for a childless family of two people;
- Not every room can be converted into a studio, as not always allowed demolition of internal partitions;
- change plan requires a permit, additional costs in time and finance;
- from small sized bathroom, It is necessary to establish walk-in shower;
- no internal walls between the kitchen and the rest of the flat causes rapid spread of odors and noise. odor problem can be easily solved by installing a powerful hood, Besides the owners of these apartments almost do not prepare food at home.

That can be used for walls in a studio apartment
Only the walls in the apartment-studio is a supporting structure, which is simply impossible or impossible to remove. As the internal or interior partitions used screens, furniture, great aquariums etc. Through such elements can be divided into an apartment on the various functional areas.
Thus, for example, by means of a folding screen or a large tank can be separated sleeping areaAnd using bar effectively separated kitchen from the rest of the apartment. Even couch or coffee table may be a good separator zones.

The presence of internal partitions of capital is only necessary for arranging the sanitary zone (toilet and shower).
Planning and construction of functional zones
Zoning studio apartments is an integral part of the arrangement of the premises with a similar layout. In the first place determined by the kitchen area, after - workplace, Living room and sleeping area. Only then can you begin to choosing an apartment zoning.

Arrangement kitchen and dining area
On the kitchen area is given less space than, for example, in the living room, because it is necessary to accommodate a wide variety of necessities. Even if you are used to eating out, the basic set kitchen accessories still be present in the apartment. In this case, to the aid of a professional designer tricks:
- Use the built-in compact kitchen appliances;
- abandon bulky household appliances, or to give preference multifunction devices. For example, instead of the traditional set multivarku steamers;
- installation of a powerful hood and effective ventilation systemEspecially if part of cooking is expected in the home;
- the maximum and effective use of storage space;
- cooking zone should preferably be in the recesses and the stationary baffle erect low or bar. On a partition from the living room, you can hang the TVAnd the surface, exiting the kitchen oblitsevat glass.
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Partitions for the zoning of the space in the room. From the publication you find functions, types, materials, and manufacturing variations partition structures, as well as find examples of photo-glass, drywall, wood and other products.

As a rule, lunch Table They are an integral part of the kitchen area. However, in large studio apartment, you can create a separate dining area between the kitchen and living room. In this way, the issue will be resolved zoning and comfort. It is necessary to take into account that around table It should be enough space to be able to come out without any problems because of it.

living area
On the living area have a major area of ββthe apartment is due to the need to provide sufficient comfort pastime. For recreation area recommended to purchase a compact and multi-functional furniture, such as a sofa or table transformer.

When constructing a workplace seating desirable to have it closer to windows. This is for several reasons, namely: better illumination, and if there is a wide windowsill, It can be used as an extra work surface.
For windows in the living room area is preferable to choose blinds, jalousie or curtains of light materials.
Bedroom and work area in the studio apartment

In the event that the apartment area allows, sleeping area it is best to completely separate from the living room. The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the studio. If it is not possible to completely separate sleeping place for zoning can use screens, curtains or low plasterboard partitions. Sometimes in the bedroom area is equipped with a place to work, but it is best to bring it to the glassed and warmed loggia or balcony.

Types of flooring for studio apartments
Zoning studio apartments can be done not only by means of partitions, screens and furniture. To isolate the various zones in the living room is perfectly suitable to use different types of flooring, which should be selected based on their functional purpose.

For dining room, living or working area is desirable to select parquet or laminate, Kitchen, hallway or bathroom - or stone stoneware tilesAnd for bedrooms or children's room excellent option will be carpet or rugs. Demarcation of areas you can proceed from the overall design concept of the interior studios. It can be straight or wavy transitions and contrasts in flooring color only emphasize the stronger the effect of zoning. It is often used to identify areas of the podium.

The ceilings in the interior of the studio
For studio apartments are perfect multilevel Slack or plasterboard ceilings. If the one-room space has high ceilings did not, you can not make a complex design, not to create a sensation of pressure.

The least popular type of ceiling coatings - painting. But this option is not durable, require a lot of effort to prepare and do not allow the ceiling to hide flaws. More affordable way of decorating the ceiling - polystyrene plates, which also can not completely hide the flaws of the ceiling, and are not suitable for areas with limited height.

Leaders ceiling coverings are ceilings made of cloth or PVC. A wide selection of colors, durability, moisture resistance - these are the main advantages of such a decision, but the utilities have to be carried out before installing the ceiling structure. Suitable for high buildings, as they allow to create different levels for each zone.

Decorating the walls of studio apartments
Decorating the walls depends on the style of the room. It could be wallpaper (the best thing for painting), putty, Venetian plaster, Decorated with natural or artificial stone, The combination of materials and many other options.

The ideas of interior design studio apartments: photos
When making studios need to pay great attention to the color scheme, coverage and interior style. Everything must be harmonious and sustained in the same style. Do not overload the room a large number of furnitureSince it lost all sense of planning studios, which gives a sense of freedom and space.

Interior color scheme studio
In the last couple of years it has become popular to use Scandinavian styleWhich is based on the predominance of white color with the addition of bright accents and the use of furniture and accessories made from natural materials. This style is characterized by environmental friendliness and functionality. With a variety of color combinations to solve the problem of styles and different colors. to comply Scandinavian style just select the two primary colors and based on them to create the rest of the design space.

Taking as a basis white, have well thought out system lighting in room. This is due to the fact that at low light white walls, for example, acquire a grayish hue. Alternatively white can select it warm (ivory, almond, etc.) or cold (snow, smoke, white ghost) hues.

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Table color combinations in the interior in our survey is complemented by practical examples and advice by specialists. Complex application of this information will help to get the desired results with minimal time and financial costs.
Construction of lighting for studio apartments
choose wisely lighting It allows you to transform a room, regardless of its stylistic solutions. Through natural and artificial lighting can be easily separated studio space into functional zones. To create a good lightingShould adhere to the three principles of the organization:
- thoughtful lighting design space;
- shape and style decision lighting devices;
- competent placement of lamps and light architecture.

Designers recommend at design studios use the basic, additional lighting and decorative lighting niches and ceiling.
Recommendation! better use of individual lighting To highlight a certain area (spot lights, garlands, LED lamps or sconces).

The style of the interiors of apartments-studios
In order to avoid unnecessary expenses, you need to consider the stylistic solution of the interior before the start of repair. Identify several basic styles used by designers to design studio apartments - loft, high techClassic, pop art, Provence and modern style. Below is a selection of photos that demonstrate the popular style solutions studio interior.

Style "loft", Appearing in the middle of the last century and used for decoration of the loft, which were home to the workers, is popular now and is perfectly suited for decorating studio apartments. Such a design involves the use of dark tones in the interior, metal, untreated wood and masonry. The most popular style of "loft" among young people and bohemians.
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"Loft" helps to save on finishing materials

Photos of the apartment studio looks to finish in the "loft" style

Not painted brick wall with a properly chosen lighting help to create a romantic atmosphere

The "loft" there is nothing superfluous

Brick wall and wrought iron lamps give the room a special glamor
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If you prefer modern interiors, then you should learn more about style loft. What is it, a kitchen design secrets, living room, bedroom in this style, as well as helpful advice of experts - you will find in our review.
High tech
Hi-Tech is similar to the style "minimalism" and the apparent lack of decor and maximum functionality of all elements of the situation. Welcomed the abundance of chrome parts. Preference is given to a clear geometry and complex elements are eliminated. Preference is given to artificial materials - glass, concrete, plastic, etc.
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Unlike high-tech - no frills

future style - all the bare necessities

Someone uncomfortable, but someone in awe of such interior

White and Black - classic, even in high-Teke
Studio with classic-style room is more like a palace. At the heart of the "classics" are the main features of ancient Greek and Roman culture and architecture, which are viewed in virtually all elements of the interior. Classic interiors can be considered exemplary because it was created and perfected over the centuries. It's more of a status style because its arrangement costs a round sum from the use of natural materials - Wood, stone, metal, etc.
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We're in the studio or in the palace?

This apartment would suit and Prince

Classic - is the presence of taste, status and luxury

Dine in the interior is a pleasure

As you can see, the classic is valued in the modern world

In this luxurious studio feel royals
Pop Art
This style differs from others in that the conventional home furnishings acquire the status of works of art - with posters celebrities, logos of famous brands, etc. For pop art characterized by the presence of a minimum of furniture and built-in device cabinets. This is a relatively inexpensive style that suits the creative people and the "rebels."
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Favorite style of Bohemia and a creative mind

Photo design studio apartments in the style of "pop art"

Style for those who are tired of the monotony of everyday life

Quite a few posters to turn ordinary interior in "pop art"

With bright colors need to be careful

The combination of two styles - the "pop art" and a bit of classics
This style is not very often used for the decoration of the studio apartments. Applied textiles, porcelain, carved wooden and wrought-iron furniture and floral theme. Provencal style perfect for small studio, which is home to the girl, preferring cosiness and things made by hand.
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Rustic style, as well as the classics never go out of style

Textiles and wood - the inherent attributes of the style "Provence"

Cream color is always popular

The "Provence" is always an element of lavender and cream

Ease of interior - is one of the reasons for the popularity of this style

Light green and cream colors as well as possible better suited for the bedroom area
Modern style
In the modern style used strict laconic furniture, A clear geometry and a minimum set of decorative elements. Color solution in natural soft colors, but not use, and bright colors. The modern style is best suited for a small studio - is universal.
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The main feature of contemporary style - straight lines clear

The photo shows how a studio apartment in a typical contemporary style

Nothing superfluous, only the most necessary

Each type of lamp performs its function, as well as different areas of the apartment

Small partition copes with the separation of the living room from the kitchen

Panoramic windows- always a big plus in any apartment, especially designed in a modern style
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The interiors of the apartment is simple and tasteful.If you are tired of the situation in your home and ceased to bring positive emotions, it's time to change it. In this review, you will learn how to implement the selected interior and without excess space will spam decors.
Furniture in the interior of the studio
Since the concept of studio apartments is to ensure freedom and a lot of space due to the absence of partitions, you should not clutter up her much furniture. It is best to use a multi-functional and transforming furniture. It is also appropriate arrangement of built-in cabinets. In the kitchen area, you can not use the hinged cabinetsAnd better to install an island unit or the bar to store the necessary utensils. The living room is preferable to install a sofa-transformer, which, if necessary, easily converted into an extra bed.
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Podium with drawers - perfect for studio apartments

Couches-transformers and closets can significantly save space

The partition is transformed into a small table - the perfect solution

Bed-transformer, which is attached to the ceiling, - now you select all

Studio apartment in the attic
Good ideas are planning studio apartments
When placing small area to create a modern good layout studios make a fairly easy. The difficulty lies in the fact that the place in a small room, kitchen, bedroom, Living room, hallway and bathroom under the force of every professional designer, what about the ordinary townsfolk, who decided to arrange their own apartment. Presented below a selection of photos with examples of planning it will help in this difficult case.

The studio of 20 sq.m.
Before the creation of the interior studios should first determine the location of functional areas:
- kitchen;
- hallway;
- bedroom;
- living room;
- bathroom;
- work zone.

The zones must comply with in their functionality area. If zoning is carried out by folding screens, furniture or partitions, be aware that it will reduce the degree of equipping of the room. It is also necessary to pay attention to the arrangement storage locationsAs undesirable to lay things on mind.

Since the studio apartment is no place for different extension cords and other temporary structures, it is necessary to think in advance all the engineering and electrical communication. Color solution for small space is to use a white color and its variations, and light pastel tones. Using bright colors is allowed, but only if the uniform distribution of accents in the interior.
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Plan studio apartments

Even in a small studio can accommodate everything you need

Successful planning a small studio

A small one-room studio for one person

This apartment was perfect for a young student's family
Design a small studio apartment:
Layout of the apartment-studio 25 sq.m. with fotoprimerami
To visually distinguish between different zones in the studio, you can take advantage of a variety of wallpaper, playing on the contrast transitions. Also, for the separation of the room designers are using different types of lighting and suspended ceilings of different levels.
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Option plan studio of 25 sq.m.

The living room can easily be transformed into a bedroom

It is creating a mezzanine - a good solution for storage

Classic - white and black, and a little bit of a different color
Photo layouts studio apartments of 30 sq.m.
As a rule, studio apartments of 30 sq.m. It has the shape of a square, which is very convenient for the design of the design and creation of functional areas. Variants of planning of such housing is largely dependent on the provision of its design and its host of fantasy.

As already mentioned, the apartment division into different zones can be performed using lighting, screens, low walls, furniture, ceiling, or floor covering. The presence of furniture is reduced to the minimum necessary, and the storage space can be build in niche cabinets coupe and boxes hidden in the catwalks.

At the studio apartments has its supporters and opponents. Those who oppose such a plan, they say that such housing is very inconvenient and uncomfortable. Yes, families with children, this apartment is hardly suitable, as there is no possibility to arrange a completely isolated private space, but for young people or couples just starting their family life, studio apartment is an excellent option for residence. We hope we have given a full description of what a studio apartment, and it will help you if you decide to buy a new home or repair an old one. If you have any questions, please write and we will answer.