The most beautiful butterflies in the world

Butterflies are one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. They are like fresh flowers. Not for nothing since ancient times, these winged insects were associated with spring, beauty, eternity, rebirth of the soul. The Italians called them "flowers blown by the wind."True, in Russia believed that the butterflies after death turn witches. Only they could take on the appearance of such beauty. And in Asian countries it is not just a beautiful creature, but also a delicacy.

The beauty of butterflies is created by the scales covering their wings. Scales have ribbed walls, and when sunlight hits them and refracts, different colors appear.

It was the external data that made these insects top of the popularity of collectors. About 200 thousand species of Lepidoptera are known, and the most beautiful butterflies in the world are represented in our rating.


Peacock eye

Opens the top ten most beautiful winged insects Peacock eye .Its small wings, whose range can reach no more than 5.5 cm, have a very bright color. On a bright red background, four bright spots resembling eyes were arranged around the edges. The Peacock eye lives about 9 months. For wintering, he goes to the crevices of the tree bark, where he waits for the arrival of a warm pore.


Greta Oto

Greta Otto or Glass Butterfly is one of the most amazing species of winged insects. The second name Greta Oto received because of the transparency of the wings. In Argentina and Mexico - this is the most common butterfly. One of the smallest creatures has a wingspan of 5 cm. The crystal-transparent wings are decorated on the edges with a red or brown border. This species plays an important role in the ecosystem, as it participates in the pollination of most native plants. The peculiarity of Greta Oto is that she prefers only poisonous vegetation as food. Accumulating a lot of toxins in their small body, they become unattractive to insectivores. A glass butterfly can travel a distance of up to 12 km per day.


Morpho Peleida

Morpho Peleida , which in Greek means beautiful, justifies its name. Its shiny, blue-blue wing color has a black border around the edges with pronounced white spots. A unique shade helps to attract individuals of the opposite sex and frighten off hunters. Morpho's life is not long and is on average 2 weeks. The peculiarity of this species is that males prefer to live in groups.



Among the most beautiful winged insects is the butterfly Admiral , received its name for the bright red stripes on the black velvety wings with white spots. This comparatively small beauty has a wingspan of only 5-6 cm. The peculiarity of the Admiral is that he makes flights in the autumn for huge distances, since they are going to winter from Russia to Africa. The life span is about 9 months.


Madagascar comet

The Madagascar comet is not only a real beauty, but also the longest butterfly in the world. Behind her, bright orange wings with brown eyes are decorated with twenty-centimetric tails, which have the property to fall off literally after several completed flights. The life expectancy of the Madagascar comet is only a few days. This winged insect lacks the digestive system and mouth, as it feeds on the accumulated nutrients that it received as a caterpillar.


Slava Bhutan

Butterfly Glory of Bhutan is the fifth most beautiful among winged insects. Her amazing shapes and peculiar colors will not leave indifferent any aesthetic. The wingspan does not exceed 10 cm. Each wing has three fancy tail shapes behind it, which gives the arthropod of a special flavor. Two bright red spots behind warn the winged hunters that they are inedible. The glory of Bhutan has the property of folding the rear wings under the front, which makes it virtually invisible. In India, this species of butterflies is protected.


Sailboat Maaka

Sailboat Maaka or Blue Makhaon is not only one of the most beautiful butterflies, but also the largest on the territory of Russia. The habitat is Sakhalin. Males have an incredibly beautiful color, shimmering with a dark green tint, against which black fields appear. Often males form accumulations and settle near creeks and rivers or on wet roads, after a rain. Raging into the sky, the disturbed flock forms an amazing sight from a shimmering dark green cloud.


Queen Alexandra's Ptickereyl

Opens the top three Pticekryl Queen Alexandra , which is considered one of the most valuable specimens among collectors. The habitat of the insect is New Guinea. Males are considered more beautiful than females, thanks to their amazing coloring, which attracts attention not only of females, but also aesthetes among people. Their wings are poured with the most delicate shades of green and blue and resemble elegant, narrow leaves of a strange plant. Females can not boast of such beauty. In size they are much larger than males - when flying, they can create a wingspan of up to 28 cm.


Urania Madagascar

One of the most beautiful beautiful creatures of nature is the butterfly Urania Madagascar .These are quite large volatile insects with a wingspan of up to 9 cm. Under the magnifying glass, you can see that the wings of Urania are multi-colored scales that together form an amazing rainbow pattern. At the edges of the wings is a white edging, giving a special individuality and uniqueness to the appearance of the butterfly. Its bright, unusual coloring is a protective element from those wishing to hunt for it. Unusual color signals to insectivores that these individuals are poisonous. Urania love the bright time of day and are active in the daytime. In the evening, a flock of beauties gathers in one place for the night.



Rating the most beautiful butterfly headed by Atlas or Prince of Darkness. Active Atlas prefers to live at night, which is why he got the second name. It is also the largest insect of its family. The range of its wings can reach several tens of centimeters. The color and shape of the wings reminds the head of a snake. Thus, the Prince frightens off animals that do not mind eating insects. The duration of his life is only a ten-day period. Being a caterpillar, he actively replenishes his body with nutrients, due to which he will exist, having turned into a butterfly.