Before you buy new products from famous brands, so decide what type of lighting is best suited to your goals and needs
- 1 Especially illumination in modern LCD-screens
- 2 Backlight Technology Edge LED - compact and stylish solution
- 3 Backlight Technology Direct LED - Light always shine everywhere
- 4 Which is better - Direct LED or Edge LED
- 5 We draw conclusions
Especially illumination in modern LCD-screens
Initially, as a backlight of liquid crystal display screens used in televisions and fluorescent lamps. Yes, you read that right: it was the same "fluorescent light", previously widely used for lighting of industrial and public buildings. Only in this case, their size was much smaller. In the world of electronics, this development was called CCFL.
The presence of mercury in flasks resulted in the user poisoning hazard damage to the display
But let's be honest, this technology is morally outdated a couple of decades ago. Replace it for a long time came high LEDs. They got a famous name LED (short for Light-Emitting Diode). In addition to the ecological safety for humans and the environment, they differ in more energy-efficient and relatively inexpensive cost of manufacture.
LED-lamp can acquire any shape or size. This advantage allows manufacturers to create a comfortable and unusual models of technology
The use of this invention could not give rise to the subsequent creation of several subspecies of lighting. Perhaps even now there are some innovative developments, but in 2019 the user's choice is divided between two common solutions:
- Edge LED.
- Direct LED.
That's about the features of these competing "sisters" and we will tell our readers in further studies.
Want to know what type of equipment is best suited for high-quality images? Continue to carefully read our article and the answer will be forthcoming
Backlight Technology Edge LED - compact and stylish solution
The first option in this case is unusual and, to some extent, experimental Edge LED-lights. Despite the fact that it has a number of disadvantages, its use in modern screens is often justified.
Design features Edge LED
To fully understand what it is Edge LED- light, we, first of all, need to be translated into Russian the first word of the title. For those who do not want to look in the English-Russian dictionary, prompt, that the term "Edge An" means "angle." It follows from this and the main feature of the technology: this light is located on the side faces (most often, the right and left edge) of the inner surface of the display.
Corner lamp is widely used in everyday life, for example in shop windows or mirrors
Ultimately, this leads to a reduction in the thickness of a monitor or a TV, and a lower load for vision. But there is a very large "fly in the ointment" - an incorrect distribution of the number of lamps on either side of the screen and the power of their illumination, the image will be visible local dimming or, conversely, too bright fragments.
The smaller the thickness of your TV or monitor, the more likely that it is installed Edge LED
Advantages and disadvantages
As with any scientific invention, the heroines of our review have strengths and weaknesses. In part, we describe the benefits and drawbacks Edge LED in the preceding paragraph, but for now let's will collect all the "pros" and "cons" together for a more complete picture.
"Pros" | "Minuses" |
Smaller dimensions of the matrix body and LCD-devices due to advantageous arrangement of the elements. | The increased power consumption associated with the need to cover a large area of a small number of LED-lamp. |
High brightness and convenience to view the information. | High risk of local dimming with incorrect calculations manufacturers. |
Uneven light distribution not only spoils the appearance, but also prevents enjoy movies or video games
Backlight Technology Direct LED - Light always shine everywhere
Unique and highly successful competitor first nominee is the Direct LED - more expensive and more effective option with a number of interesting options. Let us immediately proceed to study its characteristics.
Design features Direct LED
Answering the question "What is it -? Direct LED», we again turn to the English-Russian dictionary, which states that "the Direct" means "direct." This is the idea creators. Unlike the Edge, in equipment using this technology, LED lamps It is not located on the sidewalls and the back wall, over the whole area, but in compliance with certain interval.
This method requires large investments both at the stage of production, and with the purchase - but the result is worth it
As a result, you get the picture contrast, the characteristics of which can be easily changed without damaging image quality. Also, you can not worry about the different local dimming matrix - they appear only in the case of large-scale damage, which happens very rarely.
Winner of the Direct LED-display can independently adjust brightness by increasing or decreasing the power of LEDs
Advantages and disadvantages
As in the first case, this heroine of this review there are a number of strengths and shortcomings. Let's try to collect them and together to create a complete view.
"Pros" | "Minuses" |
High contrast and sharpness. | Dimensions of the device would be considerably thicker in comparison with the Edge-models. |
The absence of any lighting deficiencies varying display areas at the expense of the rational arrangement of the elements. | More higher power consumption associated with the large volume of diodes. |
Be prepared for the fact that the electricity bill in the operation of Direct-TV or monitor will be much greater than for other conditions
Which is better - Direct LED or Edge LED
We dealt with the characteristics of each of the currently available options. "But this is only theoretical information" - the reader will say, and will be right. Do not forget the practical application of existing knowledge. It is for this reason that the following paragraph of this review will be to identify a worthy winner in a duel «Edge LED vs Direct LED»!
Two irreconcilable "opponents" often face for the attention of buyers. Let's see who in the end would get the laurels of the winner
The best solution from the image quality point of view
Each of us wants to enjoy the bright, rich colors while watching a dynamic blockbuster tense game once the computer or video game console. But what type of lighting is better to choose in order to achieve a perfect result? Let us consider each of them separately.
Edge LED. On the side of the nominees have increased brightness, combined with rational direction of the light, reducing eye strain. But at the same time, the image may be more "blurred" due to lower contrast. Therefore, such a proposal is suitable for those who have a lot of work behind the screen or fears for his vision.
Blurred lines image will not allow to fully enjoy Full HD-film or a modern action-game
Direct LED. In this case, we have a higher sharpness and contrast, which together with adjustable brightness and saturation, can give a much more powerful and consistent results. These devices - the best choice for demanding gamers and spectators.
Remember that very contrast and rich colors of the picture gives an additional strain on the eyes, impairing your vision
The optimal option in terms of reliability and design
In addition to the quality of the image, do not forget about the durability and pleasing appearance of the equipment. After all, what good is the equipment if it breaks after a month of active use? Let us consider the heroines of our review, and on this side of the question.
Edge LED. As we said earlier, the model equipped with such lighting, have a much more compact size, it has a positive effect on the design. But a small thickness and is an indicator of high fragility, that is not worth discounted. At the same time, this technology behaves badly on inclined surfaces, over time, as a light diffuser can get serious physical strain.
Pets can not hesitate to damage expensive equipment. If you have pets at home, the Edge LED - is clearly not your choice
Backlight Direct LED, unlike its rivals, on the contrary, thickens the screen size. In some situations, it can also be negative, as the massive objects in the fall destroyed a lot stronger. But with the right consolidation and control, this solution is more advantageous in all respects. In addition, this technology is adapted to the location on any surface that is convenient for each user.
Direct-models work perfectly at all angles without losing their characteristics
We draw conclusions
Now, it's the end of our small study. Editorial, The bottom line to all investigations, concludes - in a fight between Edge LED or Direct LED, our balance is still bent to the second option. But remember that we are not the ultimate truth. When choosing products, and listen more to their personal feelings. We wish you a successful shopping and solutions!