Oil cooler - budget and mobile way of heating in the off season or just bad weather. Manufacturers offer models for both permanent and for occasional use.
- Principle of operation
- Types and characteristics of oil heaters
- Pros oil heaters
- Cons oil heaters
- How to choose the oil heater
- Which is better
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- malfunctions
- Producers of oil heaters
Principle of operation

Oil heater consists of a metal body, which visually resembles a stationary battery, special mineral oil and the heating element.
After switching on the network starts heater which heats the oil to the desired temperature. The oil gives its heat to the metal shell, which gradually heats the surrounding air.
All current models there are several modes that let you choose the intensity of the warm room air.
To exclude overheating and damage to the modern models are equipped with a special sensor, which turns off the appliance if there is such a threat.
Built-in timer helps to regulate the temperature: at a given air heating device is switched off, when a cold snap - is included.
Types and characteristics of oil heaters

All radiators They are working on the same algorithm, but differ in the set of additional functions, the type of attachment and the price. Depending on the objectives that are put before the device and its location oil radiators are divided into:
- Wall - economical in terms of energy consumption.
- Floor - are popular because of their portability.
- Desktop - a low level of heat transfer.
- For cots.
- Ceiling.

Some models are equipped with a fan, which accelerates the flow of warm heated air throughout the room. The disadvantage of such a device - the noise during operation. Developers have provided some of the companies in their models humidifier.
This device is especially important in the cold season, when the air outside becomes much drier, but also himself heater gradually added it dries. Some units have a function stitched inclusion.
Pros oil heaters

- The high level of device security. The oil cooler all heating elements are hidden inside and the outer shell is heated to a temperature of not more than 60 degrees.
This eliminates the possibility of fire in the fall or burn the skin surface with tactile contact. The last factor is important in families where there are small children.
- Long service life. The device is designed so that the components do not burn due to the long continuous operation. The device can operate without shutting down up to three days.
- The compact dimensions of the device and its mobility allows you to move it to different corners of the house or apartment. A noiseless operation will not cause any discomfort.

- The price of oil radiators is available. The cost depends on the number of sections, which are in the device.
- During operation of the device does not stand out odors. radiators do not dry the air in the room, which means you do not have to spend extra to buy a humidifier.
- For the installation of the heater does not need special knowledge and tools. You simply plug in the device socket and enjoy the warmth.
Cons oil heaters

The oil cooler has several drawbacks, which need to know before buying. They are quite controversial and easily eliminated:
- Large radiator weight. He did not bring any difficulties in moving, as each model is equipped with wheels, and lift the machine does not need.
- Long premises heating time. First heater heats the oil inside the device, and only after that it heats the outer shell of the radiator.

But this disadvantage is easily removed if initially acquire a radiator with built-in fan, which will disperse the warm air around the room, thereby heating it faster.
How to choose the oil heater

Consider the simple rules:
- Power heater. For heating 10 square meters you need about 1 kW of power. The manufacturer does not produce radiators, power more than 3 kW. To heat a larger room, it will take a few copies.
- The size. The number of sections varies from 5 to 14. The more branches in the radiator, the faster it will warm the room and more power will consume.
It is considered the best one heater sections 6-8. This is considered to be the wave is enough to heat a room of medium size.
- design models. When buying pay attention to the presence of the indicator light, temperature control, and several modes of operation. Also to be overheating protection device which will save you from unforeseen situations.
If there are several modes you can adjust the temperature independently, which gives the device, and thus save energy consumed by him.

- TimerWith which you have programmed on or off the radiator at a certain time.
- Built humidifier. In cold weather, the air becomes dry, which adversely affects the skin. Built humidifier operates during operation of the heater, resulting in the indoor humidity rate.
- Built-in fan. It will accelerate the process of heating the room, but the models with this function are much more expensive.

Also pay attention to the following aspects:
- Prefer radiators, in which the narrow section. They quickly heat up and transfer heat to the room. When reducing the size of the sections increase their number.
- Large sections of the long heated and cooled, it gives extra warmth, but requires additional electricity costs.
- If the device is easy, but the large size, it means that the manufacturer saved on materials.
- Radiators dark colors better give off heat.
Which is better

should consider before buying a radiator, which he needs to heat the area will be. heating function is dependent on the heat sink capacity and the number of sections.
Power is selected depending on the size of the room in which the radiator will operate: 10 square meters of space needed 1 kW of electricity.
Formula regard to space, ceiling height where no more than 2.75 m If the ceilings are higher calculate the required power can be on such algorithm.:
- Multiply the length by the width of the room, get area.
- Multiply that number by the height of the room, so you get the right amount.
- Divide the resulting number by 25, because the calculated power of 1 kW to 25 m3. This result - this is the power required to heat the room.

Next is a matter of individual taste and budget. Simple oil heater has a standard set of functions and is inexpensive.
Models equipped with fans, timers, humidifiers and remote controls are more expensive but more comfortable to use.
Precautionary measures:

- Before using the appliance, make sure that the AC mains voltage corresponds to the apartments recommended by the manufacturer.
- If you are not using the appliance, unplug it from the outlet.
- Do not leave the appliance switched on when the room is unoccupied.
- Do not cover the appliance clothing, it will provoke overheating or fire. It is better to place it at a safe distance from flammable substances.

- Observe device purity.
- In the event of a breakdown or attempt to disassemble the radiator, it is better to give this work to professionals.
- Closely supervise children when they are in the same room with a working device. Do not allow them to play with the cord or the appliance, this could lead to the closure, electric shock or fire.
- Keep an eye on the state of the device, wires and plugs. You can not use the heater if the cord or plug is damaged.
- The device is designed exclusively for domestic use indoors.
Getting Started

If the device was bought in the cold season, it is necessary to carefully unpack, put on wheels, bearings and leave at least 3 hours.
Then turn the heat sink to a socket with ground and leave work at 1:00 in a ventilated area. Thus evaporate all odors, the appearance of which may initially.
Maintenance oil radiators

Oil heaters do not require special maintenance for the duration of use, if there is no any complaints and criticism.
- If you want to store the appliance for a long time, then wipe with a damp cloth from dust and dirt, unplug it, fold it neatly. Remove the wheel-bearing and fold into a box, which close tightly.
- When the heater is again needed, remove it from the box, again wipe off the dust collect. Carefully inspect the device for the appearance of deformation or oil leaks.
Remember, for radiators used a special oil.
Disposing of the oil cooler

When the oil heater will become worthless, it is necessary to dispose of it according to the following scheme:
- Cut off the power cord from the unit.
- Drain the oil, which is dangerous to humans, and pass it to a special collection point.
- The housing can be taken for scrap.

The term of the warranty obligations of the deposit of oil radiators is 1 year, and for the use of - 2 years.
During the warranty period, the factory-manufacturer guarantees the satisfaction of the customer requirements related problems in the radiator during normal usage, transportation and storage instrument.
Warranty carried out only in the case of confirmation of the purchase by check, which clearly shows the date of acquisition.
Warranty not fulfilled in the case of mechanical damage to the appliance, such as dents, scratches and other defects.

Most often, the oil cooler occur the following problems:
- Audible crackling sound during startup and during the first 10-15 minutes of operation. If the crack disappears after this time - do not worry. It occurs when the oil is heated inside the radiator.
Maybe it got a drop of water, which cause such a reaction. This is possible if the device were collected under conditions of high humidity.

- Radiator does not turn on. For a start, inspect the power cord and plug for cracks or creases. If they are not found, try to turn the heater into an outlet.
If this has no effect, then the problem is in contact, which is moved. Try to repair the appliance yourself or give to the service center, where experienced craftsmen will solve the current problem.
- The device turns on, but not warm. In this work the lights, fans and other accessories on the body.

The reason for this failure is a problem with the thermostat, it is impossible to remove without special tools. Contact the service center.
- Flowing oil. This failure appears as a result of manufacturing defects (bad soldered seam), or long term use of the device.

Over time, the metal on the joints and burn thinner, which leads to damage of this kind. Unfortunately, the oil leak repair can neither independently nor in the service center.
If a failure is serious, should think carefully about the prospect of buying a new radiator, because sometimes the repair costs more than a new device.
Producers of oil heaters

Firm known quality products with a matt textured coating which increases the heat transfer of 20%. Products covered by a rust inhibitor, which prevents the device rust.
new generation thermostat carefully monitors the temperature in the room. Among the distinctive features of the need to allocate special design of legs that make it impossible to drop the heater.

Advantages - completely silent when operating heaters, space heating uniformity and lack of open heating elements, from which you can get burned.
The combination of efficiency, functionality and quality make the company popular heaters.

The main direction - the production of high quality heating equipment, among which a special place occupy the oil coolers of different types: aluminum alloy, steel, panels and bimetallic radiators.

Russian brand, which in a short time has won a large number of fans.
The company is constantly moving forward, making oil radiators more advanced and high-quality, providing them with a large number of additional features.

The company does not specialize exclusively on the heaters, and has a wide selection of products for the home.

The company more than 30 years is on the market of heating devices, but does not have a huge amount of oil coolers models.
Among the 5 models that differ in appearance, the capacity and the number of sections, each will be able to choose the option that suits him perfectly.

The company is constantly pleases its customers an update range of oil coolers. The new line of models have heaters with a large list of additional functions.