Alto - a musical instrument belonging to the family of stringed and bowed. Outwardly, they are very similar to the violins, but differ in size. Alta more violins, longer and wider.
With the size and related the following differences: the sound. Alto violin operation below a fifth. If you compare the sound of human voices with instruments, the violin - a soprano, the most high female voice, and viola - a contralto, the lowest female voice, languid, thoracic and expressive.
- How does the viola
- types violas
- How to Choose an alto
- accessories
- Pros and Cons of alts
- Exploitation
- possible faults
- manufacturers violas
- Guarantee
How does the viola

Sam viola made of wood of different breeds.
- The front surface of the product (upper deck) at which holes are cut in the form of Latin letters «f», produced from spruce.
- The rear surface of the lower deck and side shell are made of maple. From rock maple make and stands - a special detail, which are strings. Deck and shell coated oily special varnish which protects the timber from corrosion.
- Made of black, ebony fingerboard cut out - an oblong plate, to which the finger is pressed against the string musicians. The same wood used for the manufacture of pins - peg, which are responsible for the tension of the strings.
The principle of operation is similar to the viola its sister violin, cello and double bass.
Musician while playing leads bow across the strings, holding himself a bow in his right hand, and the case - on the left shoulder. At the moment of friction bow and the sound is born.
Each hair used for making bows has flakes. They are in contact with the string make it vibrate. The vibration is transmitted to the tool body, "sound box", which serves as a funnel. Sound "coming out" of the most carved holes on the upper deck.
Alto sound is not so powerful, such as the violin, and therefore rarely used for solo performance. However, without it is unthinkable classical music groups, such as:
- quartet, which includes two violins, viola and cello,
- Orchestra, which along with the violins is a group of artists in the violas, four to six people,
- Symphony Orchestra, where the alto group includes from twelve to fourteen people.
types violas

The main criterion for distinction of any string bow - it's age. Traditionally they are divided into old and new.
Ancient copies made over fifty years ago, are valued for their sound, gained over many years of operation. Vintage pattern, whose body is in good condition, is very expensive and the price increases with each passing year.
Modern products are valued for their durability and reliability. In both cases, it is impossible to predict how the tool "lead" itself over time.
Alta have various sizes and are chosen according to the length of the musician's hands.
The size is specified in inches, the range of sizes of viola starts with 11 and ends 17.5 inches.
In addition to the physical comfort of the leading role played by the sound that is able to play a sample.
body size, its "sound box" does not correspond to the ranks, which is lower than a fifth of the violin. As a result, there are instances that have "nasal" tone. Fortunately, the percentage of such instruments is small and there is the possibility of upgrading the sound with the help of accessories.
How to Choose an alto

When choosing a viola should pay attention to the following points:
- appearance. The housing must be free of cracks and patches, small abrasions are acceptable and do not affect the sound,
- the size and comfort of the game. Hands should not be tired during contact with him, the sound should be uniform on all the strings, the sound transition from the lowest to the highest string should be smooth, imperceptible.
Opted for copies made in our days, keep in mind that the sound may change. More often, it becomes brighter, more saturated - for this instrument should be "play", regularly exercising at high volume.
Selecting the old copies made several tens or hundreds of years ago, should be taken into account wear and tear of the wood.
Exploit old alto must be handled carefully, making sure the level of humidity and avoiding the slightest mechanical damage.
The answer to the question "What alto better?" Does not exist. The tool, which is in the hands of a musician - his second voice. The voice is different - bright or languid, lyrical or enlistment. Choosing your second voice should carry with it a lot of time researching it, talking with the help of it.
The same alto in the hands of two different musicians sound different from each other timbres and colors. You need to choose the one instance in which play is easy and pleasant both physically and mentally.

For alto accessories include:
- bow,
- rosin,
- strings,
- tailpiece,
- splitting,
- stand,
- chin
- Shoulder bridge,
- case.
Bow - a set, without which no special alto sound. The instrument in any case you can not play a violin bow - alto bow longer, harder and more durable, and thanks to these properties, the sound becomes more expressive and deeper.
Traditionally bows made of fernambuka, mahogany, since this sort of timber has sufficient elasticity and strength, guaranteeing dimensional stability.
These days, gaining popularity bows made of Kevlar, the modern material possessing high strength.
Kevlar advantage lies in the resistance to changes in temperature and humidity than wood bow can not boast. The bow comes with a white horsehair.
When choosing a bow is better to pay attention to the evenness of the cane, it should not have a strong deflections and elasticity - cane should "bounce" in contact with the strings.
Rosin - a piece of resin, made by special technology to engage with the bow string. Without rosin, nothing will sound, and the degree of the density of matter depends on the resulting sound. The denser texture rosin, than it is harder - the harder and brighter sound.
To play the viola rosin used medium density. An important factor in the choice of rosin - its freshness.
Fresh newly made rosin, provide intimate contact bow.
Old, dried up the rosin gives a low degree of adhesion and the effect on the sound, adding a nasty hissing sounds.
strings responsible for sound coloring tool.
- metal,
- synthetic,
- vein.
The metal has a bright, clear sound and have increased durability. The advantage of metal strings is their low price, but the disadvantage - the sound, devoid of volume and depth.
Synthetic or made of nylon or Perlon, less Kevlar. Synthetic strings are popular with musicians all over the world.
They are subject to wear compared to metal, but, in turn, provide a colorful and rich sound.
Vein are of organic origin and are produced from living animals. They are suitable only for the old instruments and extremely finicky to changes in temperature and humidity. Gut strings wear faster all possible, and because of that are not popular, but they have the highest cost.
tailpiece its name describes its function - to fix the strings.
There are two types:
- carbon fiber,
- Ebony, made of ebony.
Equipped with a special machine for fine tuning that make it extra effort to adjust the system. Viola is the important point - in the absence of machines musician have to adjust system by means of pins, and given the size of the tool, it's uncomfortable and problematic.
Material from which made the tailpiece, does not affect the sound of the product and its the choice should be guided by the convenience of cars and a price that suits potential buyer.
Kolka fix the strings at the other end of the tool opposite the tailpiece and are responsible for their tension. Kolka made of ebony, and, most importantly, what they're doing - keep tension.
Over time, the holes in which pegs are inserted, are wider. If the purchase of the product splitting "sunk" into the body deeply, then they should be replaced in order to avoid weakening the string tension at the wrong time. Ready-splitting "customize" to the instrument violin maker.
Stand - a special detail, which are strings. From the stand depends on the distance between the stamp and the string, and, consequently, the convenience of the game.
When aloft musician requires more physical effort in order to press the string to the neck. Low position gives rise to overtones in the performance, since the string will touch the neck. Stand height correctable violin maker.
It should be noted that the support is in contact with the resonating soundboard and affects the sound.
If the deck is thin (in the case of old products), and the stand is best to choose a thin to reduce the load on the deck. Modern examples of completed general stand - this helps the tool "break out."
chin need for a comfortable game on your copy. This accessory is the chin, Chin function consists in reducing the pressure on the tool head and reducing muscle tension in the neck.
Properly selected chin help avoid blisters on the neck, characteristic of violinists and violists. Tailpieces Chinrests made of black wood and carbon fiber. They have different shapes - round, oval, different sizes for different body types.
Choose the chin should be "with the fitting", focusing on comfort in contact with skin.
Modern carbon fiber Tailpieces Chinrests feature hypoallergenic coating is a good solution for sensitive skin.
shoulder bridge or bridge helps to keep the tool at eye level and keep the shoulders relaxed. The surface of the bridge comes into contact with the body, typically repeats shoulder shape and is equipped with a foam inlay. On the surface of the viola bridge is fixed by means of special rubber-coated feet.
Shoulder bridge is chosen based on the length of the neck - the longer it is, the greater the possibility of height adjustment must have a bridge. A wrong bridge leads to soreness in the shoulder, so this accessory is very important for the artist.
It is better to try out all the options and stop at that, to which the holding of the tool becomes a convenient and free.
Case or Case - a tool for carrying your viola and protection from the environment. Case made of plywood padded with foam, plastic, carbon fiber and Kevlar.
Robust case made of durable material helps to protect the instrument from extremes of weather and prevents damage in the event of a fall.
Case is better to choose with regard to the climate and range shifts.
Suitable for home storage case of inexpensive plywood. To travel is better to choose a durable carbon fiber case, resistant to damage.
Pros and Cons of alts

Alto specialty - it's not the music school, which trains since childhood. Musicians who own the art of playing the viola, begin the path with the study of the violin, and only after the development of a transition to an alto.
Most suitable for playing the viola young musicians who have:
- tall and long arms,
- large hands and long, strong fingers.
Among the musicians viola quantitatively dominated by men, but women are often found in musical groups.
instrument popular among the performers of both sexes is associated with a large selection of sizes - they are small, "female" and larger, "male".
The playing technique is the viola, techniques and strokes, the same as that of the violin. But due to the fact that the artist has to hold the instrument with the thumb of the left hand (in violinists that finger does not perform such a function), virtuosity virtuoso violist inferior violinist.
At the forefront of sound culture and its philosophical principle, which requires the artist in the process of development of the repertoire of thoughtful work, devoid of mechanical repetitions, such as when playing Piano.
the following advantages can be identified on the basis of these features:
- a large selection of sizes for both women and men;
- alto - is the specialty, which can be chosen in later life and to achieve success, as the game equipment is not a high degree of virtuosity;
- alto - is not too common specialty, so it is demanded in most music groups.
Do not neglect some unpleasant features of the tool, including:
- a lot of weight - daily exercise in skill games lead to discomfort in his left shoulder;
- I decided to learn how to play, it should, first of all to master the violin, violist without it becoming impossible.

Wood - a brittle material, which responds to the fall of chips and cracks, so the tool should be protected from falls and injuries. body damage affects the sound and require costly repairs.
Paintwork requires attention. Wipe the instrument each time after the game, because it is the dust of rosin that can damage the paint.
The surface should be protected from exposure of an alcohol-based - lacquer which is used in the manufacture, a solution with an alcohol. Clean the deck should be specifically designated for that purpose, they are easy to find in the music stores.
Over time, the lacquer coating are signs of wear in places of contact of the tool with hands rubbed lacquer. Do not leave the tree vulnerable - it can deform.
Places where rubbed protective coating should be re-varnished in the violin maker.
Humidity has a strong impact on any wooden products. At home, you can not store stringed bowed instrument close to heating appliances and in areas with high humidity.
Direct solar rays are contraindicated. Professional musicians use a hygrometer - an instrument for measuring humidity. The norm is 40-60%.
At low humidity deck may crack from dryness, forming cracks. At high humidity is a problem with the shells - they come unstuck.
For prevention it is recommended once a year to show your copy of the special violin makers, who will assess his condition and the outside and inside, and give tips to care for him.
possible faults

A common problem, occurring in professional musicians - it's the fault of the upper strings, A and D. They are made of a finer fiber and quickly fray in places of frequent interaction with the fingers. Fortunately, they are easily replaced independently.
When replacing should not be removed at the same time the old string - this manipulation will drop Dushku, the partition that holds the deck in the desired voltage. They should be removed one by one, replacing the removed to the new right away.
Before installing synthetic strings should be lubricated with grooves in which they are at the base and the neck, a soft pencil. This will help avoid creases on synthetic fiber and prolong the life of the product.
Replacement strings - is the only operation that musicians produce their own without harm to the instrument.
Next problem, common among musicians - is the appearance of cracks. Even careful operation does not guarantee the integrity of a wooden blade. In the event of a crack is not necessary to take independent action - the cracks in the instruments "cures" violin maker with a special glue.
The service needs and bow. The scales that cover the hair, blurred with time, and the bow is no longer reliable contact with the string, in spite of the rosin. This is eliminated by replacing hair in a bow from the master.
Change the hair can not be independently - work with the material requires experience and skill. Hair pull by special technology, subjecting to heat treatment.
Inept actions can ruin the reed, and she - the most important part of the bow.
It happens that breaks the loop holding the tailpiece. With a catch loop and a sharp weakening of the tension of the strings, and the load on the body with him, darling falls. Buy a loop, like any other alto accessory you can own. A correctly set the defective part can only master.
Problems encountered in the operation of such a complex device such as viola, there may be many. In order not to hurt him, and extend the life, not to be trusted repair by unqualified persons, or troubleshoot their own.
manufacturers violas

There are many workshops and studios, specializing in the production and sales of violas and other examples of their family string-stringed instruments. Work and independent craftsmen, manufactures custom-made tools.
In addition to modern, in the music world are commonly used vintage designs XVII, XVIII, XIX centuries.
Here are the most popular modern company engaged in the manufacture violas:
- Italian studio Scrollavezza & Zanre Master,
- The French company Aubert Lutherie. The official website does not exist, but on the manufacturer information is available at the following link Codamusic.ru,
- Romanian workshop Vasil Gligi,
- Czech studio akord Kvint,
- German studio Laubach,
- Russian workshop Goronok.
Manufacture of tools is subject to generally accepted standards.
For the manufacture of violas used weathered wood of special varieties, special glue and paint, oil-based.
Fitting parts made by hand, and the sound of a particular instance depends on the personality of its creator.
Of these manufacturers is difficult to choose a leader. To find the tool you need to hear how it sounds.

Buying the product "with hands", or in private studio, you do not get a warranty. It is issued for a particular product purchased from a specialist store or an official workshop. It is, as a rule, five years.
The warranty applies to the marriage in the production, but when you consider that the instruments are almost entirely done by hand, this percentage is very small.
Mechanical damage by improper use and sound properties of the product are not included in the warranty service.
Potential problems, which are different kinds of separation and cracks occur no earlier than 7-10 years after manufacture. Thus, buying a tool, you take full responsibility for what happens to him next to his hands.
Therefore, the choice of product you are interested in and the sound should be approached with great care, as the country and the manufacturer are of secondary importance.