Cleaning of silver with ammonia

  • Why does the silver darken?
  • Why is ammonia?
  • How do I clean silver with ammonia in my home?
  • Cleaning silver with ammonia at home
  • How to clean silver with tooth powder?

Everyone knows that silver eventually darkens and there are many ways to clean it. Cleaning silver with ammonia is the most effective and popular. Due to its chemical properties ammonia perfectly removes the oxide film without damaging the surface of the silver product. How to properly use ammonia for such purposes you will learn in this article.

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Why does the silver darken?

Many people think that silver turns black on a man who has been damaged. Scientists do not think so. There are just a few specific factors on which the oxidation of this metal depends:

  1. The higher the sample, the longer the product remains light. The more stable the alloy is to aggressive environmental factors and less often the cleaning of silver with ammonia is required.
  2. In subjects with a low breakdown, copper is added, and it quickly oxidizes, which leads to a darkening of the entire product.
  3. Constant wearing of silver jewelry promotes the adherence of dust, dirt, microparticles of dying human skin. It was proved that human sweat can affect the color of silver. A person who constantly wears such ornaments, will soon find out that his ornaments have darkened.
  4. Cosmetics. Many cosmetics contain elements of sulfur. Therefore, when you are doing cosmetic procedures try to shoot silver things.
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Why is ammonia?

Cleaning of silver with ammonia is the best way because ammonia is an excellent solvent. In this case, it dissolves itself in water and evaporates in the air. Particles of ammonia react chemically with any oxidizing agent, converting it to ammonium salts. At the same time, silver or gold remains unscathed. Just do not soak gold and silver in one solution, otherwise the ionization process will occur and you can get yellow silver and white gold.

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How can I clean silver with ammonia in my home?

A bottle with this substance is simply necessary to be kept at home. It is not only great for coping with tasks, like cleaning ordinary and gilded silver, but it also helps in all branches of the household:

  • when washing laundry;
  • for the cleaning of painted surfaces;
  • washing of windows;
  • leads to a person's feelings when he is sick;
  • displays various stains on clothes and shoes.

In this case, ammonia is available: it can be bought at any pharmacy for little money. If you already have one, get to work.

Inventory for

You will need the following auxiliary tools:

  • tooth powder and paste;
  • toothbrush;
  • soft sponge;
  • solution tank;
  • woolen or other soft cloth;
  • dry wipes.
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Cleaning of silver with ammonia at home

Of course, you can not waste your time and carry all cutlery or jewelry to a specialist. There he uses professional solutions to remove dirt from the surface of objects and restore their attractiveness. But it will not always be cheap, so there is no need to create unforeseen expenses. Cleaning silver with liquid ammonia at home is a simple procedure that everyone can do. Read the below options, select the one that has become most interesting to you and follow the instructions.

Method number 1

To properly clean silver with ammonia, follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose the container in which your products will fit.
  2. Pour water into it.
  3. Add ammonia in the proportions of 1:10.
  4. Place your silver items in the solution.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes. The duration of soaking depends on the degree of blackening of the metal.
  6. Remove and wipe with a sponge.
  7. Wipe dry with a dry cloth.

Note: If you clean jewelery in which there are stones, ammonia in the solution add less. This method is not suitable for solving the issue of how to clean gilded silver, and is also not recommended for products with pearls.

Method number 2

If your products have small spots, you can use this method:

  1. Take a woolen cloth.
  2. Dampen it with ammonia.
  3. Process the entire surface of the silver object.

Method # 3

If you need to clean old blackened silver objects or the previous methods did not help you, combine the ammonia with the tooth powder. Instructions for use:

  1. Prepare a solution: 5 tbsp.warm water - 1 tbsp.l.tooth powder and 2 tbsp.ammonia.
  2. Dampen the sponge with a mixture and clean the product.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Dry thoroughly.

Note: This method is not suitable for jewelry with stones.

Method number 4

For it you will need ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap( preferably baby).To clean silver with ammonia, in this case, gave the expected result, proceed as follows:

  1. Take an equal amount of each ingredient.
  2. Mix them with water.
  3. Place the silver items in the solution for a while until the dirt disappears.
  4. Dry and polish with wool.
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How to clean silver with tooth powder?

Tooth powder or toothpaste has all the necessary qualities to purify the silver from the oxide. Learn about three methods of cleaning silver in this way.

Method No. 1

Suitable for serious dirt on silver objects. A combination of ammonia and toothpaste is used. Application rules are:

  1. Apply paste on an old toothbrush.
  2. Clean the silver from all sides.
  3. Place the item in a 10% solution of ammonia for several minutes.
  4. Wash and dry.

Method # 2

This method with the use of tooth powder is suitable for all silver products without stones. It is used as follows:

  1. Wash the product with warm water.
  2. Place in a container with tooth powder so that the product is stuck on all sides.
  3. Scrub with a soft cloth.
  4. Rinse with water and dry.

Method number 3

Used ammonia and tooth powder. This method is suitable for cleaning products with enamel and stones. Instruction is as follows:

  1. Mix the ingredients in equal amounts.
  2. Moisten the suede or woolen fabric with a mixture and wipe the blackening.
  3. Rinse all with water.
  4. Dry and polish.

Remember that ammonia is still a poison. Do not use it inside, do not inhale too deeply its fumes and always work with it in gloves. Thanks to this tool, your silverware and decorations will shine as before. And our useful tips will help you to purify the silver with this tool quickly and easily.