Manufacturers of full-size and compact agricultural machinery, Trying to facilitate the work of farmers and smallholders, produce more and more perfect equipment. Recently, among the summer residents and owners of small plots of land in great demand cultivators. mills are type main working element of this type of agricultural machinery. In this regard, before many question arose: is possible and whether they need to sharpen. Let us together with the online magazine HouseChief experts in this review, we shall understand this complex issue.

Read article
- 1 What is the cultivator, and what is it for
- 2 All of the mills for cultivator
- 3 Do I need to sharpen cutters cultivator
- 4 Advantages and disadvantages of sharpening cutters
- 5 A few words in conclusion
What is the cultivator, and what is it for
First you need to figure out what the cultivatorHow it works and what is needed. So this kind of compact agricultural equipment intended for preplant soil preparation. It allows you to plow and loosen spud the ground, and to draw the furrows and perform harrowing. This unit allows to facilitate agricultural work on a country or the plot.

Cultivators of the mechanism of the type divided into groups:
- mechanical hand. Used as an accessory to more serious art. Loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 5 cm and is removed only weak disposed on the surface, weeds;
- power. Light, agile technique that is used on limited areas of land. The disadvantage of the electrical cord;
- rechargeable. This type of agricultural equipment - a combination of all the advantages of electric analogs with autonomy. They are heavy, but at the same time, mobility and security;
- petrol. This technique is different capacity, performance, and greater weight. A good option for the treatment of the vast land.

Cultivators consist of any type of such basic elements as a frame, levers, motor, rotor wheels and cultivation devices (mills).

All of the mills for cultivator
Tillers - one of the main working elements of cultivators. It is intended for weeding, loosening and preparing the soil for planting different crops. This is not a universal tool, and, depending on the complexity of the soil and the type of work performed, it is necessary to select a certain type.
There are three main types of tillers and cultivators for tillers:
- Reciprocating. It is the most common type of cutter and used to work on a pre-prepared soil. They are seamless and are collapsible and axis with knives welded or screwed saber shape;
- "Crow's feet". This type of construction is not folding, and is used for processing solid and ground plant residues cutaways;
- virgin. As the name implies, these cutters are ideal for use in the virgin areas, deep plowing and spudding. It is quite reliable and durable construction.

Do I need to sharpen cutters cultivator
Having dealt with the cultivator and kinds of cutters for him, let us discuss the main issue, and that the focus of this article, namely, whether it is possible and necessary to sharpen a working piece of equipment as knife. The bulk of the domestic producers of agricultural uses milling plant located in the Smolensk region. For their manufacturing Hardened steel is used, the cutting edge of the knives is handled high-frequency currents. Cutters are attached to the flange by means of bolts, as this material is poorly welding. This point suggests that the weld milling tools most Chinese firms used metal is not very high quality.

When you create a working cutter edge occurs it melting and rapid cooling, so that it looks uneven and a bit like a canvas hacksawThat can be seen at high magnification. In the process of red-hot steel blade not blunts and crumble, resulting in the formation of deeper tooth "blade." Many have called such self-sharpening cutter, although this definition is not entirely accurate.
Now, with regards to whether to sharpen the cutters and how to do it at home. If you perform sharpening with the help of "Grinder" or at sharpening machineIt turns the metal superheat, and hence violation of its structure and the loss of strength. As a result, the cutter will rapidly grow blunt, and at best, and at worst - knives can start to break down and you will have to buy new ones.

Grinding mills can be performed only on the high-grinding machines, as such equipment is unlikely to have in every household. I do not need to grasp at file, which will help remove small shcherbinki and make a smooth edge. As a result, this will lead to the formation of even more cleavage or breakage of the blade in contact with the stone during the cultivation of the soil. If the cutter appeared notch, just keep working on. You will find that after a while she will disappear.
Advantages and disadvantages of sharpening cutters
The benefits, which makes sharpening cutter, can be attributed only to the ease of cultivation, only the first time. At this pluses over. But the minuses more. The roots of the weeds are not pulled out, and crushedThat leads to a strengthening of their vegetative reproduction. Require additional labor costs for disassembly and assembly milling. It is noted that after sharpening devices normally do not work more than 2 hours and again, gather the need to disassemble. It all takes time. And when the process of land?

So it's worth sharpening cutter cultivators or not? Opinions differ on this issue. Some argue that it is possible and necessary, but others recommend to stick to the manufacturer's instructions technology, which clearly spelled out: the knives in no way to grind, as it will increase the burden on the equipment.
A few words in conclusion
As you can see, there are two opinions about the sharpening of cutters for cultivators. But manufacturers are categorical in this matter - it is impossible. So you need to decide for themselves on their own: to sharpen or not. If you have an opinion, then share it in the form of comments.