Clean drinking water in the house - one of life's necessities, especially when the family children live. Drinking water quality with no additional purification is much less bottled, that is caused by excess concentrations of chlorine and terrain features. Water filter copes with cleaning up safe for health.
International Medicine links the majority of diseases with the quality of drinking water.
- Types of water filters under the sink
- How to choose a water filter under the sink
- malfunctions
Types of water filters under the sink
Presented by many models of devices for water purification. Shops offer a compact packing, jars, in which water is cleaned sorbent, but it is better to give preference to the cleaning filters, built-in directly under the sink.
No wonder some people during cooking do not use tap water because of the fact that it gives a specific taste cooked her food and drinks and can be harmful to health. Therefore, the cleaning device is located under the sink, always in demand buyers.
Flow-through filters under the sink
The main advantage of water, purified flow filter - nonnormable number, you can not only drink, but also to cook on it. Apparatus flow pattern without osmosis function comprises sorbing flask with replaceable cleaning units (cartridges).
Flow models may have a different number of bulbs, but the best option is the presence of 3-4 tanks. That's enough for a thorough cleaning, and the size of this unit does not take up much space.
Expensive cost device 4 flasks, but they each element has its own housing, can be easily changed items. Performance-flow filter is up to 1.5 liters per minute.
Another difference from other versions - method of placement: under the kitchen sink. Thanks to special connections, the system is connected to the pipe. Crane supply is installed on the sink.
Such models are installed on the wall, if not enough space under the sink. But at the same faucet mounted on the sink.
Plug flow filter can be as follows:
- Place the unit under the sink, in a convenient place for you.
- Connect the cold water pipe (installation occurs via a special tee fitted with a tap).
- Drill a hole for the surface cleaning of drinking tap.
- Attach the housing to the sink wall.
- Connect the flexible hoses of the filter elements.
The flow filter consists of several collecting cones connected to one another in series.
The purification process takes place in stages, due to which the output is a filtered water of high quality.
The flasks are placed cartridges that purified water of any type: common, hard, with an excess of metals. Because of this, pick up a complete set for each individual case. We need to remember that if the rigidity excessively rigid, it is necessary to service the appliance more often, and it is uneconomical option.
Apparatus flow filters
The differences lie in the characteristics of the design and structure, the number of constituent elements:
- The amount and purpose of treatment cartridges.
- The device housing, housing design.
- Number of flasks (modules).
What to look for when buying free-flow filter?
Most models are made for standard cartridges, so the user can choose his cartridge manufacturers.
Robust housing - the key to long life-flow filter, it determines whether it will withstand possible pressure drop, whether it is convenient to repair.
When buying a unit with multiple flasks, it is best to give preference to models with a transparent bulb first - this will allow you time see the level of contamination of the first cartridge, the state of which depend on the subsequent cleaning elements and the quality of work filter.
A significant drawback of filter flasks - insufficient strength of connecting elements, which may lead to leakage over time. Replacement cartridges is best done every 6 months, the degree of purification of water up to 1 micron.
Advantages stationary embodiment Sink: high quality of cleaning, a separate crane, high productivity, ease in use. However, such a system is one of the most expensive types of filter devices.
Filter under a sink with reverse osmosis
Osmosis system among consumers, is considered one of the best. Reverse osmosis water filter capable of doing much cleaner, freeing it from heavy chlorine, bacteria, viruses and other organics.
The main part of the filter element is a special membrane, microscopic pores that can hold organic matter, which ensures reliable protection of health. Through reverse osmotic filter, the opportunity to have its water similar bottled.
The main advantage of such a filtration system is the highest degree of purification, the constant presence of pure water.
It is similar to running, but there are additional nodes. Here, the number of modules reaches five, and each performs a specific function. Nice bonus - a filter which carries out ultra clean.
For this system also use various cartridges: eliminates the mechanical and organic impurities, metal. If you use this type of system, it turns out pure water. It composition is similar to that sold in stores in bottles, only cheaper.
reverse osmosis units supplement the mineralizer, which contributes to the enrichment of minerals, beneficial effects on the digestive and circulatory system. Membrane replacement should be carried out every 3 years. The system is able to hold the size of contamination 0.0001 microns.
a filtering system requirements
The composition of elements of the instrument should include safe materials in contact with water. They should not have chemicals that emit odors characteristic of them.
If the cartridge from the unpleasant "aroma", the buy is not worth it.
Filters built into the water supply, equipped with a reliable body of material: plastic or fiberglass.
Filter selection is made depending on lifestyle, family situation and terrain. If you live alone, you jug or water treatment device packing enough. For a large family, this option will not work. In this case, running or stationary indispensable osmosis model.
How to choose a water filter under the sink
You need to come out of the water quality, as it can vary dramatically. Therefore, before selection and filter cartridge thereto, conduct water examination. You will need a clean bottle, which is filled with water from the tap and sent to the sanitary and epidemiological station.
For the operational result of the adoption to apply to the testing center. It's not cheap, but the result is given immediately, without waiting. Having the results of the analysis, select the device mimicking.
Water having a normal level of hardness, but with a large number of chemical compounds, cleansed best with by flow filter cartridges: the sorption cartridge is used for the mechanical cleaning member or for iron removal.
If the analysis of the samples revealed increased stiffness, flow system is undesirable.
If the water contains organic compounds, it is desirable to use obratnoosmosnuyu model, which keep the microorganisms and organic inclusions. For reliability, the output is set ultraviolet cleaner, which disinfect the water.

- No supply to the filter. A common cause - in the absence of water with an overall network is disconnected or blocked tap. Check all faucets on line or wait for delivery to the grid.
- Weak signals flow pressure drop in the tubes wear (Plugged) cartridge or membrane integrity violation. In the first case the pressure is increased by installation of an additional pump, in the second - the need to replace worn or defective elements.
- Water comes out of the faucet at full tank filling. The lack of pressure refers to a common cause of such a failure, it is important to address quickly pump up the air in the storage tank. When deformation of the membrane when withdrawing the slide will leak, in this case it is necessary to replace the storage tank. If the cleaning unit is equipped with a mineralizer, its "oppression" - a common cause of obstruction.
- Frequent discharge into sewers, and a small amount of purified water outlet. The reason is worn or clogged valves membrane.
- The first step of mechanical cleaning clogged more frequently than once a month. This incoming fluid contains many coarse particles. To correct the problem, install a strainer device, which will reduce the load on the main filter.
- Frequent failure of a reverse osmosis membrane (more than once per two months). The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the 4 factors:
- Increased concentration of iron in the feed water. To eliminate, establish pre-treatment devices.
- Excess concentrations of organics. Try using additional cleaning tools, setting before the main.
- Elevated levels of mineral particles. Convinced of the concentration exceeded, set a preliminary coarse filter unit.
- Failure to use the unit a long period of time (two months) leads to clogged membranes. If the filter is not planned to use, the membrane must be carefully removed, placed in a container with the purified liquid (special solution), and put into the refrigerator. In this way it is stored for 3 months.
For continuous operation models of different designs are recommended preventive measures (regular Chemical tests on the composition, flushing elements that need it, etc.), regular replacement cartridges.