Acoustic guitars: types, advantages and disadvantages, how to choose, equipment, accessories

Acoustic guitar belongs to the stringed plucked musical instrument. Such a title she won for the way sound reinforcement without the use of electricity.


  • Design
  • Kinds
  • Characteristics
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Problems
  • How to choose an acoustic guitar
  • Exploitation
  • Guarantee
  • malfunctions
  • manufacturers



The guitar two main parts:

  • neck;
  • housing.

vulture divided into the following components:

  • Head - end part, which is attached to the pegs.
  • Kolkova mechanism (splitting) - a device for fixing and setting up strings.
  • Heel - a projection on the back of the neck, for connecting to the lower deck.
  • nut - piece with special grooves, lifting strings of neck.
  • fingerboard - an element of the front part of the bar on which are placed modal sills.
  • modal porozhki create distance between themselves and the frets - the places where the strings are pressed to the strip for the production of chords. Each of them is assigned a serial number that corresponds to a particular note.

housing Guitars need for resonating sound.

It consists of four surfaces:
  • Lower deck - the rear wall of the housing.
  • Upper deck - front wall with a resonator hole (otherwise - resonators) and Bridge - a support intended for holding the string.
  • Two mantle - side surface interconnecting the lower and upper decks.

Sound, extracted from the strings, absorbed by the soundhole. Bouncing off the bottom of the deck, it is amplified and then goes out.



Acoustic guitars are divided into categories depending on the size of the neck, the body, as well as the type and number of strings.

The classification is as follows:

  • classic;
  • dreadnought;
  • jumbo:
  • folk;
  • Russian seven-string;
  • dvenadtsatistrunnaya.



Each kind of guitar stands out the characteristic features:

  • The housing of the classical guitar is made in the shape of a pear. Grief contains twelve frets, so the distance between them is wider than on other types of guitars with fourteen frets. This type is designed for playing with your fingers.
  • Dreadnought features a heavy rectangular body, extended at the waist and bottom. In this case, a narrow neck, compared with the classic.
  • Jumbo is different from the Dreadnought only a rounded hull shape.
  • Folk guitar shaped like a classic, but with a reduced neck. It is considered a compact version of a dreadnought.

    Another name for a folk guitar - "small western".

  • Russian Guitar similar to the classic one functional difference -Size neck, fitted under the seventh chord.
  • For a basis of twelve-string guitar body taken dreadnought or jumbo, but significantly enhanced. In this case, the neck extended and thickened due to the load, which is created by the twelve metal strings.


  • Classical guitar is distinguished by softness, melodiousness and variety of sounds, so it is suitable for solo, accompanying and ensemble performance, songs and classical pieces.
  • Advanced housing dreadnought and jumbo provides increased volume, increased duration of the note and the prevalence of low frequencies in timbre. They are used preferably in the country, pop, rock music and blues.

Designed to accompany singing or other musical instruments. The playing technique is similar to that used on electric guitars.

  • Folk guitars are an order of magnitude quieter; due to its compact size suitable for playing at home.
  • For the execution of Russian romances past centuries suitable Russian Guitar. It is currently used bards and Roma living in the territory of Russia.
  • 12 string guitar gives a strong melodic sound effect creates a double execution. It is intended to accompany, but skillful musicians play on this kind of solos.

Used in folk-, blues, rock music, for singing songs of bards.



Each type of guitar has its own equipment:


A typical set consists of 6 strings (with the exception of the 7- and 12-string guitar). Since classical guitars are designed for playing with your fingers, they used synthetic strings: nylon or carbon fiber.

To experiment with the installation of the metal is not recommended: in this case, the load on the neck will increase three times, which will damage the instrument. The rest of the acoustic guitar strings metal used.


Neck and body

For the manufacture of guitars used:

  • rosewood or mahogany - for the rear deck shells;
  • spruce, cedar - for the upper deck.
  • mahogany, maple - for the neck.

Pegs mechanics

Designed for tightening and adjusting the strings, is responsible for setting the guitar. It is made of plastic or metal. Splitting fall into two categories:

  • outdoor - are open mechanism, which simplifies commissioning and maintenance, but does not protect against damage;
  • closed - outside protected by a cover.

Also, pick divided into plastic and metal. The first type is used for classical guitars, as able to withstand only synthetic strings. The second type is applicable to guitars with metal strings.




There are several types of covers designed to protect against certain factors:

  • Water-resistant;
  • heat-resistant;
  • mechanical.

According to the degree of hardness of cases can be divided into three types:

  • tough;
  • semi-rigid;
  • soft.


A small device used to pinching the strings. It is made of plastic. The mediator is used in all kinds of acoustic instruments with metal strings.

Possible types:

  • Standard - is triangular in shape with rounded edges;
  • Jazz - similar to a standard form, but one of the corners of the more elongated;
  • drop - different from that of the standard one acute angle;
  • equilateral triangle - each tapered angle;
  • shark fin - has two sides: standard and ribbed;
  • worn on the fingers - in appearance to resemble a nail.

Thickness mediator varies from 0.38 mm to 3 mm. flexible thin or medium mediators used for acoustic guitar.


For convenience while playing the classical guitar under the left leg placed stand. Recently, there are also so-called "slides" - stand mounted on the knee.


The device, designed for a game in a standing position by shifting the weight of the tool on the guitarist's shoulder. The main body of each of the acoustic guitar is a special screw for fixing this accessory.

To attach the other end of the belt must be threaded through a hole situated therein, lace, and then tie it around the headstock. When selecting the belt should pay attention to reliability and convenience that after not feel the pressure on the shoulder.



A special device that looks like a clamp, which serves to hold all the strings in a particular fret to offset building guitars. Some chords can not be taken without the use of this accessory.

Capo should be chosen based on the type of tools:

  • for classical guitar - a flat-stamp;
  • for the six other species - a semi-circular;
  • for 12-string - with a strong grip.


  • To start learning is best suited classic look. Synthetic strings less injure fingers.
  • to Play Dreadnought, Jumbo and folk guitar is close to elektrogitarnoy.

Due to the fact that metal strings require the use of a mediator, the shell next to resonating hole located pikgard - drop-shaped plate, which serves to protect the deck from damage.

There are guitars with cut on the body, referred to as "Katav". It is intended for access to the last frets tool.

  • The peculiarity of Russian guitar is that the seventh string is not added, so the technique of playing chords and different inherent six-string.
  • The strings 12-string guitar are arranged in pairs. The playing technique differs only in that it is necessary both to clamp and pull a couple at a time. Because of this, it is impossible to play too far.


  • The main advantages of the classical guitar - light weight, body size and softness of the strings. It is universal, so it is easier to learn the basics of the game.
  • At Dreadnought, Jumbo and folk guitar stand volume advantage, the presence of metallic notes of the sound, neck position setting using the key anchor.
  • Benefits to the six-seven-stringed guitar is not so much: the ease of extraction of simple chords, the opportunity to play in more tonalities without using the method of "barred".
  • 12-string different volume, wide and melodious sound. There is a feeling of adding a violin. It harmoniously accompany sounds when singing, since it provides a strong basis for sounding voice.


  • The main disadvantage of the classical guitar - insufficient volume. To increase the hearing at the scene used microphones. Nylon strings is much harder to set up than metal.
  • Dreadnought and jumbo larger and heavier than the classic type. In these kinds of folk and metal guitar strings are used to at first use bring discomfort fingers. They are impossible to play too far.
  • Seven-string Russian guitar is not common in modern times, since the bulk of the music is written for six-string instruments.
  • 12-string guitar is different expensive and cumbersome. Due to the extensive set of strings it wears out faster six-string types, besides on it is impossible to carry out some of the techniques of the game.

How to choose an acoustic guitar

Which tool is best to choose

When buying an acoustic guitar in the first place, consider the following characteristics:

  • The type of string. Before buying, decide on what strings will play. On the guitar, designed for nylon, in any case you can not install metal, and vice versa. Failure to do so will result in damage to the instrument.
  • Appearance of the product.

Carefully check the future purchase of the presence of chipping, scratching, peeling material, bumps, dents and other damage. Rotate the pick to avoid creaking.

If the neck does not contain anchor key, check that the distance between the strings and the twelfth fret was relatively 4 millimeters. If it is regulated, then make sure that the guitar is made of high quality material special breeds.

Otherwise neck cranky over time. Pay attention to the thickness of the lower deck - it affects the volume and depth of the sound.

  • Price. Do not buy too cheap or expensive tools. The first option can thoroughly spoil the impression of purchase. Pros purchase expensive tools are simply not a beginner will experience. Focus on the average cost.
  • Manufacturer. It is better to give preference to well-known and proven in the market of musical instruments brands.



The necessary conditions for long-term use of the guitar - the timely replacement of worn parts, configuration, periodic cleaning, compliance with retention policies.

Regardless of the material strings wear out in a short period of time and require regular replacement. If you do not know how to tune your guitar by yourself, contact an authorized service center.

string operation can last from three weeks to two months depending on the frequency and intensity of the game. For the first time it is recommended to replace the strings immediately after the purchase of the instrument.

To preserve the sound quality and presentable appearance of the guitar requires regular cleaning strings, frets, bridge, thresholds with sweat, grease and dust.

The frequent polishing of newly acquired instrument is not necessary - enough to wipe the body and neck cloth designed to remove grease stains.

For small lesions use agents intended for the care of varnished wooden products.

In order to avoid premature damage to the instrument, follow these precautions:

  • room temperature should not be below 10, but not higher than 25 degrees centigrade with a relative humidity between 50-60%, while avoiding abrupt changes in temperature and humidity.
  • During the heating season, keep the normal humidity.
  • To select the storage location of land, away from windows, doors, heating systems and protected from direct sunlight.
  • Store tools in a case, it is desirable, but in the summer you want to keep the case ajar to allow air ventilation.
  • Carry only the guitar in a cover providing protection from temperature changes and mechanical damage.
  • In the winter, it is not recommended to use the guitar immediately after getting out of the cold into a warm room. Please wait for about half an hour, and then wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Before each use, the tool is desired to wash and wipe dry hands.

During transport, observe the following rules:

  • Use a hard case.
  • Do not transport in the trunk - only in the cabin.
  • At long trip loosen the strings.


  • On acoustic guitars are warranted, which operates from two weeks to two or three years depending on the manufacturer.
  • To receive a free repair or replacement of the acquired instrument, contact the place of purchase.
  • For warranty case concerns only manufacturing defects.
  • Maintenance and repair of the defective products are manufactured specialized service centers.

Warranty does not cover parts that wear out naturally through the use of tools. These are the strings and pegs.

Warranty shall not be deemed a loss of appearance or functionality of the device due to:

  • disregard the rules of operation;
  • ingestion of foreign objects body;
  • mechanical, thermal or other injury resulting from unfair treatment;
  • non-compliance with transport regulations;
  • Use of non-standard parts or components;
  • violation of the precautions related to the tool storage.



Strings - subject to rapid wear and tear parts. Therefore, it is desirable as soon as possible to master the replacement procedure.

The step of removing metal strings is as follows:

  • start with the sixth string - it is thicker than the others;
  • before desirable to place on a horizontal surface for the convenience of the guitar;
  • by rotating the pin to loosen free slack string;
  • Unwind string with chopping and remove the end of the opening;
  • carefully remove the lock from the tailpiece - it is better to use a special tool;
  • Now free tip of the second string from the opened opening;
  • remove each string in turn.

After removing the old strings wipe opened area with clean cloth.

It's time to move on to the installation:
  • start with the sixth string;
  • end of the string with a small ball in the hole, insert the latch 3-4 centimeters, at the same time pushing the lock;
  • as soon as the ball will fall into place, move the slider to the end;
  • insert the pointed end of the string into the mouth of the Colca, wrap around the rod by turning the tuning peg counterclockwise (the remaining two thick strings; when winding thin strings splitting spinning clockwise);
  • after setting up the strings, cut the tip of string cutters or special scissors.

The procedure for replacing the nylon string is as follows:

  • turn the peg in the right direction, until you can pull the tip of the string out of the hole;
  • Unravel loop knot on the bridge, remove the tip of the other strings;
  • wipe dust from the opened portions;
  • further insert the end of the string into the hole on the bridge ten or twelve centimeters;
  • Get a tip for a greater length of the string, make a loop;
  • major portion of the string to push the plane of the housing, and then strongly pulling;
  • the tip of the second string to slip the chopping aperture wrap slightly around the axis, pass through the main part of the string;
  • the rotation of the chopping pull string.

Replacement pins - a complex procedure, which should not be done alone. It is advisable to seek help in a specialized center.

On the neck and body may develop a crack. In this case, also should apply to the master. At home, out only surface cracks:

  • Pour the opened aperture epoxy resin;
  • compress on the sides of the neck by means of clamps to crack converged;
  • wait 5-10 minutes;
  • Leave for a day in a dry, dark place.



Korean brand known reliability and sound quality. The main feature of acoustic instruments - resistance to low temperatures and relative humidity of 10-20%.

The company specializes in the production of acoustic, elektroakustichekih, electric guitars, parts and accessories. On December 1, 2015 for all types of instruments Crafter offers an extended warranty period - 3 years.


The Spanish company, which manufactures acoustic and electro-acoustic instruments. The brand offers a guitar-reduced housing, designed for children. For each instrument the warranty period.


Trademark owned by a Gibson, specializes in acoustic guitars, electric guitars, parts and accessories. Most established under this brand tools are considered classics in musicians environment.

The manufacturer guarantees an exchange or refund before the expiration of the warranty period.


The US company produces acoustic, electric guitars, musical equipment and accessories. Products combine sound quality and reasonable prices. The manufacturer provides a warranty period of three months.


The company produces a budget guitar available a wide range of users. Acoustic types suitable for beginning musicians, as these tools are specifically created for learning the game.

Produced successful models are replicas of famous brands.


Tools amateur level. Quality and affordability they compete with the expensive brands. Specialized manufacturer of guitars in the creation of the budget level, which combine stability, quality with low price.

Martinez on guitar-year warranty is provided.


The US company produces high-end guitars, as well as low-end models. The manufacturer provides warranty service purchased instruments for a period of one year.


The Japanese manufacturer of musical instruments and sound equipment. The company has a huge number of innovations. Choosing a guitar - from intended for training to professional.

On acoustic instruments warranty period to two years.