For talented person construction of family nest - this is another opportunity to realize their potential. Therefore, no one caused a surprise when a few years ago, Alexander moved to its own Buinov new houseThat so called "House of friendship and creativity." Today in the review edition we will have a tour of the apartment and find an artist who is the author of project and the designer of such a unique situation.

Read article
- 1 The long road to the dream: a coincidence or sale of family legends
- 2 The idea of everything family nest at home
- 3 The design of the "White House" Alexander and his wife Buynova
- 3.1 The first floor of the "White House"
- 3.2 Second floor and attic
- 3.3 Outbuilding name Yudashkin
- 4 Features a selection of furniture
- 5 Landscaping
- 6 conclusion
The long road to the dream: a coincidence or sale of family legends
To his dream pepper went a long six years old, together with his wife to develop projects, They settled in the house and picking up all sorts of designer fashionWhich brings special comfort and style.
As the family legend, in the 90's of last century actor drove past buildings in Kuntsevo, and his deeply struck by an unusual structure. The internal layout resembled a temple, particularly liked the huge arched window. The structure is so different from the traditional architecture of the post-Soviet time, it seemed as if it is not in Russia, but somewhere in the distant Europe.
The subsequent fate of that wonderful house is unknown, but the singer was able to build a very similar house, because immediately upon arrival he drew a sketch on paper.
It is interesting! Another mystical coincidence due to the location of the future building. As a child actor with his brother went skiing and went 25 kilometers from Moscow. They reached a small village, which was the old church. It is in a similar position in Krekshino surrounded by primeval forest many years later and the family nest was built Buynova.

The idea of everything family nest at home
For an artist, the house was ideal Darya Ivanovna Kosova, the singer's grandmother, who lived in the town of Yefremov. He remembered the smell of Kuleshov, millet porridge, kerosene, and the earthen floor in the hallway. In the corner stood icons, lit the lamps and vital some special Russian spirit. Alexander Buinov always believed that his home should look like this.
In the new house the artist, of course, there is a dirt floor, but in the morning it is always a delicious breakfast and porridge. A lot of household items fit perfectly into the overall picture of Russian interior: and chairs patinated with legs, chest of drawers and intricate shapes, even gold-plated pads fit into the nostalgic story.

The design of the "White House" Alexander and his wife Buynova
This unusual name of the house did not come immediately. Not always the singer could carve out some time to visit the facility - tour schedule and constant traveling stretched the construction of six years. Today, finally, the artist's family can have a rest from the bustle of the city in absolute comfort.
The first floor of the "White House"
mansion is of two floors from attic, Located on the first two comfortable living roomsFurnished in very different ways:
- One is decorated in oriental style with traditional furniture. It is decorated with dark screen of wood with geometric designs made of shells of different sizes, it is shuts small kitchen. The pride of the hosts are and mirror with similar patterns of shells, and table lamp. All these items were imported from Italy. Complemented by soft zone sofa with leather upholstery white;

- the second combines living room and the rehearsal room and is decorated in a modern style, and it was she who got the name "White drawing room." In the bay window with window height is a scene in 3-meter, the idea belongs to a family friend designer Yudashkin. In a small space fit the piano, drums and other stage equipment. The total area located sofasAs well as a table with a marble top for negotiations.

Second floor and attic
On the upper floors of the house are equipped with private rooms of the artist families of some have access to the open balconiesAs well as a separate reserved storage room for costumes concert singer. They have never been sold through auctions, Alexander believes their heirloom and be able to pass them only for an interesting program or some museum.
The design of the second floor and attic It resembles a modern Scandinavian styleFilled with sea breeze. used for the floor board ship, The room filled with wicker furniture. Here the singer keeps a unique collection of cold steel, it collects a lot of years.

Outbuilding name Yudashkin
In a wing on the recommendation of Valentin Yudashkin actor posted a spa complex. here are hamam, swimming pool, luxurious dressing room, Winter visits program is complemented by Russian option: jumping in the snow after a steam room. After all treatments awaits a delicious dinner with a full concert program.
Features a selection of furniture
Spouses Buynova during its nest arrangement is not chasing antiques, but did not buy consumer goods. They always looked for something original. In the words of Alexander, in every thing must first fall in love, and then to acquire it.
The couple did not see the point of those things that need to be closed for safety coversto fear scratch the surface or throw tea. Things should serve people and create comfort.
Alexander Buynova very close to Oriental motifs, he even organized a corner in one of the the living room, which is combined with a small kitchen. From Southeast Asia were brought unique bowls and dishes made of wood coated with unusual colors, which makes them similar to stone. All furniture is designed for tea ceremonies, in which the wife of the artist a true professional.
When choosing items for decorating the home, the wife of the actor remembers whose house they will decorate. It is not always their purpose clear simple man in the street, for example, why set a bucket of nickel faucet - this is air conditioning author's work. Unusual looks and lamp with shade of the glass plates.
It is interesting! All the walls of the mansion are decorated with paintings and photographs of family members, friends and celebrities.
Landscaping was carried out even during the construction of the mansion, all of it is left to chance. Also on the site is built luxury indoor arbor for a comfortable rest and picnic outdoors.
On territory of the plot located another interesting building - a tent, which seats more than 200 people. It has ordered in his actor wife time to celebrate his birthday, and now it is a favorite venue for events in large companies. For the construction of area was cleared and filled foundation. Decor engaged Buynova spouse, the entire interior is decorated in textiles with elements of black and pure white color.

Here is a comfortable house for his family settled down Alexander mischief. Do you like the interior design and the general idea? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comments.