Car seat - child restraint is intended to ensure the safety of the child in a car. Only special device capable of providing an adequate level of comfort and to protect children in a car accident.
- Features
- How to choose a car seat to a booster
- properties
- How to use the car seat with the booster
Baby car seat group 2-3 are designed for kids weighing 15 to 36 kg. This versatile products which combine group 2 (weight 15 to 25 kg) and 3 (22-36 kg).
Manufacturers are not equipped with inside seat group 2-3 seat belts, so the children in the car are fixed with tape. The main task of the chair of this group is to hold the baby to the point where staff work belt.
The value in the selection has equally and weight, and increase the baby. backrest height limits the potential growth of the child, and the weight is determined - as far as the belt will work effectively.
For the passage of the belt over the body of a baby in the right spots, the growth of the latter must be at least 95-100 cm. With such growth belts tested at the desired points.
Autochairs group 2-3 comprised of a seat, backrest and headrest high (separate or integrated in the back). Some models are dealt with on the back and bottom - it is convenient for transportation, or for use as a booster base separately.
Booster - a portable seat with armrests, which lifts the baby so that the belts are correctly positioned on the body.
How to choose a car seat to a booster

When choosing a child car seat safety is the main parameter.
Called safe models that have been tested in crash tests in independent laboratories and were high marks, not only are certified, which often assesses only hygienic quality model.
At a minimum, the car seat must conform to ECE R44 / 04 from the European safety standard. It means that the model successfully passed the full test cycle. Passing the test is marked with the corresponding icon ECE on a chair.
In carrying out crash tests restraints evaluated the safety of passengers in a collision (head-on and side collision), operating comfort, ergonomics, harmful substances and ease of care upholstery.
To assess safety in the test dummy is seated a retaining device with sensors corresponding child in this age group according to the average weight and height.
On a special stand simulated accident and assessed damages received dummy. Checks fastening strength, adjustable buckles, seat and headrest resistance function.
Sufficiently considered the mark of "good" for security. Maximum "very good" seats are rare.
Baby seat group 2-3 are equipped with additional elements of protection against side impact. They are executed in the form of protruding elements or cushions on the sides, and are designed to extinguish the impact on the seat of the car door, taking it on himself.
But with elements such product becomes voluminous and takes up more space in the cabin.
The cost of car seats - an important parameter in the selectionHowever, in this group of goods wrongly considered "expensive = good". Good car seat 15 to 36 kg are not necessarily expensive, because its design is much easier than in younger age groups.
In addition to safety, the following parameters should be evaluated when selecting a car seat to a booster:
- mounting method;
- level backrest;
- the possibility to disassemble the product;
- a method for supporting the head;
- internal and external dimensions;
- ease of care cup;
- design chair.
By way of fastening car seats are divided into categories 2-3 models with system fasteners Isofix (and similar) and mount regular seat belt. Car seats, equipped Isofix system (Or Latch), provide a greater level of security.
This system provides a rigid three-point ISOFIX child seat - two hooks that are located between the seatback and the seat of the car. They extended and latched to the respective brackets at the base of the car seat.
There is a third anchor point, the anchor - a long strap from the head of the child restraint device, which is attached to a hook in the trunk of a car.

In the group of 2-3 izofiks rigidly keeps the model and allow its mobility forward to displacement during the impact operation to regular belts. With the system Isofix seat steadily standing in the car and does not move when driving.
But for attaching car seats with Isofix corresponding brackets must be equipped with the vehicle. In the absence of such staples in basic configuration, it is possible to install them separately.
In the method of fastening with the help of regular seat belts they are passed through guides in the seat.
Straps should be held strictly through the guide (they are marked with bright red stickers with arrows that show the direction of travel of the webbing) and twisted at the same time.
Established tape at the correct location passes through the shoulders and hips, without going to the neck and abdomen.
Children's car seats differlevel backrest. The back of product groups or 2-3 is not fixed rigidly to the ground and easily takes the inclination of the car seat, but not decomposed in the sleeping position.
It considered safe slope 5-10 degrees at a greater angle baby can slide out from under the belt. Or car seat is equipped with a special inclined bowl, which helps rotate the seat in a horizontal position by pressing the dedicated button.
Support for the head restraints in children's group 2-3 is performed using a special headrestWhich is adjustable in height.
The more positions in the range of adjustment, the more accurate it can be customizable for the individual child growth and the better protected the head.
In some models of car seat headrest is fixed in the 4-5 positions, in others - in the 10-12. Better headrest supports the head of a sleeping baby due to protruding parts of the side.
In other models of the head support is implemented as a whole back, which is not height adjustable. They have to carefully evaluate the height of the backrest so that it is securely covered a child under the age of 12 years.
For those kids who grow up faster than their peers, this option will not work execution seat.
To evaluate the level of comfort It determines how the baby to sit comfortably when traveling, is estimated width and height of the seat - will be enough for her children the maximum weight and height.
Some models of child safety seats are adjustable in width, which makes it possible to find the dimensions of the car seat for children of different sizes, resize in the winter, when wearing warm clothes.
Model width at shoulder level for a comfortable operation is not less than 35 cm.
Ease of care upholstery - significant parameter for this group of child seats, because they will be in service life from 3-4 to 12 years. During this time, the surface will be subjected to wear from friction, dirty.
The most resistant to wear - fabrics made of polyester, they do not fade in the sun, do not wipe, dry quickly. But from such a fabric covers less breathable in hot weather children sweat in them. Padding made of natural fabric is pleasant to the skin, but is more difficult to clean.
To maintain the seat in its purest form, choose those models, where it is permitted to remove cover and wash in a washing machine.
Note that some manufacturers recommend only Upholstery cleaning (if it is made of delicate fabrics such as velor), it is not always possible to remove the cover from the chair as a whole.
Environmentally pattern determined by the content of harmful substances in the tissue surface. With their increased seat content may harm the child's health. The best is to estimate the "minimum" for this option.
Attractive appearance of the model - an additional benefit for children. Choose a child seat in a car tinting upholstery tone or, conversely, in contrast with it.
There are car seats with prints in the form of animal skins or decorated by cartoon characters.
For children's car seats produced additional accessories that will be useful on the road:
- Cup holder will help to place the bottle of water.
- On the folding table children put toys.
- Cover for car seat backrest protects from dirt down.
- Sun blinds are mounted on the car glass and safeguard your eyes from sunlight.
- Special pillow in the shape of a horseshoe to support the head of a sleeping child.
- Removable covers made of breathable fabric will make the trip more comfortable in the heat and prolong the life of the main upholstery.

After detachment of the back car seat group 2-3 is transformed into a booster. Unlike full-fledged child seat, it is lighter and more compact, it is easier to swap or to take along for the ride.
But the security level of the booster is lower than the seat, due to the lack of protection on the sides and in the head.
Boosters are made of foam, plastic, and based on a metal frame. Foam - cheap, easy, but fragile. Plastic durable and light enough, not expensive. Boosters with a heavy metal frame, but the safest.
The metal base is laid on top of a special material, which dampens the blows, all the top is fitted by a soft cloth.
By way of fastening boosters or placed on the car seat and fixed regular belt. It is not enough safe, the baby can fly out of the chair. Or attached with izofiks that is more reliable.
Avtobuster recommend the use of children to the growth of not less than 120-130 cm, with these parameters back reliably rests on the back seat of a car. Child's weight must be greater than 15 kg, which is the average for 5 years.
The booster can be used in the back and in the front seat if the airbag is off.
How to use the car seat with the booster

Even a carefully selected according to the above parameters of child restraint if misused can not perform the basic function - to protect the child in a possible accident.
Mistakes made in the installation and use of seats the process:
- Improper installation of the car seat.
For the normal functioning of the child seat is installed in compliance with the manufacturer's requirements - with a maximum tension of the belt, without twisting, with the exact passing through the guide.
Failure to follow instructions reduces the child's safety.
- Operation chairs were in use, or after the accident.
When an accident child seat gets damaged and slightly noticeable cracks lead to major damage to the next time. Manufacturers do not recommend using the chair even after minor accidents, and replace them in such a case the new.
- Improper fixation in the car seat.
Some parents forget to fasten your child in the seat or fix them for convenience in part, conceding only belt on the thighs. This situation more comfortable for the baby, but it increases the likelihood of injuries in an accident.
It is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions in this section, and follow the correct passage of the belt.
- Changes in tissue coverage.
The fabric covering autochairs directly involved in providing security, change cover (removal of individual parts, dressing cover by a different model, podkladyvanie additional matter inward) can also work negatively when accident.
- It is undesirable to use a baby car seat in a car seat equipped with an airbag - the front or side.
Regular pillows are not designed for children, and when triggered will cause them additional trauma. Side airbags are especially dangerous for those car seat group 2-3, which are not designed for protection from near the side impact.