- Choosing a kitchen sink
- Rules that must be followed during the installation of the
- sink. We are proceeding with the installation of the
sink. It has never been so that the kitchen can do without a sink, except in modest cottages it is quite possible. Do you even imagine a kitchen that does not have a sink? If not, then this proves its necessity in the kitchen. Typically, the installation of a sink in the countertops is unnoticeable, because they are professionals, while you can watch TV.But if you want to know how to install a sink in the kitchen, then this article will help you very much.
to the contents ↑Choosing a kitchen sink
Before deciding how to install a sink in the countertop, you need to decide which product to choose.
Optimal option - connect a deep sink( about 19 cm) and not too high a mixer. In this case, the amount of spray during dishwashing will be minimal.
Important! The sink must necessarily be deep, so that it is convenient to wash large pans or fold the plates after the completion of a family dinner.
Material is of great importance:
- The traditional washing, made of stainless steel, is the easiest to connect independently.
- The perfect solution will be enamelled steel.
Important! Sinks made of artificial, natural stone and other expensive materials still require a more scrupulous attitude. And their design usually predisposes them to hand over to the specialists of the installation. They will do everything without prejudice to the appearance and integrity of the new plumbing.
Kitchen sinks - installation methods
The installation of a kitchen sink in your own kitchen can be done using a variety of methods. Choose the type of installation that is most suitable for the design of your washbasin:
- Overhead - are considered budgetary and easy enough to install. The washbasin is put on the cot under it. The minus of this option is that there are still gaps between the sink and the curbstone.
- Mortise - they are installed directly into the worktop itself, for this it is necessary to cut out the corresponding hole.
- Basins of pedestal type - belong to a more expensive segment, are attached below the level of the table top, so they provide excellent sealing, as well as a beautiful appearance.
Rules to be followed during installation of the
sink There are several rules that must be taken into account when installing a kitchen sink:
- The rule is called the "golden triangle".A locker with a sink should never be placed near a refrigerator or an oven, because water, electricity and fire are completely incompatible.
- Sink must be located near the work area, where the main preparation of products takes place - cleaning and cutting.
- Sink divides the entire working area into two parts:
- one - designed for dirty work;
- second - clean, designed for serving ready-made food.
- In the household washing are tied to the sewage system and water. They are installed, as a rule, to the wall adjacent to the bathroom or in the corner. But modern technology, as well as building materials allow you to install it in absolutely any place of the kitchen set.
We begin installation of the
sink. The installation of the sink in the countertop will take place according to a certain algorithm. It can be more simple or complex, depending on your practical skills and the chosen method of installation.
In order to install the kitchen sink in your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:
- Sealant;
- Screws and screwdrivers;
- Jigsaw;
- Fastenings - as a rule, they should be included in the complete set to products.
Important! Before fixing the kitchen sink, you must carefully treat the entire landing area with a sealant. This should ensure high-quality waterproofing, as well as protection of particleboard from various damages due to high moisture.
How to attach a sink to your hands:
- Attach the L-shaped fasteners to the cabinet from the inside, then make notes.
- Screw on the self-tapping screw in the marked places.
Important! You should choose short self-screws long no more than 15-mm and twist them in such a way that above a mark remains 5 mm, not less.
- Cover the end face of your drawer with the sealant - this is done to protect the furniture from the effects of water and additionally glue the sink.
- After this, install the washer on the already screwed screws into the cube and moves until the final fit.
- Fix the fasteners, remove excess sealant - you can already begin the process of connecting the sink to the sewer and water.
Step-by-step installation of the mortise type of the
shell. Of course, the overhead washer is easier to install with one's own hand, but the mortise model will provide a greater level of tightness, and on the stand together with the overall tabletop looks quite neat.
The question of installing the sink in the tabletop is solved quite easily - you just need to correctly make a hole that in the parameters will match the parameters of your shell.
The installation of a sink in the countertop is performed according to the following algorithm:
- On the countertop, indicate the location of the sink, determine the shape of the future hole.
Important! To determine the shape, turn the sink and circle it around the contour straight on the table top or on the cardboard. If the product.which you have chosen - a complex shape, then the ready-made template should be included. This pattern will help you cut out the hole you need.
- Prepare the ready-made template to the table top at an approximate distance of 7 cm from the edge and start cutting. Leave from the edge 1.5-2.0 cm deep - to leave a support for the sides of your shell.
- On the cutting line, first make a hole with a drill, and then cut out the contour with a jigsaw.
Important! The lower part of the table top should be fixed so that it does not unexpectedly fall out during cutting and does not cause damage - neither to you, nor to the edge of the remaining surface.
- Apply sealant on the contour. It also cover the lower parts of the joint of the sink.
- You can start fixing the sink - press it with the clamps provided.
- After all surpluses of the sealant have been eliminated, you can begin to connect the sewage and water supply.
Mounting the sink below or leveling the counter
The sink can be fixed flush with the countertop, but this is a laborious process. It requires the presence of a certain experience, because it implies the removal of a certain layer of countertop under the side.
Important! The depth to be removed is equal to the height of the shell edge along with the sealant layer.
In case you decide to connect and install a sink to be located below the table, then you will have to resort to the help of specialists. This type of installation is chosen exclusively for expensive structures - those that are not made of steel, but of some kind of natural or artificial stone.
Important! For fixing in this case, special tools are required, for example, a jig saw, diamond-sprayed saws, because in such shells there may not be a drain hole - full sawing of the product in industrial conditions does not occur.
The sinks, which are made of natural materials, are fixed with a special mounting glue.
Now you have step-by-step instructions on how to install a sink in the countertop, and if you prefer the simplicity to insane delights, it means - you were able to cope with the task. A light and practical kitchen sink will make your life easier and more comfortable, as you will be convinced every day.