Camping sleeping bag is part of a group of goods necessary to travel by car and provide comfort during stops for rest and sleep: large tents, folding tables, chairs, stoves, tents, hammocks.
Camping without a sleeping bag leisure car safety is not possible. An optimal model for camping chosen based on the requirements for such a product, taking into account the peculiarities of its operation.
- Kinds
- How to Choose a camping sleeping bag
- Care and Cleaning

Camping sleeping bag is a kind of a tourist sleeping bag, taking into account the peculiarities of traveling in a car. The design is similar to a standard sleeping bag.
Construction products are divided into two types: the "blanket" and "Cocoon."
- "A blanket". The structure is made in the form of double-folded blankets with zipper. Buttoning lightning, tourists are accommodated freely and conveniently located inside the arms and legs warm blanket.
If necessary sostegivayut two blankets together, allowing you to sleep with two or three travelers. Such an embodiment is especially preferred for couples with a child or lovers.
If you go hiking in hot weather, do not button up the zipper, and cool in the wee hours wrapped in a blanket.
The design of this type has a removable or non headrest that warms the head, creating a small pillow. Removable headrest easier to wash in case of stains and dirt and, if necessary - clean it.
Non-removable head restraints better warm neck.
The design is equipped with one or two detachable zippers. If two sets sew two zipped right and left them in the future easier sostegnut, providing a larger bed for sleeping outdoors.
- "Cocoon". The design has an anatomical shape in the expanded shoulders, a neck at the bottom. This form of heat conservation contributes to minimizing losses.
Structure equipped with a hood, extra insulated bars in the neck. "Cocoon" provides less opportunity to take a comfortable position, and, if a tourist will toss and turn in my sleep, have to roll with a sleeping bag.
Suitable for use in campaigns during the off-season and cold season. There is an additional kind of design - "poluodeyalo", also called "barrel".
The name is given because of particular shape, slightly tapered at the feet, further expanded in the hips. This geometry allows the tourist to move during sleep, and loss of heat from above does not occur due to the hood.
Zipper fastening sewed on the sides - right and left.

Purpose camping sleeping bag - to ensure a comfortable sleep and rest during halts car travelers. There is no urgent need to save space in the trunk of a car due to the compactness of the product.
For this reason, camping bag differs from the standard tourist sleeping bags Large spacious, weight and dimensions.
Camping options are designed for relaxing in any weather conditions, during brief halts in automobile travel.
The product provides:
- Thermal protection during short trips in cool weather.
- Protection against insects.
- Protection from rain and moisture.
- Use as a plaid or ordinary blankets.
By purchasing two camping sleeping bag with detachable zips right and left, provides the function of connecting two single bags in one system. With the help of this sostegivaniya tourists get double bed for relaxation.
Requirements for a heater

insulation type affects the functionality and performance of a sleeping bag for camping. There are two groups of fillers:
- Synthetic insulation. The basis of grained insulation or twisted polyester fiber spiral. The new synthetic fiber materials treated with silicone.
Due to this processing sleeping bags quickly restore its shape after compression and efficiently retain heat. Particularly popular are products with a filler such as fayertek, hollofayber, Polarguard 3D, Hollofil, Polarguard 3D, Thinsulate and primaloft.
The advantages of these fillers include water resistance, the ability to save thermoprotective properties even when wet, hypoallergenic, light weight and practicality.
- Pure fluff (usually goose). The main advantage of down is the optimal ratio of weight parameters, compressibility and thermal insulation. Down sleeping bags weigh in the range 900-1200g, designed to operate at a temperature of -30 ° C.
Such durable filler (not lose consumer properties up to 10 years of use), can accumulate and store heat (to cool dawn hours heater starts giving heat, maintaining a comfortable environment for tourist).
The disadvantages of natural down are high ability to absorb moisture, a long and complicated process of drying, inability to complete drying in field conditions.
To avoid problems with premature failure of, the product is used in dry weather, avoiding wetting. For long term storage when folded down sleeping bag is subjected to rotting. The disadvantages include the high cost of and products.
How to Choose a camping sleeping bag

Quality camping sleeping bags save by coolness and moisture during the campaign. In addition to selecting the type of insulation, while buying consider the following criteria:
- Cost.
Thanks to its simple design and inexpensive materials used for camping sleeping bag purchase costs will small, but the comfort level - enough to commission short trips or overnight stays during the car travels.
The value affects the amount used in the insulation product. Warm sleeping bag for camping is worth more, because a heater in models designed for +5 degrees Celsius, three times more than in a product designed for 20 degrees.
- Type of insulation.
Synthetic insulation preferred as filler for the product due to high heat shielding, moisture resistance and low cost.
Downy longer insulation keeps heat inside the bag, but the cost of the product with the higher filler. For summer hiking using bags with synthetic filling.
- Temperature readings.
When choosing a model for the rest at the campsite pay attention to the temperature readings: maximum operating temperature, the average comfort temperature, the lower limit comfort temperature, the temperature extreme.
Indicator of the average temperature It determines the threshold of heat, wherein the woman in underwear sleeping quietly 8 consecutive hours without feeling cold.
The lower limit of comfort temperature - the level of heat that does not allow tourists to feel the cold thermal underwear for an 8-hour sleep in field conditions.
Index of the temperature level of extreme - a value that sleep curled up in a fetal position for 6 hours without the risk of freezing.
Depending on the temperature characteristics distinguish between summer and winter, trehsezonny sleeping for camping. If the temperature conditions on the model is not listed, are guided by the weight of the bag - the more insulation, the warmer bag.
- dimensions.
Depending on the dimensions of the traveler selects a suitable size in which a tired man freely rest and gain strength. The size is selected based on the following parameters:
The product is available in four sizes S, M, XL, XXL. Some manufacturers are divided into sizes depending on the traveler's growth - Regular (up to 185 cm) and Long (tourist above 185 cm).
Travelers shorter than 185 cm freely fit in a bag of any size, and the excess length does not hurt.
To find the right size of the camping sleeping bag with headrest "blanket" type is required to increase the tourist to add 30cm. Without head rest, considering that the traveler is not covered with a deeper chin, added to the growth of 10 cm.
For comfortable stay of the fair sex have developed special model, which takes into account the geometry of the female body shape.
Such products have a shorter length, with the expansion geometry in the hips, with an additional insulation in the legs. Children's options for camping different from adults only in length.
- type of construction.

Properly chosen model camping sleeping bag do not hesitate tourist movements during rest, allowing you to take the correct position.
Because camping sleeping bag for the main task - to ensure maximum comfort, choose the product of rectangular shape is larger than the "cocoon" design.
For summer trips preferred embodiment of a type of "blanket" - undo it in the case of using heat, or if necessary as a blanket or rug.
- Headrest.
If the air temperature dropped to 10 degrees Celsius, the headrest provides extra heat protection, if the pull cord and turn the head restraint into the hood.
Pocket that sewn in the headrest, soft stuffed things, with the result camp pillow.
- Material.
The type and quality used in the manufacture of tissue characteristics dependent on consumer models.
The dense, durable water repellent fabric, manufactured using membrane technology, by which moisture is deduced from the inside and protects against water penetration.
Fabric lining kit for camping should be thin, breathable, pleasant to the touch. Material assume synthetic or natural. Natural cotton or flannel do not cause allergies, but less dry.
Care and Cleaning

If you observe the rules of care for camping sleeping bag, service life can be long. When using this product, follow the rules that prevents premature wear of the product:
- During the car journey watching, camping sleeping bag to be used in dry and clean environment as much as possible to avoid getting dirt on the product.
- The second cause of wear - washing, which leads to loss of elasticity of the material and the filler that causes divergence seams and loss thermoprotective properties.
To avoid additional washings, local spots outputted by stripping of contaminated sites toothbrush dipped detergent solution.
- Failure to comply with dry goods leads to a loss of consumer properties. Avoid using dryer or expose the minimum temperature control to avoid melting the fabric.
- Sleeping bag for camping washed by hand or machine, putting gentle wash cycle. When washing using hot water is avoided by washing with warm soapy water pollution.
The correct choice of variants camping bag - a guarantee of a comfortable rest for the weary autotravellers.
Variant sleeping bag for camping are selected to meet the requirements for the operating temperature, bed size, the need for rapid drying in field conditions.
Pay attention to the quality of the seams and zipper protection from falling to buckle cloth. Neither the weight nor the volume of the folded sleeping bag in this case does not affect the choice of product options.
After all, car safety equipment fits easily in the trunk of the car, along with the rest of the camping equipment.