Most of the parents after the purchase of cots think it over purchasing strollers for baby. Do not hurry with the choice of varieties and study of the market trends, evaluate models, their advantages and disadvantages and choose the best, because the stroller - an indispensable attribute for daily walks with baby.
- Stroller-cane
- Pram-transformer
- Stroller for twins
- Pushchair
- Prams 3 in 1

when needed
Most often used a cane after year. At this age, the baby is already walking, but tired. When traveling out of town trips or walks to the shops can not do without this transport. The child can not walk for a long time, and my mother is difficult to carry a baby in her arms. For these cases, appropriate model "Cane".
What is a baby stroller-cane
This children's transport is a metal frame on which is stretched a special fabric in the form of seat and visor, which protects from the sun. a simple mechanism when folding is transformed into a walking stick, while its weight is small and easy to carry the stroller by the handles, so she got the name sticks.
Pros and cons of children's buggies
- They weigh little (from three to seven kilograms), some less than two kilograms, which is much smaller transformers;
- for folding and unfolding by just pushing a button;
- compact, so easy to fit in the trunk of the car, under the bed or behind the cupboard.
- do not have a prone position;
- no depreciation.
select the Features
Manufacturers of this type of claim that the cane is used with six-month-old. At this age the baby for a walk more often asleep.
Doctors do not recommend planting baby before six months.
Not all canes back to provide a horizontal position and a smooth comfortable ride. Therefore, when you buy should pay attention to several details:
- selection is better to do both parents to check whether it is suitable for growth;
- be sure to test that swept through the store;
- check the brakes: they must be easily fixed even on an incline;
- check the strength and the length of the seat belts to child in winter clothes easily fixed;
- the location of the bumper;
- sun visor should not be short, since it is not able to fully protect from the bright rays;
- It plays an important role cover on legs, a bag for mom and basket products. Cover small warm in cold weather, and in the bag mom lay down the necessary things.
There are four-wheeled and three-wheeled cane. Four-wheeled strollers are considered stable, but tricycles are considered to be more maneuverable and ergonomic.
The choice of colors, the manufacturer and the cost will depend solely on the preferences of the parents.
When choosing a stick it is worth remembering that the main feature is ease.

Wheelchair transformer It is a universal children's transport. It combines just two strollers: stroller and bassinet. The main advantage - it is easy to convert from one to another, removing the protective bumper and lifting the back.
when needed
Up to three years the child will need two: walking and cot. But each of them is expensive, so it becomes a choice - what to buy. In order to save money, as well as places created transformers. It includes the same features as separately each species. In this case, such a stroller weighs less than the stationary cradle.
What is
Oversized Transformers. They weigh 15 to 20 kg, but there are models with lightweight aluminum frame. Such wheelchairs soft cushioning, which can be adjusted. The design consists of several parts, so they are less warm. Most often produced on inflatable rubber wheels, which increases smoothness. Handle mounted in two directions and is adjustable in height, so to control the stroller easily and comfortably.
Pros and cons of transformer stroller
- level adjustment backrest. The child can walk sitting, and if you fall asleep, it can be put back gradually spread out in a horizontal position;
- compact folding. Stroller is folded and placed in the car trunk;
- economy. This model replaces the immediately two kinds of wheelchairs, which helps to save money;
- smoothness, overcoming any road surface.
- the weight;
- a loose, does not adequately protect the child from the wind and rain.
Selecting the transformer carriage
To meet the parameters stroller bassinet and walks were a joy, you should pay attention to the following:
- the weight. If the family lives on the top floor and the elevator does not work, it is best to choose a type with a lightweight frame;
- measure the width of the wheelbase, to see whether she will go down in the elevator;
- check that the back is displayed to a horizontal position;
- nice addition would carry cot;
- ventilation modes. We must not forget that the stroller will be used as walking, because it should be easy to transform;
- handle must adjust the position of the direction and height for the convenience of the parents;
- bumper, which is set in the transformation from the cradle to the promenade.
When buying a transformer is necessary to pay attention to the quality and functionality, as it will be used during the whole period until the baby needs.
Stroller for twins

When it becomes twice as many in the family there is a dual completion, then worries. The main problem is the movement. From choosing the right model for twins depends on the comfort of babies and mothers health.
Varieties carriages for twins
To produce these types of twins:
- cradle;
- transformers;
- pleasure;
- walking sticks;
- universal;
- three and four.
Cane used for twins from birth because of their light weight, size and cost.
What is
double designed for twins and pogodok. Cradles constitute the chassis on which the two seat unit is located. They are installed in several different ways:
- children are arranged adjacent to each other;
- children sit locomotive.
Pros and cons of carriages for twins
- It takes up less space than two standard models;
- cost-effective, as are cheaper than two single strollers;
- Mom one can walk along with two toddlers.
- large weight and dimensions;
- poor maneuverability;
- model for twins occurs only in a freight elevator;
- It does not fit in a car trunk.
By what criteria to select
Before you buy you need to consider future walks with the children: where will be stored, a lift or not. Distinguish between a number of issues are better taken into account:
- the width of doorways and entrance to the apartment;
- the width of the elevator door;
- Vehicle tailgate dimensions;
- if the apartment doorways and elevators are narrow, it is better to give preference to a carriage with seats one after the other, and vice versa;
- when choosing a model for twins should pay attention to the frame and wheels. The bed should be enhanced strength and inflatable wheels that provide maneuverability;
- if the elevator does not work and no one to help, preference should be given to the cane.
Not the last role of the family budget.
Buying a cheap stroller for twins, we must remember that children with weight increasing day by day, and it can not withstand the load. Therefore, we can think about buying an expensive and durable model with the hands.

Walking models are designed for children from seven months. At this time, the baby starts to explore the world with the help of these wheelchairs.
What are the strollers
"Walking," come in many different types and colors. They add a book or a cane. In embodiments pleasure regulated rest. The kid can be in three positions: sitting, reclining and lying down. The hood has a viewing window. There is also a cover on foot. Wheels are several types: polyurethane, facilitating transport weight and rubber. The handle can be adjusted in two directions - so that the child saw her mother or learn about the world.
Advantages and disadvantages
- low weight due to small wheels, light frame and the lack of a cradle;
- compact folding;
- It takes up little space;
- walking option is cheaper than a transformer.
- hard move because of the lack of depreciation;
- not all models have a large bed.
How to choose a stroller
Buying a vehicle for a walk, you need to decide whether it will be summer or all-season. Think about which way will go, where to be stored than transport. Distinguish between a number of points that will help determine the choice of:
- acquiring all-season stroller model, better to give preference to the book;
- Options should be considered a berth to the child was placed in winter clothes;
- the presence of the cover on legs and raincoat, which he defended in bad weather;
- if the road is rough, the model on rubber wheels will go more smoothly than relief;
- well, when the hood is closed to the bumper. He closes from the sun and weather.
The main objective of the model walking - allow the child to explore the world. It should be easy for mom and comfortable for the child.
Prams 3 in 1

Modern manufacturers of pet parents a variety of types and carriages. Therefore it is difficult to choose. Models 1 to 3 allow to forget about the problem of transport of choice for the baby.
What is in the carriage 3 in 1
"Three in One" includes the following components:
- frame on which are fixed units;
- cradle with regulatory backrest (0 to 6 months);
- seat unit (with 6 months to 3 years);
- seat;
- two cover;
- raincoat and a mosquito net;
- a bag for Mother.
Manufacturers produce lightweight frame with improved damping. The main advantage of the model are considered to be three in one front swivel wheels that make it easy maneuverability.
The cradle is used from birth to 6 months or longer, if the child is not sitting. Modern cradle made of plastic, inside - a cotton cover. Some have a cradle rocking mode.
Pleasure unit can be used from birth, since decomposed rest to a horizontal position and has an additional mattress. The exception are considered walking blocks - hammocks. This model will be indispensable for all occasions.
Pros and cons of the carriage 3 in 1
- low weight;
- maneuverability and smooth action;
- efficiency: no need to separately buy a stroller and car seat;
- practicality;
- ease of transformation;
- fashionable design.
- recreational high planting unit;
- It takes a lot of space, but if the apartment is small, it is necessary to think about where to store the individual blocks;
- a lot of weight.
How to choose a stroller 3 in 1
Young parents are looking for the most fashionable model, but should pay attention to a number of parameters:
- It recommended to buy vehicles with inflatable wheels, and for the convenience needs front swivel;
- adjustable handle height for the parents;
- check the width, if she enters the elevator and the doorway;
- provide storage space for the individual parts;
- fabric quality;
- the existence of pockets for small items and bags for parents;
- the presence of a raincoat, mosquito nets, mattress and covers for the legs.
Stroller 3 in 1 - universal. It will solve the problem of comfort the parents and the child from birth to three years.