And let the real world can wait! Quality headphones with a microphone will help you to immerse themselves in gameplay
- 1 What are the headphones with a microphone for the computer
- 2 What headphones to choose for your computer
- 3 Best Headphones with Mic through USB
- 4 Most of Bluetooth-headset for PC
- 5 Best gaming headset with microphone
- 6 Best cheap headphones with microphone for computer
- 7 What should I do if my computer does not see any headphones with a microphone
- 8 How to use a headset with microphone for PC
What are the headphones with a microphone for the computer
Immediately exclude from our review of portable headphones. For high-quality sound, and even more record, these gadgets are not suitable. Best computer earphones (if someone does not agree with us, let him throw a stone at us) - full size. They are also called the Monitor. Due to its large area completely covers the speaker's ear, which means that the sound is not scattered in the air, but immediately reaches the goal, avoiding extraneous noise.
Classic monitor (PC) headset with microphone
These headphones, in turn, can be divided into three different categories:
- By type of fastening to the head.
- According to an embodiment of the microphone mount.
- By connection type.
Let us consider each type separately.
mounting method
This criteria should not forget. And that it should start with the selection of the best model for your headphones. For example, if you want to buy a headset for your computer with a microphone to talk on Skype, but you have small children, or you have to constantly monitor the situation, what is going on around you, then you better model - the headset, which is mounted on an ear.
The classic type of attachment - the arc that connects the two "ears".
With this model, those around you will not be disturbed. However, if you are annoyed when the headphones and then dumped from the head, it is worth paying attention to the model, which are attached at the back.
connection option to the microphone
In most cases, "to move" option movable mounting of the microphone. These models are the most practical.
If the microphone is easy to change its position, it will be easier to adjust it for yourself. However, this feature can render and bad service. If you too often will use control, a headset for your computer may fail with the microphone. For the employees of the call center and those who are constantly communicating in the network, fit headphones with a fixed microphone position.
If a microphone is required, but the sound quality for you is not of paramount importance, it is possible to opt for headphones with an integrated microphone. In this case, a significant disadvantage is that in your conversation every now and then will break through background noise, because a microphone will not be narrowly focused.
PC Connection Type
Not a lot of options: connect via connectors and the "on air".
Via USB-port
The main advantage of the headphones with the type of USB connection is considered to be a clear, three-dimensional sound quality. This is because the USB output of the computer sends a digital signal to the headphones, and the sound of those already converted to analog form, and you will hear it. While the sound quality of conventional wired headphones (the ones that are inserted into sockets pink and green) is directly related to the quality of the sound card or amplifier to which they are connected.
However, the process equipment USB connection has its own characteristics. Very often, the computer "sees" instead of one, two different "virtual" devices - one to be used to output main audio (Music, games, movies, system sounds), and the second device, the actual microphone will be activated for applications with voice communication, to example, Skype. Thus, the headphone will be able to process the sound of the games to give it more volume and depth, while not affecting the voice of your interlocutors.
TIP!(Click to see)
When purchasing a headset pay attention to the length of wire. In commercially available model, the length of the cord exceeds 4 meters, it is very convenient when working at the computer.
Via a wireless connection
Undoubtedly, the "on air" connection has several advantages. You are not tied to your workplace or home PC. These headphones are choosing those users who often do not sit in one place and love to perform some business outside the computer area, but at the same time talking on Skype or use other messengers. Suitable wireless headphones and gamers in the X-Box, where the player is located at a considerable distance from the console. This type of headset has two disadvantages, firstly, they must be recharged, and, secondly, they are heavier wired headphones.
In a pinch, you can use the headphones for such purposes, if we fail to quietly leave the house
And the sound quality suffers. So if you are picky about sound quality and prefer to listen to music, it is possible that these headphones will not fit. After all, wireless headphones have a certain range - more people from the signal source, the worse the sound. Comes with this headset base station connects to a PC. It is equipped with a receiver and a transmitter. In the headset itself also has a transmitter and receiver, which are powered by batteries. If the transmission signal is infrared radiation, then the free movement will be restricted to the visibility of the transmitter and the receiver.

What headphones to choose for your computer
Selection of accessories varies by purpose. Some features of the headset of choice, we have already announced in this article, now let's talk more about other criteria, are worth paying attention to.
TIP!(Click to see)
When choosing headphones Pick the right frequency range. Ideally, the range of the sound waves should fall within the limits of 12 Hz-25 kHz.
According to the brand and the manufacturer
As with any trade niche in this segment of the audio market has its monopoly and unrivaled leaders. We offer you top-20 best headphone manufacturers on the basis of user surveys in 2019 gody. Our rating will help you decide how to choose the best headphones for your computer.
logo | brand name | Features that distinguish users |
Sennheiser | Excellent build quality, clear and rich sound. Low and high frequency adjusted perfectly. Voice is not distorted. | |
Sony | Headphones have good "bass", have excellent style and variety of species. A large variety of low-end models. | |
Beyerdynamic | High-quality full-size «PRO» model for professional work. | |
Audio Technica ATH | A distinctive feature of this Japanese brand - natural sounding. | |
Bose | Professional headphones premium. | |
KOSS | Cheap bass models, some of which have become classics. | |
AKG | Headphones for both professionals and amateurs. | |
Samsung | A wide range of models for every budget. | |
JBL | Manufacturer speakers, including headphones, different classes and characteristics. | |
Bang & Olufsen | The Danish company, which manufactures premium headphones. Distinctive feature - metallic elements used in the production of headphones. | |
Philips | The quality and variety of models of this trademark has long won the love of music lovers all over the world. | |
RAZER | A well-known manufacturer of gaming accessories: keyboards, mice, headphones, systems, controllers, bags, devices, and so on. | |
Panasonic | Budget models are versatile enough to use. | |
JVC | It is known to many Russian consumers. It is interesting that in 2008 the company released a headset with a wooden diaphragm. | |
Shure | High sound quality and materials, average and expensive price segment. | |
Marshall | British classic. Headphones have a "fatal" sound, proprietary design and... a high price. | |
Beats | Headphones with dominant bass, catchy design in the mid-market. | |
Xiaomi | Low headset with good performance. | |
Skullcandy | Most low-end models, universal in use. | |
Pioneer | Classic, time-tested and millions of buyers. |
Based on the design and usability
Ergonomics is not only important when choosing a mouse. Headphones, too, can and should be comfortable. When you select a headset, the headset should be preferred to a metal structure for the computer. It is different, though, by weight, but will last you longer, compared with the usual - plastic.
In this case, you will not worry that accidentally burst headband
Pay attention to the volume control. In some models it is located too close to bodborodku and enjoy this extremely uncomfortable for a tall man.
Sound insulation and sound adjustment
When choosing headphones should pay attention to characteristics such as sensitivity, frequency response and impedance. If the first two terms, each heard in my life, the last - not all. Sensitivity - is accessible volume. This parameter has a direct impact on your comfort. Best headphones for the computer are permitted limit - 100 dB.
Many headphones though not much, but higher than the figure which could negatively affect your health and reduce hearing
Speaking of the frequency range, the human ear can clearly grasp the designated range known in nature sounds - from 18 Hz to 20 000 kHz. That is why a person does not react to a dog whistle. And if the product range is narrower, then most likely, part of the sound these headphones simply "can not hear"... Unlike your dog.
Some manufacturers specify the range below this level, for example, 16 Hz. Benefit from this no man, however, it is believed that these headphones are more sensitive. But, most of all, it is nothing like a regular publicity stunt. But such a thing as an impedance or resistance to sound - quite a crucial point. The higher the value, the better the sound will be. Impedance - the ability to absorb the earphone noises, responsible for "clean" sound. The minimum impedance for computer headset - 30 ohms. If it is lower, it is unlikely you will get in return for high-quality sound. Headphones with a good microphone and the correct settings to help you enjoy the use of the gadget.
In some headsets the resistance value comes to 300 ohms, and a strong signal source is required for them. The optimal value for all gaming headphones impedance is 32 ohms. At the sound quality is affected and the shape of the headphones themselves. Open the headset.
Option open headset - headphones Logitech H111
These headphones allow very actively monitor what is happening in reality around you, hear the doorbell or phone. Semi headphones - headset cups which have holes. This achieves normal and sound insulation, and do not get tired ears. This gadget is often used by professionals, and whose performance is closer to opening the device, since the external noise still passes.
Semi-open studio headphones AKG K141 MKII
Closed headset, familiar to us the massive model, have good sound insulation characteristics. In these "ears" no one can distract you from important meetings or watching a movie.
IMPORTANT!(Click to see)
The closed-type headphones sound pressure is created on your hearing, so listen to too loud music in the headphones can not be such!
And now look at the best, in our opinion, headphones with microphones in different groups.
Best Headphones with Mic through USB
Sennheiser PC 8 USB - rating 9,7/10In the opinion of the editorial board
The price of this gadget with USB-headset with a microphone to the computer at this time - 2190 rubles. For this modest price you get a high-quality headset one of the best manufacturers of the equipment.
Headphones Sennheiser PC 8 USB - high-quality semi-open headphones
Advantages of the model:
- Quality sound.
- Light weight - 84 grams.
- active noise cancellation feature.
Disadvantages of the model: volume control on the cord.
But the impression made on the model of the buyer.
Review of the Model Sennheiser PC 8 USB
More on Otzovik:
Logitech PC Headset 960 USB - rating 8,9/10In the opinion of the editorial board
Headphones easy to "sit down" perfectly sound, and supplied with a microphone. Perfectly suited for communication on Skype, even if there is no camera with microphone (which is rare now, but not everywhere).
Headphones Logitech PC Headset 960 USB - one of the most democratic at the price, this model costs 1200 rubles
Microphone on a flexible mount that allows it to be positioned individually for each user. Sound like transmitted through the microphone and the speakers, quality.
Review model Logitech PC Headset 960 USB
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Plantronics Audio 648 - Rating 8,8/10In the opinion of the editorial board
Despite the controversial ergonomics (not everyone likes occipital model), "filling" of these headphones is quite decent. Some users have reported that this "platroniks" a little pressure on the occipital region, however, the audio quality of this does not suffer.
Plantronics Audio 648
Among the pleasant bonus - excellent noise reduction and digital volume control. And, of course, price - 2250 rubles.
Review model Plantronics Audio 648
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Most of Bluetooth-headset for PC
Logitech Wireless Headset H600 - rating 9,8/10In the opinion of the editorial board
Its users said that many people buy a wireless headset for the computer in the office. The battery works for a long time in offline mode, but if you do not have time to charge it, you can listen to music in the charging mode. Others can not hear what is playing in your headphones and you can not hear them. Well suited for conversations on Skype and any kind of activity that is associated with a telephone conversation. These headphones with microphone and should be fine for a laptop.
Logitech Wireless Headset H600 - excellent headphones for socializing and watching movies
Among the main advantages of this model, users note a good assembly, ergonomics, sound quality and quite capacious battery. Among the shortcomings are often called rapid wear of the pads on the headphones.
Review model Logitech Wireless Headset H600
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Sony MDR-RF865RK - rating 9,7/10In the opinion of the editorial board
Sony brand has long held in the lead. It is distinguished by quality, reasonable pricing and a variety of products. One of the models of this brand, which is worth paying attention to, - Sony MDR-RF865RK. This wireless high-quality headphones closed type that can be used at a distance up to 100 m. Built-in noise suppression helps to reproduce the sound accurately.
Headphones Sony MDR-RF865RK
The model has a wide dynamic range to accurately reproduce the audio signal. Suffice capacious battery. The price of this model not cheap - about 10 000 rubles.
Review of Sony MDR-RF865RK model
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Best gaming headset with microphone
Say at once, high quality gaming headphone in our understanding can not be cheap. Buy a decent gaming headphone with microphone for your computer can be not less than 5000 rubles. Such models typically have a USB-connector, and built-in sound card and reproduce the 5- and 7-channel signals without distortion. This is true for games, for gamers need the ear to determine the direction of shots and sounds.
RAZER KRAKEN PRO 2015 - Ranking 9,6/10In the opinion of the editorial board
Headphones for gamers and not only - RAZER KRAKEN PRO 2015
Sturdy and high-quality headphones. The sound quality is excellent and the microphone. Creaks, good software. The microphone is removed, and the headphones comfortably fold. The gadget provides exceptionally high-quality sound in the 7.1 format. A headphone operation can be controlled via the control unit located on the wire. The cost of this model is 6700 rubles.
Feedback on the model RAZER KRAKEN PRO 2015
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HyperX Cloud II - rating 9,5/10In the opinion of the editorial board
HyperX Cloud II
Closed wired headphones - best headphones for gaming. The resistance of 60 ohms at a frequency range of 15-25 000 Hz - that's what makes the headphones HyperX Cloud II so popular among gamers. The gadget is equipped with a module that allows you to hear almost all the noises that sound in the game, from the shots to the rustle of leaves underfoot. Cost model - by 5.5 thousand. rubles.
Review HyperX Cloud II model
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TIP!(Click to see)
Gaming Headset necessarily have a long cable, not less than 2 meters. At the same time it must be removable. This will facilitate its replacement if required a shorter cable, or if it breaks.
Best cheap headphones with microphone for computer
model name | Characteristic | price, rub. (As of May 2019) |
Computer Headset A4Tech HS-60 |
| 810 |
Computer Headset Genius HS-G500V |
| 1 235 |
Computer Headset SVEN AP-G988MV |
| 1 007 |
Computer Headset Gembird MHS-780B |
| 850 |
Computer headset Redragon Lester |
| 1 087 |
Cheap headphones with high-quality sound - a rarity. In our top 5 good cheap headphone 2019 includes low-end models, which have the highest possible quality and cost no more than 1500 rubles. Prices are as of May 2019.
However, remember that to buy a cheap computer headset with a microphone for a little money as possible, but how long will they use it, that is another question.
What should I do if my computer does not see any headphones with a microphone
This problem may occur if you mistakenly connect headphones to the rear panel is not (whether the USB-port and plug it). In this case, to help connect the sound card settings. Usually with headphones talking installation disc, which will decide for you, all the difficulties of "love" of the device with your PC. If all these manipulations or to have failed, probably a problem with your operating system, no drivers necessary or an old sound card.
You can check the headphones using any applications that need headphones. Most often, these applications help to incrementally adjust the gadget. In an extreme case, you can contact support or try to find the appropriate instructional video on the Internet. For example, such.

How to use a headset with microphone for PC
As we have already noted above, picks up the headphones for specific tasks. The headphone volume has to be "afford" your ears. In addition, any gadget that requires proper care. Do not twist the wires, do not use excess force to push the arc headband.
Headphones for PC, as well as any other equipment, require careful treatment
Also, do not use headphones with damaged cables, and do not use any structural elements, which have been broken integrity. This can lead to electric shock. We have tried as much as possible in detail to highlight the theme selection and use of headphones for PC. If you have a desire to share with the readers own opinion on the choice of this useful gadget, leave your questions below.