Children, because of their anatomical features, in an accident suffer more than adults. Mom is not able to keep the crumbs on hand in an accident at a minimum speed of 20 km / h. Purchase seat - an important need. The range of models is represented by a certain age group mid-range, versatile and more expensive models budget car seats.
Car seat group 0+ designed for kids born without abnormalities from birth to one year. Lineup belongs to the category of automotive restraint superior devices.
The maximum weight of the child who is in the seat, should not exceed 13 kg, and the height - 78 cm. With such devaysom mother feels complete freedom of movement.
- The device is a child car seat 0+
- mount
- Seat belts
- Pros and cons of child vatokresla 0+
- Precautionary measures
The device is a child car seat 0+

The holding device resembles a cocoon in which head and back crumbs are angled 30-45 degrees. The load on the body evenly distributed and there is no pressure on the fragile spine.
For babies weighing less than 6 kg, given their anatomical features, the tab is provided with a foam insert. Quality seat cushion is in reference to the convenience of the crumbs that travels a lot. According to the liner is removed as the child grows. The depth and width increase.
When buying a car seat note that the backrest was not more than 45 degrees.
Do not choose the holding means with a large backrest tilt. Such an unsafe situation in frontal impacts. The angle less than 30 degrees are not welcome, because the baby's head will be fed forward.
Arched base makes it possible to use as a seat avtoperenosku rocking. This is convenient, but do not forget about the burden on the fragile spine. The stay in the chair more than two hours undesirable for infants because of the pressure in the abdominal cavity.
It will not cause harm, but it interferes with normal blood oxygen saturation. In the neonatal period (28 days after birth), the child can leave no more than 20 minutes in the chair 0+ category.
For long-distance travel is better to use a car cradle (Category 0). The child is in it in a horizontal position.

When buying ask the seller a certificate of quality. Not certified analog does not protect the child. Chairs produced in Europe are required to be produced under the standard ECE R 44/04.
The reliability of the restraint by finding out crash tests. Autositting with a dummy and an acceleration sensor fixed on the platform, which accelerates to 50 km / h, thus simulating a frontal collision.
Another test: checking side impact at a speed of 25 km / h. When an accident in the high-speed acceleration to 50 km / h severity of injuries equated to fall from the 4th floor.
Group 0+ car seats is fixed against the machine running. This position is indicated in the European standards ECE R 44/04. It is located both on the front and on the back of the car.
The first option is possible with deactivated airbag. Reasoned by the fact that in children the wrong proportions of the body. A large part - the head. In the event of an accident it is strongly toss ahead that threatens to fracture of the cervical vertebrae.

Car seat category 0+ produced with different methods of fixation.
Fixing regular strops
The first way - fastening the three regular seat belts of any car. They fix child seat regardless of the model and date of manufacture of the machine.
It is only necessary to check the length of the strap. If it is not enough, then contact an authorized service center for a replacement on the appropriate option.
Do not play a belt replacement on their own, and even more to increase its artisanal. the health and life of the child from this fastening element.
For the correct fastening carefully review the instructions in the car seat belts and follow the scheme of fixing.
Properly secure the device does not protect the child in case of accident. Certification Standard prepolagaet mandatory application to the holding device marks, according to which his parents fix easily.
They must be clearly visible, even if the child is sitting in the chair.
The place where a belt attachment encircles Autositting must Rubbered to prevent sliding and tight fit. Please consider this when buying.
ISOFIX child seat in the 0+ Isofix base

The second option - the most convenient, simple and reliable way to fix - the use of special Isofix base for car seats. With it, you can move the device from place to place without complex manipulations with straps.
Base permanently attached to the vehicle body and is in the cabin all the time, but the very seat you can take out and put back with one hand. It prevents overturning restraint during a frontal collision.
Isofix provides additional assurance that the seat in case of emergency will remain in place.
Isofix system represents two brackets, which are located at the base holding device and is rigidly attached to the body of cars. This system is common for car manufacturers and car seats in the world. Its main purpose - to eliminate errors when installing the child seat in the passenger compartment.
According to statistics, about 70% of them are fixed by regular seat belts properly. To install the base, connect the brackets with brackets mate in the car. On the basis of the seat always takes the correct position regardless of the angle of inclination of the car seat.
Reliable Power Isofix used in car seats and 1 group 0+. The chairs of these categories it really takes on the force of impact in case of accident.
Izofiks - fixing at two points on the same axis. It is for this path in an emergency situation arises torque. That the seat did not move, manufacturers have come up with a third fulcrum. It is a telescopic 'leg', which extends and rests on the floor.
The load on the system decreases the brackets and the seat will not budge. The only, but significant drawback - price. The cost base is approximately the same as the price of the chair. Isofix restraint systems with more expensive counterparts, which is fixed by regular strap mount.
Seat belts

Automotive restraints for infants three-point or five-point feature variants. They are located inside the chair. In the five-point embodiment, the two belt attachment extend over the shoulders, the other two encircle the baby, the fifth held between the legs.
The system reliably protects small passengers on impact with each of the four sides. Design development is arranged so that crumbs internal organs were not injured in the accident.
Are available seats with three-point belts: two straps pass across the shoulders, and a third short - between the legs. They are joined in the child's abdomen. First Embodiment reliable. It eliminates the loss of the baby seat in the event of an accident.
The three-point system is also quite reliable. Plus the fact that a child can easily be placed in a seat in the bulk clothing. For example, in the winter overalls.
On the belt there is a special lining. Their function - gently extinguish overload (due to friction) occurring even at low speeds (50-60 km / h), and not rigidly hold the baby. Quality lining the back with rubber treads. Pay attention to this when choosing a seat.
Pros and cons of child vatokresla 0+

Advantages of child car seats category 0+:
- Low weight and dimensions.
- Maximum protection for babies from birth to one year.
- Different types of chairs fixed to the salon.
- Mobility, in conjunction with a special base Isofix.
- Built-in sunshade.
- Additional accessories that are offered by manufacturers: the summer cover made of breathable fabric, raincoat, extra shells for the little ones.
- In some cases, the length is not enough full-time three-point belt for fixing chairs.
- Short service life - up to a maximum age of eighteen months.
- The high cost in comparison with the universal models.
- Seats with Isofix systems are characterized by high reliability, but the base for car seats in this category worth as much as and seat itself.
The ideal situation - to take the newborn from the hospital in a car seat. You need to pre-think about what dress the baby. Beautiful envelopes - outdated, difficult to fit the baby in avtoperenosku. At a temperature of 15 degrees it is not necessary.
There are envelopes with slots for domestic belts. But in the market of children's goods enough suits, is not inferior to the practical and aesthetic point of view envelopes.
Some parents are hesitant to spend money on car seat 0+ category if its lifetime low. Manufacturers offer a versatile option - seat category 0 + / 1. Use up to 4 years.
The universality of affect the quality with the worst hand. Reliability category 0+ restraint is much higher than that of generic equivalents. This is confirmed by crash tests.
It is difficult to produce the same safety seats for infants and kindergartners. Minus - the price of a quality universal restraint much higher than average.
Precautionary measures

At the time of the accident the car seat is deformed inside, but retains the look. The damage may even cause a collision at a speed of 10 km / h.
Car seat, having been in an accident, clearly should not be used in the future, because it can not perform the function in an emergency.
Require verification Isofix anchoring loop and power elements of the car body to which they are attached. Carry out staff have specialized stations. Buying a used car seat is not practical for this reason.
Calm the child in the car - a guarantee of safety on the road. Take a journey educational toys that will entertain your baby. Then the driver will not be distracted from the road.