If flooded basement or it is necessary to drain the small pond, Drainage pump for dirty water to cope with the task. Equipment to work effectively, it is necessary to choose the right type and to deal with the technical specifications. We offer to meet with the existing species and their characteristics.
Drain pump - equipment for pumping hot water
Read article
1 Applications drainage pumps the dirty water
2 Design and operation of the drainage pumps the dirty water
2.1 surface
2.2 Submersible
3 Main characteristics of drainage pumps the dirty water
4 marking
5 Leading Russian and foreign manufacturers
6 Popular model with feedback of real customers
6.1 ZUBR NPG-M1-400: Rating 5/5
6.2 Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 550 F: Rating 5/5
6.3 Patriot F850: Rating 4.5 / 5
7 How to choose a sump pump for dirty water: tips and tricks
7.1 Performance and pressure
7.2 The diameter of output nozzles
7.3 By material manufacturing parts and housings
7.4 According to additional features
8 Recommendations for operation and maintenance
9 Extends the life of drainage pumps for dirty water: general guidelines
Applications drainage pumps the dirty water
Pumps can be used for pumping different liquids. impurities depends on the size of the design features of a particular model. The required information is usually contained in the accompanying documentation. Depending on the size of particles occurring in the water, devices are divided into three groups:
less than 5 mm. Used to malozagryaznennoy or clean water;
to 25 mm. It allows to pump liquid soiled;
25 - 38 mm. Provide pumping melt, rain or other contaminated water.
Each model focuses on the polluted water with a certain particle size
Besides impurities geometrical parameters, one should consider their chemical composition and temperature of the fluid. Aggressive environment can cause premature equipment failure. Avoid this allows the correct choice of the model, the details of which are made of materials suitable for use in such conditions.
Such equipment is used for drying:
flooded basements;
storage wells;
filled pools;
land after heavy rainfall.
Water is pumped from the basement in minutes
Design and operation of the drainage pumps the dirty water
Operational characteristics and position of the drain pump depends on its construction. That in the process of pumping the dirty water no difficulty, offer to get acquainted with their distinctive features of a particular type pumps. This allows you to choose a model with a good performance.
Execution determines operating conditions
Similar devices are installed on the edge of the tank or reservoir with dirty water. Fence content via the branch pipe is lowered onto the tank bottom. the remaining fluid level is controlled by a float mechanism. As soon as the float reaches a predetermined level, the system will automatically shut down. Due to this, the surface device can operate in stand-alone mode, without human intervention.
Self-priming devices have a compact size. Easily transported to the new location, do not make high demands for service. Given that during the operation, such deposits are located on the surface, it greatly simplifies the repair and maintenance works. May be part alluvial stations connectable to wells or wells.
Surface pump is immersed in water
Such devices are completely immersed in the pumped liquid. They do not like suction surface models. Fence dirty water through the holes provided in the bottom of the unit. To protect from falling into the drain pump large solid impurities provided strainer. The housing apparatus has sufficient strength and impermeability to prevent liquid from flowing into the evacuated structure.
Submersible models can operate in automatic mode. Turning equipment occurs only after accumulating a sufficient volume of liquid. To ensure the stability and security of the device operation provides enhanced electrical insulation. They have more power and performance. Durable, quiet.
The submersible pump is entirely in dirty water
Main characteristics of drainage pumps the dirty water
The main parameters that characterize extraneous equipmentThey are:
pressure. If you have to draining a deep basement, this figure could be major;
evacuated medium;
climatic conditions in which the equipment can be operated.
Marking pumping equipment depends on the manufacturer. For blade models most often as the main indicator used material blades. The division is made on a model in which the data elements are made of stainless steel cheaper and more expensive and durable technopolymer.
Marking able to tell a lot about a particular model
Leading Russian and foreign manufacturers
When choosing a drain pump for dirty water should pay attention to the products of companies that are interested in the high quality of the delivered equipment. These manufacturers include:
"JEELEX". Russian manufacturer offers pumps, adapted to Russian realities. A wide service network allows for timely recover the equipment and carry out its maintenance;
Pedrollo. Italian company offers various types of drainage pumps;
Karcher. For German products are characterized by high build quality;
PATRIOT. US different equipment availability and high performance;
gnome. Domestic drainage pumps, designed for home and professional purposes;
"BELAMOS". Russian-Chinese manufacturer produces equipment that meets all modern requirements;
«GRUNDFOS». Danish brand has its own production in Russia.
Quality German engineering test of time
Popular model with feedback of real customers
Many do not trust the assurances of producers, reasonably believing that those deliberately overstate the capabilities of the proposed equipment in order to increase sales. We offer to meet with the review of real consumers who already use the drain pump for dirty water on their plots.
Meet the reviews prior to purchasing
ZUBR NPG-M1-400: Rating 5/5
Immersion model with a maximum output of 7.5 m³ / h at a maximum head 5 m. The maximum depth of 7 m. Consumes 0.4 kW. Suitable for pumping dirty water with a maximum particle size of 35 mm. Completed cord length of 7 m. Mounted vertically. It provides protection against dry running.
ZUBR NPG-M1-400 - quality equipment from domestic producers
Review model ZUBR NPG-M1-400:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nasos-zubr-npg-m1-400/1723048691/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Pump ZUBR NPG-M1-400
Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 550 F: Rating 5/5
Submersible pump with 7 m. It has bandwidth of 10.5 m³ / hr. Powered by a 220 V network It consumes 0.55 kW. Mounted vertically. It weighs 5.2 kg. Complete with float switch. Protected against dry running. Allows immersion in 5 m. Suitable for pumping water containing particles having a diameter of 35 mm.
Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 550 F - drainage pump designed in Italy
Review of models Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 550 F:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nasos-quattro-elementi-drenaggio-550-f/7289288/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Pump Quattro Elementi Drenaggio 550 F
Patriot F850: Rating 4.5 / 5
The pump is designed for the maximum dive depth of 7 m at a head of 10 m. It has a capacity 13 t / h. It consumes 0.85 kW. It weighs 5.2 kg. Mounted vertically. Some users report that the lifting height of dirty water does not correspond to the declared by the manufacturer.
Patriot F850 - the best option for domestic use
Review model Patriot F850:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.ru/product—nasos-patriot-f-850/12693131/reviews? track = tabs & lr = 213
Another review model Patriot F850:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6702067.html
Pump 850 PATRIOT F
How to choose a sump pump for dirty water: tips and tricks
When choosing a sump pump should take into account many factors that determine the service life and performance of the equipment. We offer to meet the criteria, deserves special attention.
Properly chosen model - a guarantee of stable operation
Performance and pressure
For drainage equipment performance is one of the important criteria. It determines the quantity of dirty water passes through is applied for one hour. Find the information you need can be a passport supplied with the device.
Vladislav Mikhaltsov
Millwright for operation of water supply and sewerage systems "GK" Spetsstroy "
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«Performance affects the time it takes to pump a certain volume of liquid. "
Required parameter depends on the purpose of purchase. If the drain pump is purchased for use in the home, 10 m³ / h is sufficient. For professional use worth buying equipment with a capacity of 100 m³ / h.
The pressure varies within the range of 5 - 50 m and determines how high the water can rise. This figure is dependent on the type of dewatering equipment and is associated with the distance that the removed liquid. The latter index refers to the pressure as a 10 to 1.
Attention! For domestic use enough pressure exceeding the settlement 3 m.
Pressure and performance are closely linked
The diameter of output nozzles
An important parameter that affects the performance of the equipment. The diameter of the outlet connections should be selected with great care. The parameter depends on the degree of water pollution. For the usual liquid enough 0.5-1.5 inches. Dirty - more than 8.
When selecting a suitable type should note that the connections are vertical and horizontal connections. The pump should be connected to a hose having exactly the same diameter.
Attention! Ask what the liquid level remains after pumping.
Geometric parameters of merit
By material manufacturing parts and housings
The materials used for the manufacture of pumping equipment parts, determine its lifespan. The housing may be metal or plastic. Models of plastic have a lower cost, but are afraid of mechanical action, often deform and crack. Recover such equipment is almost impossible.
Pumps in a metal casing can withstand a considerable load. They have a long service life. stainless steel or iron may be used for their manufacture. Such materials allow operation in all conditions.
The product in a plastic housing is cheaper
Special attention is given material blades. This may be a polymer or stainless steel. With a choice preferred embodiment is a polymer. Special additives improve wear resistance material. Metal wear out faster, but also cheaper.
According to additional features
When choosing a model, make sure you have a circuit breaker. He will launch the device as soon as the liquid in the tank reaches a certain level. Circuit breakers can be:
electronic. Part of the pump, increasing its cost;
float. Reliable and inexpensive assembly having a relatively simple constructive design.
Also need to be concerned about the presence of protection against overheating and a strainer on the inlet to the device.
Additional protection will increase the service life
Recommendations for operation and maintenance
The equipment has served long enough, you should:
carry manufacturer's recommendations indicated in the accompanying documentation;
refuse pumping dirty water with particles whose dimensions exceed the recommended by the manufacturer;
a differential device connected via machine;
disconnecting the device when moving it from place to place;
refuse to pumping corrosive, explosive or flammable liquids.
Operating instructions should read in advance
Extends the life of drainage pumps for dirty water: general guidelines
The service life depends on the design features of a particular model. To prevent premature equipment failure, to avoid overheating the motor. This can be achieved, primarily, by choosing the drain pump dirty water with suitable characteristics. It should not be shortened float "leash". This will increase the number of motor starts, and the motor winding overheating failure.
Also help avoid overheating installation thermal relay. Such a node will monitor the degree of heating the engine and disconnect it upon reaching a critical value.
Share in the comments, what drainage pumps for dirty water you use? How they meet your expectations?