Travel highchair - convenient device. Rescues in small rooms, especially where it is impossible to use a bulky stationary. They enjoy the confidence of the parents.
It is very easy, on average its weight varies between 200-400 years.
- How to use
- How to choose a travel highchair
- Advantages road highchair
- age limit
- Security
How to use

To fit a model road highchair? What is it for?
- If your kitchen is on the square measures does not contain a fixed high chairOr it hard to contain set or as little space in the room.
- If you do not see fit to spend a lot of money for the expensive device at such an early age, 1-2 years.
- If you planned a trip or do you like frequent travel. You can not feed on the hands, and the road is not practical to use a cumbersome options. In contrast, the ground analogue compact fit in your bag and is easy to use in a variety of places.
- If you are outgoing and sociable person, a couple of times a month visiting relatives and friends, but there is no suitable chair for a little.
How to choose a travel highchair

- When choosing the first thing look at the composition of the tissue. The determining factor is worth its density. It must combine strength, durability and lightness. The right choice will be mixed fabric. This material is composed of cotton in combination with polyester. Polyester provides the strength and durability of the product, cotton - comfort.
Do not choose high chair from 100% synthetic fibers, they do not give the desired comfort. A good option is to add viscose, these fabrics have breathability.
Polyester fabric as part helps to quickly dry the product does not allow deformation in the wash, easy to clean and has a good water-repellent effect;
- It is useful to choose a lightweight fabric, water-repellent, not shrinkable;
- There are models with built-pocket handbag. In the case of transferring it highchair easily assembled. And while there is no way to lose itself purse on trips and travel;
- Possibility to machine washing.
- Pay attention to the height limiters - Special eyelets for threading straps. They do not give a sliding belts and securely fixed. If any are missing, the front part begins to slip from his chest and everything will turn fall.
It fits into any woman's purse, pocket. It can carry everywhere, traveling, visiting outlets, events. Is lightweight, folds into the case and is kept there until the right moment.
According to the structure is universal, it is attached to the usual furniture - chairs or chairs for adults. Places where you can take a portable highchair - all kinds of catering establishments, hotels and surrounding recreational areas, transportation (planes, trains), railway stations, airports.
It all depends on the activity of mothers and charts its daily movement. Whatever lined up her day with a portable chair child can stay there.
Advantages road highchair

- Ease the process of feeding - the baby is securely fastened, sitting in a stable position, the right place, he does not run, does not fall;
- Purity - because the baby arrives in one place, food particles and drinks are not scattered throughout the apartment and furniture. Difficult-to-clean and delicate surfaces in the house will remain untouched. This is important when feeding takes place outside the home;
- Security - there is no threat that the baby will fall, will go to the point of swallowing food, it is always in sight of their parents, in the correct position. Because parents constantly know where to sit and eat a child, there is unlikely to keep up with him.
For baby plate of hot soup, a cup of coffee, and even a tablecloth is new, strange and unknown. All the smallest details attract attention, and he wants to touch and learn. Fidget all trying to pull over, put in your mouth - it is fraught with serious consequences.
Use the highchair - means to avoid abrasions and severe burns, he will protect the child from injury.
- training - the child looks at the adult and adopts the mannerisms, quickly learns to keep their own utensils. Such methods allow to learn to eat neatly.
- Fidget busy playing and at the same time secured, A rare free time mom can spend on cooking for other family members to do the cleaning and other household chores.
- The little family member appears place in the kitchen, near the kitchen table. And because it is attached to an adult chair or a chair - it will allow your child to be on a par with adults. This fact is very important for the proper development of the mind.
age limit

The age at which parents acquire this type of furniture for the baby - the sixth month of life. The main rule - the ability to baby sit confidently and without support. Of course, children do not develop the same way, someone can sit until six months, and some much later.
Parents should take into account the weight and age. Apart from the individual characteristics of each model of chair is designed for age from a few months before, when you purchase need to examine the constraints and parameters.
A signal that has come the time of purchase, it turns out, the period of advance feeding. At this time, the kid just learned to eat other foods, other than on the power supply system of the mother's milk. This moment is characterized by the fact that the food spat. Food scattered all over the house, on the furniture surfaces.
Use a chair up to three years. Manufacturers offer models that are able to withstand the weight of 15 kg.

- It is important to monitor the child's postureIt shall not be permitted relaxation of the shoulder straps to the state of the possibility of strong tilts and swings. Posture should be symmetrical. Sami webbing necessarily secured and tensioned;
- Not be acceptable to leave your baby unattended in the chair;
- Carefully inspect the area around the childTo the vicinity were not things that a rollover could cause injury or scare. Or dangerous objects that lie within reach;
- When used on the street, Toys and pacifiers better attach to the straps on it, it will help to avoid the drop, they do not get dirty.
Initially, you should pay attention to the quality and safety of materials. You have the right to ask the seller of the goods to provide quality certificates on it.
Not cost much to save. In the market of children's goods mass offerings at very high prices, this extra spending for the brand or the elaborate design. But the cheaper options of questionable quality should be cut off. Remember that there will be immobilized restless to sit in a chair, he fidgets moves, stretches out in all directions, so the quality must be confirmed by the price.
The following security criteria serve - adjustable straps. Select the device with convenient fasteners, inserts special emollient. Better when there is control of length and height.
Be sure to pay attention to the mounting, and most importantly on safety belts highchair. Manufacturers offer a three-point and five-point model. The essence of the species differences in the difference of consolidation and sustainability.
Make a purchase worth only after fitting the child should feel very comfortable chair so he could sit there for lunch and games.
Every mother seeks to select a safe thing for your child. Additionally, it would be desirable that they were individual and bring him joy. In addition, the parents love to pick baby furniture for interior of the apartment.
Designers offer color from the gentle and quiet tones to the very bright and juicy. Appearance changes if there are accessories and add-ons. Often manufacturers focus on bright, cheerful color options.
Psychologists recommend to stop the election on a calm color schemeBecause at the time the baby food should not detract anything, he should focus on the food, and during the games - on toys. This is especially true nimble and mobile children.
In addition to the appearance in design manufacturers include additional functions for the practical aspects of use. Here there are variants with additional divisions pockets, basket for toys and other auxiliary elements.