For many there is his calling, his work, his art. Everyone, really in love with the craft at his workplace can create true masterpieces. Today Editorial HouseChief met with a real virtuoso in the construction Igor Timofeev.
- Hello, Igor.
- Hello!
- Tell us, what are the main principles of your work?
- They are quite simple. The main thing is to build so that you remembered a kind word. When you start to work, the main, the primary task is to make a house for themselves. If our companies do not build, I would not work here. Therefore, I am pleased to come and in the "Leader" and do here some positions.
- How do you argue interesting! Igor, there is a perception that to build a house is actually very easy. This is supposedly the strength of any man. It is possible, for example, to negotiate with the neighbor with brother, or even a relative one to build. However, in your company, all employees are very high qualification.

- I, too, was such an opinion, as long as I did not build the house yourself. It quickly dissipated, but I gained experience. To really get a reliable house, for centuries, always need to find a more or less professional experts in each direction, starting from the foundation and finishing the roof and trim. This is very serious. Therefore, the work on selection of professionals should be carried out efficiently.
- And your experience? You are on the construction site more than half of working life. You worked on a rather serious objects, you sometimes even called in for consultation in other cities. Tell us about your experience, where they worked particularly public companies, which objects are passed?
- I started my working life as a welder. Originally came to the "Leader", held some positions, positions. Over time, I had the idea that it is worth to improve their skills. I went to study. He graduated from the school on a specialty "Industrial and civil construction."
Most of all I remember the construction of the racetrack "Akbuzat". There, under the guidance of the Japanese architect being reconstructed. Really was a difficult task. Many uncertainties arise during operation. But we coped well. It was very interesting to work with.
- What positions did you hold? What exactly made for Akbuzat? This is indeed a well-known object in our town.
- I was there worked as a foreman. I had a team of fitters and welders. The object was in charge of the president of the republic. Almost every weekend he was there to check. We did not disappoint. Their task completed, mastered. Managing trust was very pleased. I think that the work was done on time. I, too, was satisfied with their work. Our team was on the level.

- Igor, we understand that quality is the foundation, the quality of masonry, of course, important. But usually all customers evaluate home on external beauty, interior finishing, for accuracy. You are a great expert, professional. It is for decoration, in detail, in appearance as you work? You assume in advance how it will be created interior that is ready in the course of construction or something on the spot make decisions? Maybe, at the stage of drawings you all this represent?
- In this case, all uttered in question takes place. But even if there is a connection with the customer, I try to be sure to meet and talk with him, to understand and feel what he wants. Sometimes even my opponent does not know his desires or can not articulate them. But if we have contact with him appeared, the result usually turns out good.
- Igor, your colleagues say that once you come into the office and said: "The balconies will not do so. We will do as I say. " The result was an elegant solution. And they took it thanks to you. Tell us about it.
- The decision came in the head before installation. The balconies have open, which means they are subject to external precipitation.
- Of course, the moisture will inevitably fall.
- Yes, snow and so on. To this end, any obstacles to create useless. And you just need to help nature, so that it made its case, so it is decided. From above we lay decking. This design entails a clearance for ventilation, the material does not spoil and so on. Excess water in the future should in fact go somewhere? Therefore, we have provided a perforation in the soffits to the water evaporated.

- So you just ordered a perforated soffits?
- They are specially made for us, by our order. This solution is inexpensive, but very effective.
- That is, polbalkona was ventilated?
- Yes.
- Igor, there is one more your decision on removal of the balcony covers, although they were listed on the draft inside the room. What for?
- This was done in order not to spoil the interior inside.
- Ceiling? Yes?
- This is, in my opinion, one of the most important elements for the customer. Second, we cut off the heat out of the room on a cold attic. This is the performance space. They are also important. Third, you can go to the balcony, put a ladder safely climb to the attic for some of their needs, for example, an antenna mount and so on.
- I was told that you become the author of a unique proposal for attachment to the wet stone facade that everything is ok.
- Well, the author - it says loudly. The situation looked like. We have a house, a wall of which is made of a ceramic block. To the house was warm and cozy, we sheathe the surface of basalt slabs of insulation. Top is covered with decorative plaster. But, after reading the relevant literature, I realized that stick to the surface of the stone, more than 5 years on a basalt slab it will not last.
- dumps?
- Yes, it may well fall off. Due to wet basalt insulation, it loses its properties in density. Therefore, in these places, we decided to make a wooden frame, use a soft insulation, sew the top of cement particle board. And on her stick our decorative stone.
- Summer terrace - the highlight of all of your project. All customers come and say: "Where I will have a terrace?" What is the singularity of your terrace?
- First of all, it's our nut. Typically, in such constructions used tides. But they are usually very soft. Advance uncomfortable as, wrinkled material and so on. There are plastic construction, which burst with time. What we decided? Add insulation under the doorsteps, and rigidity required, and no freezing.
- More and have warmed?
- Sure. This is the same as the facade do. After that, we have covered all terrace board, Fixed it to the floor. Now it is not necessary to step, and you can safely attack it is not. Very comfortably.
- And if the little children?
- This is safe and inexpensive. In addition, we've covered the board with oil wenge colors.
- Oil?
- Yes, the oil for decking. It has a matte texture. With it interesting to work. Not very easy, of course, but I liked it. The children showed the carpenters, what is needed and how. They all did great.
- It turns out very nicely.
- Very nice, reliable and durable, because the oil does not create film and is absorbed into the layer of wood, maintaining its properties.

- Igor, Thank you very much communicate with our customers, all of you know. According to your colleagues, many come to the office and asked: "And here Igor" And if you do not have in place, they say in response: "I'm only going to talk with Igor and solve problems." Tell me, put your heart into someone's home - it is easy or difficult?
- It's easy.
- For you easily?
- Yes. First, the house when you build it to its logical conclusion, when only people you give the keys, and they live, the more you begin to understand. Hard to explain. But I will try. In general, I am their builders otdelschikam and others say, "Guys, build so that you remembered only with a kind word. Build it so, then yourself will live happily ever after, "So for me, every house - this is something new and interesting. Someone paints, but someone is destined to build the house. It is also an art.
- That is, it works for you?
- Sure, sure. Firstly. If here, in our company, did not build these houses, totally different from the other, we would not be working here. It's honest.