Camping tent - equipment designed for a comfortable relaxing holiday with family or friends with a multi-day stop in one place. Popular tent structures are among the fishermen and trailering. National team gazebo for camping will ensure reliable protection against wind, rain, scorching sun and insects.
- Benefits
- Apparatus camping tents
- Material & Cabin
- Types of camping tents
- application
- How to install
- Storage
- Problems

The distinguishing feature - a large area, height and weight. Equipped with windows, it provides multiple inputs. Height tent tent 1,8-2m an average ceiling height of some models up to 2.5 m. A grown man feels himself comfortable inside the structure, there is no need to bend down. Weight camping tent, depending on the pattern varies in the range 7-18 kg.
Unlike camping tents are not equipped with bedrooms, they have no vestibule, often tent pavilion equipment does not include flooring. If the floor and provides, he crotch, provided with some cloth and attached to the bottom frame basis.
- portability;
- easy installation;
- transportability;
- affordable price.
Apparatus camping tents

Camping Arbor is a skeleton, which will pull the tent cloth. On the market there are many models, in which the side walls are replaced by mosquito nets. This solution allows you to feel like in nature, and not in a confined space.
Mosquito nets to protect against annoying insects, but do not close the horizon. In most models, the walls of mosquito netting curtains duplicated polyester.
When choosing a camping it is important to pay attention to the characteristics and quality of the components. Frame - determining a selection criterion, which depends directly on the structural strength, its weight. On the market of equipment for tourism and recreation tent pavilions presented with two types of skeletons:
- hard;
- flexible.
Rigid frames made of steel. Tent tent with a steel frame are particularly resistant. Pre-bent by a certain configuration steel frame elements are well kept shape of a dome, able to withstand strong wind gusts. To the same main disadvantages are sufficiently large weight of the structure.
Flexible cages are elastic arc made of:
- aluminum alloys;
- fiberglass epoxy (fiberglass).
Models with arcs of aluminum alloys are popular among consumers, they are lighter, resistant to temperature changes, are durable.
Frame made of fiberglass epoxy resin has a number of advantages:
- strength,
- elasticity,
- availability.
The cost of camping gazebo with fiberglass frame up to 15% lower than the model with aluminum uprights. The material is not subject to permanent deformation. Despite the merits, fiberglass loses aluminum.
Weight racks of fiberglass, and hence the entire tent construction generally heavier fiberglass operation period is less than that of aluminum alloys and is 5 years.
Material & Cabin

Tarpaulin Fabrics made of canvas or synthetic material. Today Camper models are much rarer, but in spite of the "antiquity" of the material, it is characterized by the ability to "breathe". In hot weather, this characterization of tissue can easily pass through it heated air, so the pavilion there is no stuffiness.
At the same time, the tarps are specific to the issue of water resistance. A roll rain tarps fibers swell, increasing fabric density, a large part of rainwater slides along the outer surface of the tent.
In this part of moisture penetrates into the arbor, and due to the tension force of gravity does not drip down, and is held on the inner surface of the dome. Thus, when rain inside of the tent constantly wet.
Occasionally you can meet with arbor for camping tent, tarpaulin made from symbiosis and synthetic fibers - polycotton.
Due to the presence in the composition of the synthetic fiber fabric, polycotton, unlike the 100% tarpaulin counterpart, absorbs minimal moisture, weighs much less.
The main part of modern camping pavilions discharged with polyester or nylon dome followed by treatment of the inner surface of a special polyurethane impregnation and sizing seams.
The technical characteristics of nylon is the ability to stretch when wet. Nylon affected by sunlight, due to which the material is faster than polyester, it loses strength. Polyester keeps the shape well, resistant to UV light. But in terms of price aspects of tents with nylon tent attractive.
Types of camping tents

? one-layer model - are more lightweight, they are compact, cost much less. Installation of a single-walled gazebo perform faster and easier. The main drawback - inadequate ventilation, because the layer of waterproof fabrics are not able to provide sufficient air;
? dual layer tents - are in high demand. The outer layer is a waterproof awning, which acts as a protective shell from the vagaries of weather. The inner layer - is made of modern breathable materials which provide intensive exchange of air, prevents the formation of condensate.
When choosing a tent pavilion important indicator of water resistance. The minimum index, ensuring that the temporary shelter will not get wet after rainfall is 3000 mm water column, and the higher the score, the better.
Another structural characteristic that can influence the choice of products - tent configuration. Practice shows conical configuration - the best option. Cone halls made in the shape of a polyhedron, this gives the assembly an additional strength and stability for camping tent nestrashnye even strong winds.
When buying a product, it is important to check how the zippers and buckles. The material is also important. Metal fittings during operation rusts arbor. It is better to stop the election on plastic or brass buckles and zippers. When operating tent tent zipper open and close both hands, to avoid breakage.
Precast pavilion used as a mobile kitchen, storage space and inventory items, a gazebo for relaxing, and if necessary equipped with a tent place overnight, equipping area inflatable mattresses or clamshells.
For a family holiday in nature is enough to get a pavilion measuring 4 by 4 meters. For relaxation, fun company as a part of 8-10 man -. 6 by 6 m for mass events correct decision will be the acquisition of the spacious camping tent.
How to install

Install camping pavilion needed on plain, solid areas. Do not choose a camp unit low-lying areas or hilltops. In the first case there is a threat of flooding of parking places by rain, in the second - the risk of demolition of the tent due to the increased sail area.
To avoid rapid wear of the fabric is not recommended to install the pavilion for camping on the spot exposed to direct sunlight. If possible, equip a parking place in the shade.
Before assembling the component parts of the pavilion camping distributed depending on the destination.
Installation of the tent consists of two tasks:
- carcass assembly, consisting of the arcs and adapters;
- Pulling the curtain on top of the frame.
Beginning with the lower base. Trubostoyki frame fitted with special locks, which simplifies and speeds up the installation work. After camping tent mounted base, begin collecting and installing the uprights.
The third step - assembling the upper roof trim, and its connection to the uprights. Gathering the roof produce on the ground next to the tent, and then the finished design is attached to the uprights. To avoid skewing constructs must first fix the two faces diagonally roof and then remaining.
After the carcass assembly proceed to nakidyvaniyu awning upsetting angles Push-Pull to the awning roof and base frame by means of a sling. In the last step-up construction is fixed by means of pegs and cables included in the kit, the tent wall is fixed.

- before installing the tent, inspect the area and prevent ingress of sharp rocks or sticks;
- it is not necessary to stir up nearby the camping pavilion open fire;
- unacceptable kindle fire inside the outdoor tent structure;
- do not install a branched tree-structure;
- Cleaning awning using a soft brush and clean water without addition of detergents.
No less important, and the storage conditions. Failure to comply with the rules of sports equipment storage can lead to fracture of structural components, parts damage due to the influence of aggressive media or dampness.
The first rule - packing the tent for storage is possible only after complete drying of all the elements. As a general rule, for each structural part of the equipment - pegs frame rack, awning, a separate carrying case.
If the equipment is stored in the garage or on the mezzanine, it is important to ensure that is located next door to him. Corrosive aggressive substances, solvents, hitting a synthetic fabric could easily burn a hole therein.
Furthermore solvent vapors able to destroy waterproof coating tent structure, causing irreparable damage to the product. Shelf or surface on which is stored folded camping tent must be flat and smooth to avoid fracture studs or curtain inflection.

Cuts in the tent. In order to eliminate the defect will need:
- patch of waterproof fabric;
- glue.
- The fault location is purified from dust and dirt, dried if necessary.
- Excised patch with the edge margin of 1-2 cm, rounded corners.
- Is applied to the patch and place the adhesive rush, waiting for 10 minutes.
- Paste the patch, while smoothing out the cloth from the center to the edges.
For reliability patch adhesively bonded to the outer and rear sides. If a tear in the canvas is large, it is recommended before gluing patches sewn place gust thread. For sealing breakthrough rubberized awning instead of a water repellent fabric patches sometimes use a special cloth tape.
seam gap. In order to eliminate the defect using the sealant, which is sold in hardware stores tourism. Sealant is applied to the seam and bends.
If the repair is done at home, the seam utyuzhat in field conditions using the means at hand - a heavy stone. Use equipment can be in two hours, but it is better to withstand day.