Tablet - is a collective term that includes a digital device equipped with the software environment (OS), capable of input, processing and output information interacting with the user via touch screen. Functionally similar device holds the balance between smartphones and laptops.
With the help of modern tablet user can:
- Browse the internet
- Work with text documents
- Create, store, edit and share multimedia data (pictures, music)
- Watch the video
- Play
- Focus on areas
On the internet on niche sites dedicated to tablets, the latter are divided into: Technical features, manufacturer, design, functionality and so on. User-friendly - classification on the scope and cost of the device. She is presented below.
- IPad
- Android tablets
- Tablets with 3G
- cheap tablets
- 2 1 (tablet and notebook)

The name was made by Steve Jobs at the launch of 27 January 2010. Manufacturer - US corporation Apple. The share of these tablets according gadgets-news.ru accounts for 1/5 of the market of such devices.
Initially touted iPad buyers like internet tablet. Emphasis on simplicity and clarity (compared to the PC) user interaction device. The trend continued. Apple IPad - an attempt to go beyond the scope of smartphones and computers, instead of trying to find a middle ground between them.
The main differences from other tablets:
- Design; Smooth lines, the trend toward compactness and lightness. Corporate identity, thin aluminum housing. Colors: black, silver, gold. On the back of the brand-name sign - bitten apple;
- Assembling the plates is carried out only on the basis of Apple accessories;
- IOS operating system; The main feature of the user interface - the use of three components: sliders, buttons and switches. iOS closed operating environment, a direct descendant of OSX. It based on the multi-touch and the idea of direct interaction (without the use of manipulators) with the user device. Supports 34 languages. Annual updating or using ITunes, or "over the air".
- Store AppStore application; online store software from Apple. AppShopper According to market research firm, the number of active (always-on) applications in 24 categories for the IPad - 480,000. All applications in the store are certified, are: free and have a cost.
The eponymous service AppStore installed on the PC and Mac computers is used to synchronize with the IPad via USB.
- Data exchange exclusively through ITunes; without the help of this software application is impossible: to synchronize data between a PC and IPad, update Mediothek and video library, install operating system updates when a new version. Is a store music, videos, e-books, it includes AppStore.
- You can not expand the internal memory to an external; No possibility to connect an external storage device (flash memory), operate using only the internal memory and cloud storage (ICloud) available when you connect to the Internet.
- range of accessories; Clocks, thermometers, covers, docking station, car chargers - a small part, extending all the functional unit devices.
- Price. At 2-3 times higher than that of tablets with similar technical characteristics of other manufacturers.
Android tablets

Another type of devices have separated from the main mass and become separate category are tablets under the operating system (OS) Android. OS was originally developed by Android Inc, bought by Google. The first version released on September 23, 2008, and in 2014 sold the share of all Android-plates on the market was 67%
Unlike the IOS, Android can be installed on the equipment of different manufacturers, which entails a variety of design and configuration, price and functionality of the final models.
- Design; from gray to bright metal housings of plastic, of various shapes and designs.
- The Android operating system; It was originally designed to push smart phones, while Apple has not released the IPhone. This smartphone for half a year, thanks to multitouch won the love of users. Therefore, to version Android0 Google was catching up on positions in the realization of such opportunities. Android, as a direct descendant of Linux Operating System with open source code. It supports 100 languages.
- Store applications and content Play Market (Google Play, Android Market); program and the eponymous service that provides user to download additional tools, books, music, movies, games and update the preloaded software. 34 categories of applications. It works via Wi-Fi. March 2011 for Google linked with the scandal because of the detection of malicious software components within the Android Market. The problem has not been solved so far.
Android OS and supports alternative sources of application installation - F-Droid, Yandex. Storeili user specified software repository.
- Expansion of the internal memory via the external; Devices from any manufacturer working on Android support connection memory expansion (up to 128 GB of microSD).
- Additional ports; Android-devices are equipped with additional USB connectors, found on some ports to an Ethernet network cable.
- Compared with Ipad, more flexible set-up "for themselves"; The possibility to set up the operating system for the user needs is broader than that of any other. You can change the appearance, change the location of windows, expand the functionality with additional tools and design the application itself.
- Price. In 2 or 3 times lower than that of similar iPad specifications.
Tablets with 3G

According to the frequently asked questions in the shops, the buyer when selecting a tablet device are concerned about the presence on its 3G \ 4G module.
3G - is a mobile communication technology, providing speeds of up to 2048 kbit / s. At such a speed Internet connection the customer can: survey page on the Internet, to communicate by Skype, watch a video on YouTube of acceptable quality, no problems with online games and social networks. However, most current plates are equipped with 3G + and 4G modules. At speeds up to 30 Mbit / s. This speed is enough to watch the video HD-quality.
To connect to the Internet with the help of these technologies requires an appropriate wireless communication module incorporated into a packaging device. Next, you need to buy a 3G \ 4G SIM card (SIM card must be the right size) is connected with her internet rate, paste it into a special connector on the device and use it.
Such a module makes it possible to use a modem, not only as a phone but as a Wi-Fi router.
In the latter case, the user can distribute the Internet using their digital instrument appointing him as an access point in the settings to one or several receivers simultaneously.
Most modern touch devices are equipped with 3G module and some are sold with the possibility of placing it. In the latter case, the choice and purchase the desired item falls on the user. The disadvantage is that such a component is able to set only an expert-tuner, and the sum of the prices for the installation in conjunction with the cost of the device can achieve rates 1/3 tablet.
cheap tablets

Because of the desire of the majority of buyers to save money is to provide a group of devices that can be called low-cost tablet PCs. This group is characterized by a reduction of technical characteristics, with respect to the flagship models in the market. Often these models:
- It has a plastic housing rather than metal. This increases the risk that the device will be damaged if dropped;
- Not equipped with the module 3G \ 4G. This does not give the user calls and data transfers using these technologies.
- For devices of this price category is characterized by a small battery capacity - less than 4000 Ma, it will reduce battery life or increase the risk of premature failure.
- Without a camera. the user will not be able to photograph and shoot video and interlocutors on Skype will be unable to see it.
- Equipped with a display with a low image quality. This will increase eye fatigue and reduce comfort.
- Poorly collected. If a bad assembly tablet may enter the dust or blend internal components of the device, leading to breakage.
- Weak support from the manufacturer. Rare update the software of the device itself.
These devices are suitable as a gift for children, or to use the tablet as a navigator in the car, reading books and games with modest system requirements.
2 1 (tablet and notebook)

For the convenience of editing text documents, pictures, drawings, or work with activities that require additional manipulators, uses a system of the tablet and dock. Such devices are called 2 in 1, tablets, transformers or office.
The package, in comparison with the Internet plates includes up to 2 GB of RAM, a dual-core or quad-core processor 1.5-2 GHz, and increased the amount of internal memory for storage of mineral data.
Advantages of using a docking station:
- It can be used as a tablet and the laptop;
- When connecting the docking station while the system is increased to 2 times;
- You can use the manipulators: a mouse, a stylus, a pen;
- The main body of the dock has connectors for LAN connection, USB-media and port for SD flash cards.
- Such a system (tablet + docking station) is less productive than budget laptop;
- Device cost 15 -35% higher than the web plates;
- Increases the weight of the device up to 3 kg;
- Dock only charges the battery of the tablet, rather than feed it directly;
- On the device you can not install the operating system that was not preinstalled.
- The quality of the tablet connection to the docking station is less reliable than the standard mounting on laptops
Thus, we can conclude that the office system is unable to fully replace the laptop.
It reached a level of convenience and functionality, where the user can, playing computer games, get to work, where to deploy the docking station and work with text or presentation.

The plates for the 16 years of its existence did not become necessary for the consumer handheld device. The popularity of these devices is based on the needs of human mobility and its desire to have fun "at hand", they are poorly adapted to work. The plates, if they do not undergo major changes in the near future, waiting for oblivion, as netbooks.