The development of the baby takes place from the very first day of life. To the offspring developed normally and harmoniously, parents tell him stories, communicate with it and offer ways for entertainment. What age is higher, the more difficult it becomes, and games. They become the plot, preference is given to an independent, without the involvement of parents, fun.
With games children are constantly trained to exhibit the capacity for creation, creative thinking, the ability to dream. Children from birth throughout each game choose for themselves only the right age and level of fun. assembly process, through the creation of such a fun, very entertaining for kids, and these games are simply irreplaceable.
- Wooden educational designers
- Metal educational designers
- Mobile educational designers
- Plastic educational designers
- Developmental designers for kids
- Large developing designers
- Developmental designers for girls
- Developmental designers for boys
Wooden educational designers

Toys that are made of wood, are the first who should be given to children. They are suitable for children of all ages. The number of forms and colors will allow the baby to assemble a serious design with large and amazing form.
Like every kind of such products, wood products can be traced from their own advantages and disadvantages.
Among the advantages, allocate:
- portion sizes. The scion can not stick in the mouth piece and swallowed;
- strength. It is difficult, compared with other types of similar products, to break the wood element. Deform or change shape element too will not work;
- method of painting. Products are painted mostly bright colors, so that the baby they will come to their liking. But this is not the main thing - even when trying to bite a piece, the children were not in danger. Each paint material is environmentally friendly and will not harm your baby, even if it obderet teeth portion of the article;
- safety features. Wood products are not sharpened at an acute angle, the edges are sanded to a smooth state. It's hard to get hurt by such things, or damage the surface of household objects.
- environmental cleanliness. Wood - a safe material for children. No other types of children's logic games no such ecological purity characteristics comparable with wood;
- ease of use. For the little ones better suited wood species such products, because of them build simpler than other types of products. interconnected parts are not connected, you only put one piece to another, to get some kind of structure.
they are intended for the youngest - by looking at the advantages of wooden toys, to understand the main deficiency is easy. Thanks to this method of putting some parts, toys are unsuitable for complex buildings.
Metal educational designers

Metal toys are considered to be complex. They are hardly suitable for young children, as even the aggregation takes place by fixing elements such as bolts and nuts. The child develops motor skills of fingers, imagination and other skills. Recommended for children over 6 years.
Such entertainment can be considered a classic among toys, because they created the first developing kinds of designs. Popularity rolls due to children's interest in this type of toys.
Advantages of metal constructors:
- strength. It is difficult to break the metallic element of such products, even a six-year kid. Although, if the goal for children should crash detail - it is unlikely to survive. Wooden structures benefit in this sense;
- ease. Items made of heavy metal. The most common are aluminum, which is the minimum weight;
- durability. Metal parts are kept in the family for generations, please not one child of their functionality;
- benefit. The ability to intensively develop motility of fingers, imagination and other skills;
- diversity. It is unlikely that among the types of such products is so extensive range of parts, which is available in metal. Even in one package many different parts. But acquired another kind of toys of this kind, and there are always present parts that were not in the previous;
- the possibility of combining parts. The advantage stems from the previous one. Method parts identical to compound them. So that similar parts of toys are used together;
- widespread use. Built anything from metal parts for homes, cars, Eiffel Tower.
Consider the features of this type of logic games for children, traced their drawbacks:
- not suitable for children. Offspring of first learns the minimum necessary before he will be allowed in the games use metal parts. Otherwise possible risk of injury, damage to property in the house;
- difficult to use. Not everyone is suitable entertainment such as how to build a finished design of the proposed components difficult without pre-treatment.
Mobile educational designers

The last of the invented kinds of toys - it's moving. Has an interesting feature - to change shape after fixing the parts together. They can be in the game to move, to do the design, inaccessible from other designers.
The advantages are as follows:
- Products can be modified depending on the wishes of the child.
- Bright colors that will interest kids age category up to 6 years.
- Moving structures made, as present in the kit wheels or rollers.
- Lightness and practicality. Materials toys - plastic or aluminum.
- The joy of the game is brighter than in the case of the purchase of finished product. Baby will like the game with the machine, which he did alone than acquisitions.
- Designs can be progressively refined. The required number of parts involves the completion of relevant elements each toy, if necessary.
- Instructions for such amusements include a variety of choices of finished products. The scion can he make something suitable for themselves, at their own discretion, or do according to the instructions that came with the product image.
- Can use all the children, but not limited by age. Do yourself a little simple things, older children, work hard will achieve the construction of the game masterpiece.

This type of toy will suit every kid will be able to help in the development of imagination and other abilities. Suitable option for mobile children, who want to build and use the product further, moving and toying with them. For the child who loves the tranquility will be an additional task. Not necessarily to drive throughout the apartment with his toy. It is enough to move it within the capability of not budging.
Deficiencies are not so much, but still available. It is necessary to highlight:
- unreliability designs. Frequent breakdowns arising due to the fragility, not uncommon in mobile designs. Break in most cases fixing the most moving elements;
- single-purpose use. If the figure is drawn product packaging machine, can not be of the proposed materials to build a house or a bridge, as the metal species designer. It received only what should happen only possible minor changes appearance;
- the impossibility of combining. Often such fun doing so, it put the pieces of one product to the other parts does not work - the case in different ways to mount. It is not very convenient.
Plastic educational designers

Widespread in our time. Like any kid. These products are most popular because of its functionality and features.
Pros plastic constructors:
- beauty. At the moment, these are the kinds of such products very bright, cute,
- ease of use. Fixing in such products are quite simple, so find out how to connect one piece to another, can even the youngest scion. Connecting parts, a child learns to think logically, to represent in his head ready designs;
- a wide variety of forms. Sell items for every taste, radically different from each other in size, shape and color;
- the possibility of combining the acquired sets. Most children's logic games are made with the same kinds of fasteners. You can combine them to build entire castles or cities;
- availability of parts to build not only structures such as houses, but also all sorts of fantastic characters, such as robots, spaceships and stuff;
- the possibility of increasing the complexity of the buildings. The scion is ready to capture both simple products, such as ladders and complex structures, such as a rocket or station.
But, as with all other children of logic games, these are some disadvantages:
- Harmful. Plastic is not environmentally friendly product, no matter what the manufacturer says.
- Children under 3 years old will not be able to play with them, because there is a lot of small parts in such constructors. The scion may try to swallow or broken teeth;
- High cost. Among all kinds of logic toys for children is the most expensive plastic. Although, if you look at their advantages, it becomes clear that the price is fully justified.
Developmental designers for kids

For the very young, you can choose a wooden or plastic entertainment. And it does not matter whether the movable elements there. The main thing - to have been part of the product as much as possible larger in size.
For the youngest children will approach the following logic toys:
- wood. They are safe and easy to use. Often calculated on children under 3 years of age;
- plastic. Made an unusually bright. Young children are very fond of all the colorful so colorful entertainment will appreciate it;
- developing. Items which are interconnected;
- suitable size. Depending on the age of the child, for the development of the designer is selected so that it was comfortable to hold the item in your own hands;
- strong. For children is better to choose a strong product, as they will try to break a toy, break, or see through it;
- themed. Children, it is desirable to buy toys sets, which develop in a certain direction. Best for this purpose - themed entertainment. The scion of one case learns to connect the parts (developing thinking), in the other - do thing similar to what was previously seen (imagination). The third option toy develops motor finger, if these designers are connected only in a certain way, and not otherwise.
Not suitable for very young only metal. The principle of their compounds in substantially the same - everything you need to tighten small bolts. They definitely need to try to eat, to bite. Nothing positive will come of it.
Large developing designers

Some logical toys do more for security reasons. But some items of this size, designed for the collection of relevant structures. Cubes, blocks - they are manufactured with a difference in size.
Benefits of designers:
- suitable for children of all ages. With them fun to play with your child, regardless of age;
- minimal risk of injury. It is difficult to hurt a large Circuits, much easier to get hurt a little and acute;
- the convenience of use. It depends on how big the details will appear. If they are very large, and the kid's hand does not fit, you play with them will not be so interesting. Better to choose products under age kid to make him as comfortable as possible;
- to erect magnificent buildings. The impressive part is, the more serious of these is obtained the building. The scion can do tall buildings, machinery, build bridges. And the construction will not be subtle, but really impressive;
- high interest for children. Youngsters like to do a large-sized facilities. Even if they turn out not too correct configuration, the main thing - the size to impress even the parents.
Among the disadvantages of voluminous Children's designers can be identified as follows:
- Storage inconvenience. The greater the size of the product, the more space it takes in the corner when the offspring with him stop playing;
- solid weight. When collecting each of the elements in one place, the mass of their turns high. Individually, every detail even raise a child, but to move the finished design it is no longer under force. Sometimes full of toys kits weigh up to 80 kg.
If the place is in the house allows, why not make a nice gift. The extensive design - the greater the joy.
Developmental designers for girls

The female sex does not suit every kind of logic games for children. It takes something exceptional, impressive and fascinating. Undoubtedly, children up to 3 years old all the same, what to play, the main thing that it was a bright, stylish and easy. But then every game becomes directed, the children are divided interests.
Toys for girls teams must meet the following requirements:
- plenty of bright colors (pink, yellow, red). Each small lady necessarily enjoy bright coloring of a structural member;
- not too large. Caught energetic children who wish to build monumental structures, but basically, it's the boys. Girls preferably smooth running time;
- focus on the female audience. It is unlikely that the daughter will like to tinker with cars or robots. Most of the girls will be glad they built the doll, the fairy-tale castle with a pink roof and the like. Yes, baby can play with the proposed constructor, if there is no choice. But, if you can, it is better to choose for girls female designer;
- soft and lightweight material. Girls like to mess with plastic and sometimes even with soft designers. But it is unlikely it is interesting to build from aluminum parts, even if the result of the construction will be fairytale princess.
Developmental designers for boys

Unlike the children of logic games for females, boys need something technical, so that will be interesting to capture, motivate to action. Suitable designs for which the compound after the desired items will technique may even fantastic. Robots, spaceships, cities or at home - all the boys like it.
It is important to choose the correct age category child constructor. If he was 3 years old, it is necessary to stop the choice on the most simple fun that do not need much strain for the collection. A good option would be wooden cubes.
At the age of 3 years, you must give it to develop high complexity games. Suitable metal, and it is desirable that it was attended by the movable elements.
Most likely, the right choice will be the designer, the result will be machine gathering. If a baby is quiet, does not love the noise and traffic, the best choice for him would be the construction of the house or the city.
In any case, no matter what the designer has not been selected, the baby will love it. Kids love to play. It is important to provide safety requirements. Take into account the level of development of the baby and pick up the game, which will develop the skills and more.
No need to strive to give a lot of toys, because if there is something he really like it, he does not want to play with other things. Designer will be his favorite pastime, will be the amazing little world, which is made by his own hand.