Rating of prams

To choose a worthy model from the existing variety of prams, parents sometimes it is quite difficult.

That's why we compiled the rating of the baby carriages, which included the best universal transport devices that meet the criteria of convenience and comfort in use.


Jetem N-Joy Price 19 thousand rubles

Opens the top wheelchair rating of the compact model Jetem N-Joy ( 2 in 1).A compact and easy-to-use transportation device boasts an affordable price, a cradle with a deep hood and a warm cloak designed for use in the winter season. The kit includes a raincoat and a walking bag. Among the shortcomings of the model is a relatively small cradle and a shopping cart. On average, you can buy a model for 19 thousand rubles.


Baby Care Suprim Price 13 thousand rubles

On the ninth line is a baby carriage Baby Care Suprim .This inexpensive model is more suitable for spring and summer walks, but it can also be used in the winter season. It is equipped with small, comfortable wheels and a comfortable, deep cradle. The promenade block has a large hood and a cloak. Also included is a raincoat and a backpack. The average price of Baby Care Suprim is 13 thousand rubles.


Camarelo Sevilla Price 22 thousand rubles

In the eighth place among the best strollers for children is Camarelo Sevilla .A stylish design with original colors is not all that the device can do. The model has excellent maneuverability and patency even on snow-covered roads. Has a very capacious cradle with a deep hood and a high tongue, which reliably protects the baby from any unfavorable weather conditions. The manufacturer also provided here the adjustment of the shock absorbers, which provides a soft / hard move. The disadvantages of the model include a wide frame, which is 62 cm and quickly failing brakes. The average price of Camarelo Sevilla 22 thousand rubles.


Baby Care Manhattan Air Price 12 thousand rubles

Quality at an affordable price "transformer" Baby Care Manhattan Air is one of the ten best transportation devices for children. This model differs not only in convenience, but also in ease of management, thanks to good depreciation, inflatable all-terrain wheels and a weight of 12 kg. The stroller has a large number of advantages and is not inferior in practicality to more expensive counterparts. In the complete set of parents will find a warm cot-liner, designed for winter, as well as a built-in mosquito net for the warm season. Also here there is a very large and roomy basket, a height-adjustable carry-over handle and a huge number of pockets. The cradle is equipped with a spacious, comfortable bed. Among the minuses Baby Care Manhattan Air is called an unprocessed brake system. But such a small defect can be forgiven for the price of 12 thousand rubles.


Silver Cross Sleepover Sport Price 29 thousand rubles

The sixth position is the English wheelchair-transformer Silver Cross Sleepover Sport .It is recognized as the best model for children from 0 to 4 years. Comfortable and easy to use, it provides the chassis choice - a traditional or lightweight option. In addition, the English brand guarantees the quality of the conveyance. The device is equipped with a comfortable and roomy cradle with a perfectly flat bottom. There are some drawbacks and Silvercross has a weight of 17 kg. You can buy this device on average for 29 thousand rubles.


Tako Jumper Price 24 thousand rubles

The fifth place among the best baby carriages is Tako Jumper ( 2 in 1).The Polish model is by right the leader in sales. It is universal, practical and includes everything you need. A deep cradle with high sides is equipped with an organic bottom, a soft, comfortable mattress and an adjustable back. The built-in hard handle, provided for carrying, is equipped with rounded skids. Due to this, the cradle can be used as a cradle. A compact wheelchair is easy to operate, simply folds up and very roomy. The disadvantages of Tako Jumper include impractical wheels, which after a while may fail and weight 15 kg. The price for such a model reaches an average of 24 thousand rubles.


Hartan VIP XL Price 75 thousand rubles

The German model Hartan VIP XL got the fourth place in the rating of the best baby carriages. This is one of the most high-quality, reliable, durable and durable devices that can be used in operation for more than one generation. Hartan is equipped with a convenient, compact and deep cradle. This is an excellent demi-season variant, but for winter walks Hartan is not suitable, so it has not enough insulated cradle and has poor passableness on snow-covered roads. As for quality, there is no equal to the device. But such a model is not expensive, the average price is 75 thousand rubles.


Tutis Zippy New Price 26 thousand rubles

Tutis Zippy New ( 2 in 1) opens the top three wheelchairs for children. The model is able to become a serious competitor to more expensive models, because in no way inferior to them in terms of quality and functionality. Means for baby transportation is easy and practical in management, thanks to good shock absorbers. In addition, its weight is only 11 kg. The device is equipped with a wide low-lowering visor and an additional silicone, retractable visor, which provide complete reliability from adverse weather conditions. The handle is easily adjustable and can take six positions. To the disadvantages of Tutis Zippy New is a small distance between the front and rear axles, which makes it difficult to overcome such obstacles on the sidewalk as curbs. In the rest it is the best stroller, the average price for which is 26 thousand rubles.


CAM Cortina Evolution X3 Tris Price 52 thousand rubles

Universal model CAM Cortina Evolution X 3 The Tris ( 3 in 1) takes the second place in the ranking of the best baby carriages. The device includes a walking block, a cradle and a car seat, which satisfy the highest demands of the baby and parents. It also provides a three-wheeled chassis design with a front swivel wheel, making the carriage easy and maneuverable. This function is also carried by soft shock absorbers, which provide comfort in control. CAM Cortina Evolution X 3 The Tris is easy to use, easy to fold and has relatively little weight - less than 14 kg. Removable fabric is unpretentious in the care and easy to wash. The minuses include a noisy hood and a wide frame that exceeds 60 cm. The average cost of the model is 52 thousand rubles.


Emmaljunga Mondial Duo Combi Leatherette Price 80 thousand rubles

Emmaljunga Mondial Duo Combi Leatherette tops the rating of the best wheelchairs for the baby. The universal model is suitable for both summer and winter use. Its main advantages are very soft springs and inflatable wheels, which allow you to easily pass through the most difficult places. A large and at the same time compact conveyance, which has absolute ease in management has a number of advantages. The device provides a large, noise-proof hood, which allows not to disturb the child's sleep with extraneous sounds during walks. Covers for a cradle and a walking block are provided in two colors: white and beige. For their manufacture, only environmentally friendly leather is used. In bad weather conditions the stroller, due to the high quality and strength of the material, reliably protects the small one. The drawbacks of the Emmaljunga include an overpriced price and weight, which is 17 kg. In the rest it is an ideal model. The average cost is 80 thousand rubles.