Transformer considered useful invention. Stroller designed for extended use. The design is transformed into a cradle or walking kids' transport.
- Kinds
- Features
- Differences and similarities
- Pros strollers-transformers
- functions
- How to choose a stroller-transformer
- Minuses
- AT types of wheelchairsIn which the minimum proportion of transformation, walking kind of transformed into the cradle at the expense of the backrest - it is attached to a horizontal position and it is set, carrying an envelope with hard base.
- In embodiments with a complicated transformation process needs in the new mounting elements, which is based location for sleeping baby. Taking into account that the fixing takes place by means of zippers and buttons, the operation takes 4-5 minutes.
Transformer is made so carefully that in the folded state, as a bed for the baby stroller is indistinguishable from the classic cradle designed for newborns.
The cradle is a large basket, which has long ledges, deep folding hood and a solid foundation, which is high is at the wheel. It is equipped with a suspension system, softening shocks is required when driving.
The main distinguishing feature of the transformer - easy conversion to a stroller for walks. Thus, using this transport children up to 3 years of age of the child.
Differences and similarities

Transformer can be compared with model of "3 in 1". Both belong to the universal type. In appearance they resemble each other. There are also structural differences. Components 3 type 1 consists of the following units: a place to sleep, and recreational armchair portable car seat.
If the transformer is converted into the cradle through the conversion of one block, then the generic type of transformation is one unit which is removed from the wheel base, the second is replaced. These blocks can be replaced by two minutes.
Another distinguishing feature - handle design. The Transformers is reversible. Therefore, the child is transplanted into another direction.
Modular options include the variety of planting in relation to the person who carries the stroller, but for This operation removed strollers blocks and placed in the desired direction, which is not very comfortable when walk.
Pros strollers-transformers

- Transformer combines two of children's transport model. It is economical because it does not need to buy more pleasure option.
- In transformers inflatable wheels enlarged diameter and a strong absorber for use in the winter in heavy road segments. they compare favorably to the classic options such as a due to this fact, model cane.
- In Transformers berth in size far it exceeds the dimensions of cradles used in models such as "3 in 1". Baby in a "transitional" age category of comfortable seating in such a stroller, and you can easily change the angle of inclination to the back. The market offers models equipped with the 5th adjustment provisions of the backrest. If a baby is asleep, you can drop all the way back. But pleasure is not so transformed model - they do not have a horizontal position, and the baby sleeping on a walk in a semi-sitting position.
- Practicality. This model - fit for a grown child, for which you need a variety of design options. For convenient transportation of twins is better to use a special stroller model for twins.
- Cost - another advantage.
According to the functional features transformable ahead of other models. If you buy a classic stroller, the limited set of functions.
In Transformers the following functions:
- chassis folds in half - comfortable to transport in a car;
- raincoat; it opens to ventilate and provide an overview of the child - a baby can walk while sleeping on your stomach and look at the panorama that opens before him;
- reversible handle is height adjustable for height;
- adjustable cushioning;
- pockets on the sides;
- curtains for baby feet with variable geometry;
- body for a walk, which is adjustable backrest;
- front bumper bar, comfortable to shoot - it is easier to get the kid;
- Capacity for shopping;
- carrying case. Some models are equipped with a portable cradle.
If we consider the ratio of cost, practicality and functionality, then buy a carriage-transformer - the perfect solution
How to choose a stroller-transformer

When choosing pay attention to the following points:
- mass. This rate is specified in the sales assistant. Roll the children's transport to the store and pick up, to draw conclusions - how easy it is;
- on what floor you live;
- whether it is possible to leave it in the stairwell;
- whether there is an elevator in the house;
- frame material. For solid models include transformers, made of steel. Plastic - not the best decision to buy;
- the size of the wheelbase. Vysokogabaritnye wheels are not afraid of dirt and low quality of the roadway. small wheels bogged down in the mud, afraid of strong shaky, creaking and become loose. Before going to the store measure the width of the doorway in the lift and in their own home, compared with the size of the width of the wheelbase wheelchair;
- wheel material. The rubber wheels are considered a viable option for use in summer. They have excellent shock absorption, so they roll smoothly, and the child does not feel discomfort. In winter, they get bogged down in the snow, but the plastic wheels move easily. On the possibility of replacing the wheels is better to ask the sales assistant;
- shock absorption system. The soft suspension provides improved maneuverability: easy to turn, passing the borders and barriers;
- own cot. With the help of the sleeping baby, you can easily take out the stroller and take home without waking. If you decide to go for a visit with your child, you can not worry about where he falls asleep. The cradle has a thick wall, the baby will be warm in winter while walking;
- design of the handles. It is better to stop the choice on a model that has a height adjustment: in strollers-transformers lower landing, so parents with high growth will be easy to increase the length of the handle.

Failure of the wheel
Load when driving is at the wheel, they are constantly in contact with the asphalt surface, so they often deteriorate and wear out. Current models of children's vehicles are equipped with dual wheels.
This is done to facilitate the management of transport and turning it in both directions. The kid, meanwhile, can sleep peacefully. Swivel function is assigned to the front wheels, and they often fail.
There were complaints that between the wheel pairs often gets the stone, rubble which can disrupt their mobility or balance. Thus, it is difficult to control the transport, since the wheels will not go parallel to each other.
In practice, this is the reason that the wheels are "loose" or during the rotation are unmanaged and do not listen to you. In order not to encounter with these earlier forms of damage, be sure to explore the area where you will use the stroller, in Vol. H. to "cross country": the back roads near the location where the repair work or completely outside of the sidewalk.
It is better to choose a vehicle for your offspring with single wheels larger.
Another common problem with wheels - unbalance. In qualitative models do not. As preventive measures imbalance constantly and carefully inspect wheels, and if there is the slightest doubt, contact a repair center.
A pen
Despite the fact that the handle is considered the most stable part, practice, and numerous cases of damage proves handle is also very easily damaged. The reason is that typically use wheelchairs too aggressively, and for such a large mass transport.
If you can not imagine how not to rock the baby in his truck, trying to succeed in all and in all cases take with a baby in a stroller, try to take good care of the handle.
It affects the frequency of breakdowns and the brand: substandard plastic handles can rapidly deteriorate and fail, causing you a lot of inconvenience. Then play a cruel joke even abrupt change in the weather on the street, when all the time the plastic shrinks and expands, which can provoke damage it.
This type of failure is not as common: the reason is that the stroller is used for other purposes if vehicles intended for the baby, and in a wheelchair sits year-old child weighing 10 kg, the frame is likely to It will break.
In addition, experts do not recommend parents overly load the pram: Most moms use the children's "transport" for the trip to the shops or malls. It is comfortable, but not justified in all cases for operation of all wheelchair parts - from the abundance of products is, most likely, will soon fail.
other details
With a removable rain cover, the elements of the tissues and other small accessories deteriorate over time. Mothers complain that raincoat torn, and acquire better new. Removable parts from the fabric is easy to clean.
From a certain age kids is interesting to consider the world around us, a child can tear off and stain the tissue elements strollers. That's life, do not abuse my child, distract his attention from the vehicle and switch on toys for kids.